Fuck boy tendencies

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" ew papa why you making that face" i coo'd feeding Demetri jar sweet potatoes.

He was five months with a big appetite breast milk just simply wasn't enough. He wanted to eat what the big people ate but I wasn't there yet so jar baby food would have to do.

" he don't want that shit, ain't that right lil man" Dave laughed coming into the kitchen kissing the baby on the forehead and me on the lips.

" where you going? Whatchu all dressed up for" I asked seeing him in fresh clothes.

" I gotta head out got some lil shit to handle but I'll be back soon" he explained

" you had to put on cologne to go handle somethin real quick" I asked scrunching up my face

" don't make that face, I'll be right back" he laughed

" what ever" I said waving him off going back to feeding our son. It was going on ten at night and he was heading out to handle something he can lie to someone else.

" so what? You got a lil attitude now?" He asked

" don't worry about it go handle yo lil somethin you going out to handle." I spat standing up. Taking the baby out of the high chair leaving out of the kitchen.

This was the third time this week he had something to handle and didn't make it home til after two in the morning and I was tired of it. Sighing he didn't reply he just headed out the front door.

" sup niggas" I said dapping up Zaye, Quan, Tony and meek. We had met up at Max's, this underground spot we come to gamble and throw away money.

This was like the hoods version of a casino, except here you gotcho ass beat if you fucked with the wrong persons money. Cheating was not permitted nor was it suggested.

" sup witcho lame ass? Elle and Lena was on the phone when I left the crib and Elle tired of you nigga" Tony said shaking his head at me

" man she stay trippin, she straight though" I chuckled. Going over to the spade table seeing that they were on the last hand for this game.

" I got next" I said

It was some new niggas I hadn't seen before winning but they hadn't played me and Zaye yet so I wasn't trippin.

" you heard him nigga get up, this shit over with" buddy that was winning teased smacking down his last two cards. A king of hearts, and the ace of spades winning both books.

Reese and Twin, got up shit talking telling buddy and his partner that they was gone bust they ass next time. Dapping me and Zaye up they left the table as we took their place.

" sup, y'all sure y'all ready for this ass whopping y'all bout to get" buddy asked looking from Zaye to me.

" nigga is you here to play or talk? Deal the fucking cards my nigga" I spat. I figured I'd let the cards speak for me. I could do this shit in my sleep, and I knew plenty of niggas like him. Talk shit to piss you off just to throw you off and make you fuck up but I wasn't falling for none of that shit.

" you got it" he chuckled placing the cigar in his mouth and began to deal out the cards.

" y'all come here often" his partner asked not getting a response. We placed our bids and got down to business. Me and Zaye won the first two rounds and they won the third and sixth round but me and Zaye won the forth and fifth.

We were on the seventh round and buddies partner had just reneged. " nigga that's game!" Zaye spat tossing his cards down

" hell naw! How?" Buddy asked defensively

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