
351 29 6

Demir James Watson 26 ⬆️

Two weeks later

" oh my god Demir, that feel so good" I moaned out leaning back into the couch as Demir rubbed my aching feet.

I'd just gotten off work about two hours ago from a twelve hour shift at the hospital and still hadn't had time to sit, until Demir arrived with food.

Hearing me complain about how bad my feet hurt he stopped eating and pulled my feet into his lap and began the best foot rub I've ever had in my life.

His hands were like magic caressing the soles of my feet, feeling the pads of his fingers he kneaded the heel of my foot prompting another moan to slip out

" I like hearing you moan my name" he smirked

" ok, that's enough sir" I giggled pulling my foot from his grasp

" you laughing and I'm serious" he replied

" are you done eating" I asked standing up from the couch to take the trash to the kitchen.

Also trying to change the direction in which the conversation was going. I wasn't ready to talk sex with him, I was attracted to him it was just too soon and what east had said was still lingering in the back of my mind.

Which was crazy because I was far from a hoe, I think it just hurt me more than anything else.

" yeah but I got it, sit down. Rest your feet." He chuckled catching on to what I was trying to do.

When he'd returned from the kitchen I was flipping through movies on prime video.

" a. go back, go back" Demir said as I went back landing on menace to society.

" really? Nooo D. Let's watch a Christmas movie" I pouted preferring to watch a romantic comedy instead.

" it's not even thanksgiving yet and you wanna watch Christmas movies" he teased

" fine, what about this? Love jones" I said reading the movies description. It sounded good

" yeah that look straight" he nodded agreeing

Selecting the movie he scooted closer to me draping his arm around the back of me I laid my head on his shoulder and we got comfortable.

The longer I laid on his shoulder the more I realized he was wearing East's favorite cologne. " you smell good" I complimented

" thanks, you look good" he smirked  making me shake my head at him.

" watch the movie" I blushed no lie he was making me hot.

These damn hormones weren't helping either. It had been two weeks since Dave and I were intimate and I was really horny.

We were at the part on love jones where Darius was reciting brother to the night-A blues for Nina
Say baby, can I be your slave?
I've got to admit girl, your the shit girl
And I am digging you like a grave

Before Darius could further recite his poem my lips was planting soft sensual pecks on his neck, his scent drawing me in further. I began to suck on that spot pulling a low groan from him.

Snapped from my trance I retreated from my attack on his neck. Now able to see is low lust filled eyes studying me, my cheeks heated up as my body felt like hot flashes all over.

" I don't know what got into me, I'm sorry" I spilled feeling embarrassed of my previous actions

" don't be, I liked it" he confessed

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