Co parenting

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One month later

" hey, come in the kids are in the living room" I smiled letting Dave in the house.

Since our little talk in the kitchen about a month ago, Dave and I have been in a really good place. He comes every morning to help me get them dressed.

He either keeps lil man while I go to work or drop him off at his mom's.

In the evenings he comes to help Ri with homework. I can't believe he thought I was seeing Ri tutor. Poor guy, Dave beat him up so bad that he now refuses to tutor Ri anymore. When we see each other at work he won't even look my way.

On the weekends Dave keeps them at his mom's house Friday nights and drops them back to me Saturday nights since I take them to church on Sunday's.

After church we normally meet up at mama's house for Sunday dinner. Then Dave comes over to help with bed time and our week starts back over. It feels like the old days but better...

" so whatchu getting into tonight since you gone be kid free" he asked

" umm...ok so...I. Um...I paused looking down at my fingers breathing out a nervous breath. The look on his face let me know he picked up on my nervousness

" if you don't spit it out" he teased " whatchu acting all nervous for" he questioned

" I-I just don't want you to freak out" I sighed not knowing how he was about to take this

" just tell me, it's cool" he chuckled grabbing my chin making me look up at him like always

" I have a date" I rushed out

" cool...have fun." He said kissing my cheek grabbing my wrist he led me into the living room where the kids were.

It was blowing my mind how good he was taking the news about my date. I mean yeah he really couldn't be mad at me because I'd heard he was seeing this new chick from his old neighborhood from Lena but still...

" ri, go grab your bag from your room" I told Ri so that Dave and I could have a little more time to talk.

" okay" she said running out of the living room.

Watching as she ran up stairs to grab her things i sat down next to Dave.

" are you sure you're ok with this?" I asked

" I'm cool, ma seriously." He chuckled draping his arm around me pulling me in for a side hug

I mean I wanted him to be cool with me dating since he was clearly out here dating but not this cool.

He must really like this new hoe, I thought to myself. Now panicking inside at the thought of us really being over.

" fine if you say so" I plastered on a fake smile.

" besides you know who you belong to, so I'm not worried at all so have fun on your little date ma. You need some pocket change just in case?" He asked reaching into his pockets bringing out a wad of cash.

" no D, I'm good" I shook my head declining

" here just in case" he said peeling off a stack he slid it in my purse that was sitting on the table.

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