No longer A fuck boi

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A week later

I was in the kitchen unloading the dishwasher when I heard knocks on my kitchen window. I was home alone with the kids, tonight Dave wasn't able to come over and help me with bed time. Something happened at one of his traps so he was needed there.

"Who the fuck is that" I whispered to my self hearing someone knocking on my kitchen window at this time of night.

Plus it was pouring down, it was in the middle of a thunderstorm. I wasn't expecting any visitors so I was completely lost. It was dark out so I couldn't see out the window especially with the kitchen light on.

grabbing a kitchen knife I went to the glass sliding door to see if I could get a better look at the person.

Next thing I know Dave slams his palms against the window scaring the hell out of me.

"God you scared me" I yelled.

Noticing that it was Dave standing there under an umbrella laughing. Sitting the knife down I quickly opened the door hitting him repeatedly before I let him in.

" you're a jerk! Why would you do that? You scared the hell out of me." I nagged. My heart was still racing.

" I know, ole scary ass. When ain't you scared" he asked continuing to laugh.

" I'm young and living here alone with our two kids, of course I'm going to be scared if someone's outside my window in the middle of the night during a thunderstorm" I defended

" yeah yeah, ain't nobody tryna hear that" he chuckled waving me off as the lights suddenly went out.

Watching him walk over to the switch, he tried to flip on the light

" powers out" I said sarcastically

" damn, mines too. I was over at the office when it went out and didn't want to drive all the way to moms house " he explained

" come on you're soaked" I said leading him up to my room. He still had a few clothes here.

As soon as we got in the room I tried to help him out of his shirt. His clothes were dripping wet from being out in the rain.

"how long were you out there" I giggled watching him shiver.

now sitting on my bed watching as he stripped down to his boxers

" you think this shit funny hmm" he asked walking over to me dressed in nothing but his underwear

" nope" I said popping the P "those are wet too so they gotta come off" I teased pushing him back

" you tryna get some dick" he asked with a smirk.

" depends" I blushed

" on what" he asked with a sexy grin spread across his handsome face.

" you hungry" I smirked. Biting down on my lower lip. Spreading my legs enough for my small hand to slip into my silk pajama bottoms. Circling my hand I massaged my clit staring up at him and he watched hungrily.

" i could eat" he nodded eagerly as his grin grew wider

" i could take some dick" I retorted with a slight blush, gesturing for him to come here. Wasting no time, he grabbed my foot pulling me to the edge of the bed kneeling in front of me he removed my hand slowly from my clit. He guided my hand up to my lips.

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