***Ups and Downs pt.2

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⏪⏮️ Flash Back ⏮️⏪


" hey East, you just gone come to my house and not speak" Mel asked rushing up from the couch in the living room once she spotted east in the hall.

" sup, shortie I didn't see you. I came to settle some shit with yo pops. Junior said he was in his office" East explained

" aw what you and my pops got gone on" she asked twirling her hair around her index finger as her eyes racking over him like a fine tooth comb.

Melina's had the hugest crush on east since junior high and nothing had changed since graduating high school but he's definitely gotten finer if that was even possible. Some people have to go through the whole glow up faze, but not E he's been one of the finest men in the neighborhood since before she could remember.

" just some business, I wanna run by him that's all" he chuckled able to see right through her but he knew better than to fuck with the bosses daughter so he always kept her at arms length he didn't wanna step on the old G toes and fuck up a good thing.

" when you gone handle the business we got" she flirted staling closer to him

"We ain't got no business shorty, ya pops would try and bury ma ass and I'm not tryna go out like that shorty. But it was nice seeing you, ima holla at chu later" East said tossing up the duces

Walking out down the hall to Big Mel's office. Knocking he waited to be summoned in.

" Sup boss man" East greeted shaking up with big Melvin

" same o same o, what brings you by. You tryna re-up already." Mel asked

" yeah, and I got a lil business proposal to run by you if you ain't in a hurry" East said taking the empty seat in front of the ole G.

Melvin Vasques, has been in charge of running the biggest drug operations in the New York area since the early 90's. He's known to have distributed more drugs than Walgreens, Walmart, CVS and Rite Aid put together in the last thirty years and he wasn't looking to slow down anytime soon. He tells his people rest is for the dead, he'll rest when he dies.

" cool just see Junior on the way out he'll get you squared away with some product. So. What's this business you wanna talk about" Mel asked sitting back in his seat ready to hear what east had to say. East was only eighteen but being one of Mel's youngest most smartest runners, so he knew if east was bringing this to him it was worth hearing.

" I was just thinking about this war we got going on with the Jamaicans and now the shit with the Asians" East said pausing to gauge Mel's reaction

" what about it? You think I'm taking it too far by pulling all my product from the Asian businesses" Mel question raising his eyebrows

" nah, but I'm saying that with war nobody really wins. It's in both sides interest that we find a happy medium or we just gone keep losing soldiers and that's money. You losing out on hundreds of thousands-

" millions, but carry on" Mel corrected

" millions. That alone is enough reason for you to reconcile things with Mr. Lee, I'm sure he's feeling a hit to his pockets too by this little squabble. Plus the sooner y'all wrap up the petty stuff we all can get back to the real money and we'll be back to selling out of their clubs, restaurants, salons, spas and hair stores. They own fucking everything you can think of, the relationship with Mr Lee is essential especially with the Jamaicans hitting our spot a week ago."

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