The Games We Play Pt.2

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Arriving back at the hospital i'd talked Elle into signing herself out early, I neglected to tell her she was being watched. I didn't want to stress her anymore than necessary.

Leaving the hospital I took her home so she could pack, I needed to get her out of the city for the time being. In order to follow through on my plans I had to make sure her and my son were safe. I was done playin nice and I wasn't about to start back over from nothing.

" how long will we be gone" Brielle asked stuffing things into her suitcase

" just a few weeks maybe a month, look I don't know I just know I need to get you out of the city asap." I sighed I hated lying to her but it had to be done. 

Taking her bags down to her car I drove to my moms crib. She had to leave too, Mel wasn't above hurting her to get to me. Waiting for her to finish packing we got on the road.

Once we were out of the city, I called in a few favors from a few connects that I'd introduced Mel to over the years. They were loyal to me, I knew they could be trusted Especially Tony.

He was family on my pops side and he lived in the mid-west, too far away to be corrupted by Mel and his people. Tony didn't really fuck with Mel he only did it as a favor to me.

" where are we going" my mom asked grabbing Brielles attention also with that question.

" Chicago" I answered keeping my eye on the road we'd only been driving about three hours and I could tell Brielle wasn't very comfortable from the way she kept moving around in the back seat. " you good" I asked staring at her from the rearview mirror.

" no not really, I think the pain meds are wearing off but I'll be ok. Don't worry." she said trying to convince me she could handle the pain.

But me being me, I looked up the nearest pharmacy which ended up being inside of a Walmart Super Center. We put the prescription in and moms and Brielle shopped around for snacks, necessities that they didn't grab when they packed and shit to busy themselves with on the road.

We were in the self check out lane when I peeped one of Mel men watching us from two lanes over. Not wanting to alarm Elle or moms I helped them bag the stuff I wasn't too worried seeing as though we were surrounded by a store full of witnesses and the parking lot was full too with rotating customers, people coming in and out constantly. He wasn't stupid enough to start a shoot out with me with all these people.

Once they'd rang everything up, I paid and put them in the truck. It was bullet proof so I knew they'd be safe.

Putting all the bags in the truck I walked the cart to the cart corral. I was able to spot him lurking from his Honda Civic an aisle over on my way back to the truck. Chuckling to myself because he had no idea what I was going to do to him but for sure he wouldn't live to talk about it.

Going back to my truck I got in and sped off out of the lot. We drove another three hours with him following close behind us.

Now we were stopping for gas and a bathroom break for the girls and I knew he needed to stop I'd watched him drink four cans of Red Bull in the last three hours.

Watching him enter the men's room I went in after him. Slipping an out of order sign from the cart by the restroom I putting it on the door closing it after me.

Securing the silencer on my gun, I waited outside of his stall for him to finish up. Hearing the toilet flush, I soon heard him unlock the door. Kicking the door as hard as I could knocking him down onto the toilet in the process. I shot him three times in the chest and twice in the head, for sure he was done for.

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