Ups and Downs

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Next day

Waking up the next day Brielle's entire body was sore she was glad she was still on bed rest.

" look who decided to wake up" East clowned her coming out of the bathroom fully dressed

" shut up, where you going?" Gotta get Kairi some breakfast and take her home before Mel crazy ass come over acting a fool"

" the first time I don't have to rush to work, you leaving? Wow okay"

" don't start that bullshit I'll be back. Whatchu want me to bring you back to eat?"

" nothing" she simply said walking past him into the restroom to freshen up. When she came out East and Kairi were gone. Still tired and sore Brielle got back in bed

It had been about a hour and a half East still wasn't back and by this time Brielle's stomach was in her back. She was starving. Going downstairs into the kitchen Brielle instantly started to feel sick barely making it to the trash can she threw up.

Once she had thrown up all she could she cleaned herself up and took out the trash just as East was pulling in the driveway

" whatchu doing" he asked

" nothing, what took you so long" she countered back

" look at chu already tryna start shit" he said walking up behind her grabbing her waist

" ow David, you're holding me too tight"

" turn around and talk to me then"

" I can't I need to wash my hands" she sassed

Not wanting to argue with her he let her go. She went up stairs washed her hands and brushed the throw up out of her mouth returning back downstairs East had company so she just went into the kitchen and started on breakfast.

The whole time she was cooking she felt bad that she had over reacted this morning but honestly it was her fault it wasn't the baby making her moody.

Once East company left he went to check on her in the kitchen

" you done being moody" he asked

" I'm not" she defended with a whine

" cut that shit out" he said coming up behind her spinning her to face him " what's up witchu this morning? You bout to start yo girly shit or something?" He asked

Catching her off guard, she just nodded and agreed. She still didn't know how to tell him about the baby. They were finally on good terms and she was t quite ready for it to end.

" did you eat?" She asked changing the subject

" nah, I was gone wait for you" he shrugged

" David, we-um we need to talk"

" yeah I know, about last night. I didn't mean for you to find out like that"

" find out what?" She asked reminded of what he said about leaving for 4 months

" about the whole being gone for 4 months"

" yeah so what's up with that? Where are you going?" She asked

" so you know how I told you I was working on my music and shit right?"

" yeah, continue"

" a Nigga kinda got signed" he smiled

" you what?" She smiled shocked, she thought he was going away to jail or something. She knew he sold drugs so that's why she thought that

" I got signed" he repeated

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