The Games We Play Pt.3

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" we got eyes on Melina" Zaye said

" what about the kids? Is my daughter with her" I asked. Zaye and Lulu had found the location to where Melina was hiding out. They were tailing her every move for the last two days and had yet to lay eyes on my kids.

" nah, they ain't here" he sighed probably tired of me asking this question.

" you want us to go in? I'm sure I can get it out of her" Lulu asked speaking up.

" no! Don't if she feels like she's being watched she'll never go to them. Just stay low" I sighed ending the call.

This shit was really starting to erk my fucking nerves. I missed my daughter and my girl plus mama and Elle both been on my ass for being gone so long it's been two weeks and both Melina and Big Mel was still alive.

I tried going after Big Mel right after we left Tonya's but his guys were prepared. As soon as we hit the block where Big Mel lived we were ambushed by gun shots.

Apparently Mel's people had spotted Sam and Reek, the two men I had watching him. He had his men kill them before me and the rest of my team arrived.

I lost two men and four were injured so I was down six people already. I couldn't risk losing anymore people so I waited for the other four to heel before trying to roll up on Mel again. Just because we wasn't moving in on them didn't mean we wasn't watching their every move.

I even had one of my guys hack into Mel's home security system, his warehouse security system and his bar security system. He held most of his staff and business meetings in those three places.

Now we were able to see and hear everything Mel and his people discussed. Before I had my guard down thinking I had won the battle before it even started, this time I won't be so naive. I was taking every precaution In order to not be blindsided like we were before.

After watching them these last two weeks I knew all his drop off and pick up spots and their schedules. Mel had a total of thirty six drop off spots and only one pick up spot for all thirty six businesses.

On Mondays Mel's people dropped off product all over Brooklyn twelve spots divided by three teams of three. One always stayed back in the car incase they had to leave fast and the carrier the product and the other went in for protection.

They repeated this same routine on Tuesdays they hit Jersey, Wednesday's Manhattan, Thursday's Harlem and Queens and on Fridays they hit Staten Island. Saturday all thirty six business owners met up at Mel's bar in the city to drop off payment for the week.

The following Monday we hit all three teams at the same time. Killing nine of Mel's best men and taking a total of seven hundred and forty eight thousand dollars in product.

When Mel found this out he put a stop all drop offs for the whole week leaving openings for me to swoop in and take over distribution to all twelve of his clients in Brooklyn. And since I had gotten the product for free I was able to sell it to them fifteen percent cheaper than Mel.

We laid low for the remainder of the week while Mel's people looked into the situation. Not able to find out what happened to his people or product he started back up. On Monday he kept the same routine but with larger teams and smaller amounts of product.

Not able to distribute the normal amount he was losing money so by Wednesday they were back to the old routine and three teams of three. That Friday we struck again, all three teams at the same time killing nine more of his people and taking 1.2 million dollars worth of product. The shit was comical to me, I guess he'd forgotten I was the brains behind his whole organization. It was like taking candy from a baby, this lil tango went on for a two weeks.

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