The Games We Play

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Y'all please bare with me this chapter, pov's gone change like my characters change personalities 😂🤦‍♀️aight y'all have been warned ✌️ 👋 😘


" hey, we got her from here. Thanks" I said as we rushed the victim out of the ambulance into the hospital.

It wasn't until we got her stable did I finally seen her face. "o-ohmygodd! It's Elle" I panicked being the first to notice who she was.

" who? Doctors Owshay" questioned she'd been brought in as a Jane doe. Since she was found without her Identification.

" Brielle Doc, she works here on the fourth floor. She a nurse" I explained wiping some dirt from her face that was covered in the filth.

" she's one of ours" he asked taking a better look at her

" yes, she's such a sweet girl" I said staring at her in disbelief. What kinda monster would do this to a pregnant woman especially Elle she so kind hearted. I began to wallow in my own sadness and tears began to well up in my eyes.

" don't worry she'll be fine. Her vitals are stable she's strong. She'll pull through" Owshay assured staring at the screen monitoring the baby.

" and the baby" I asked with worry as a stray tear slipped down my face.

" strong like his mother" he smiled

" do you mind if I call upstairs, I know someone is worried sick about her theyll know who to contact for her. She doesn't deserve to be alone" I asked now my thoughts flooded with how worried her family and friends must be.

" sure go ahead" he said giving me the ok to inform the fourth floor of Brielle's condition here in the emergency department.

Calling up to the fourth floor I got in touch with Ross, who is the head doctor on the floor. After telling him about Brielle he assured me he'd get in touch with the right people.


After speaking with the nurse from the emergency department I was fuming. I knew something was bothering Brielle the last time I talked to her. Had I'd known she was in trouble I wouldn't have let her blow me off like that.

I somewhat feel responsible for this. Taking the rest of the day off, I went to Phat Burgers the place Brielle took me to a while ago. The place I got to meet her fuck boy ass baby daddy, this bullshit had his name written all over it.

Going up to the counter I recognized the girl he was with that day working behind the counter. " hey where's your little boyfriend? I need to holla at him" I seethed allowing a little of my hood side to come out in my tone.

" I'm sorry? Who?" She asked playing dumb

" the dude you was with a few months back." I explained the best I could seeing that I didn't have his name.

" I don't know who you talking about" she said laughing with another girl in my face.

Growing more irritated I stormed out of the place deciding to reach out to Tonya for some intel before I got myself into some trouble here.

Getting into my Mercedes truck I logged into my laptop and got signed into my work account looking up Tonya's phone number since she'd gotten off hours ago.

After letting her know what had happened I went back to the hospital to visit Brielle. I didn't want her to be alone.

Seeing her in this condition. Looking as though she'd been discarded like some  unwanted sack of trash, infuriated something deep down inside me.

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