Crazy on Crazy

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" so you just let her walk free after stabbing you? David you could have died!" I spat angrily

It had been three days since the incident and Dave was just now telling me who stabbed him. He said he didn't wanna tell me because he knew how I'd react to him telling the police it was an accident that he simply turned into the knife while she was holding it. Fucking fool!

" what am I supposed to do hm? Send my fucking daughters mom to jail?" He gritted lowly we was still in the hospital

" yes if she's capable of committing a crime that could have killed you! And the fact that you lied to help her lawyer get her out is crazy. She don't need to be walking around roaming free" I snapped

" she ain't gonna do shit else, I'm good" he sighed over me nagging him

" yes you're good but what about me and your son, are we good? Does she even know about the baby? Have you told her?" I shot  question after question at him

" man she might be crazy but she ain't that crazy. She would never play with me like that. She ain't gone come after you, now you being extra" he hissed waving me off

" you sure about that? She has before" I spat

" now you just lying" he kissed his teeth

" no I'm not! She showed up here with a couple of her lil friends the day I ran into you in Harlem when I was with Ross" I told him

" who the fuck is Ross? Yo doctor Nigga?" He questioned

" yes he's a doctor here but they were going to jump me and he stepped in, had he not. Our baby probably wouldn't have survived" I snapped

" so why you ain't tell me this shit before" he asked

" I didn't know how to tell you, I thought that you wouldn't believe me kinda like you're doing now. Defending her like she's innocent even though she's the one who put you in here" I yelled

" lower your fucking voice" he glared giving me a warning look

" fine let me put it like this, until you put her away for the crime she committed you can stay the fuck away from me and the baby! I'm not going to put myself and our child at risk when clearly this is what y'all do to each other. I done!" I'm seethed exiting the room vastly walking down the hallway.

I was walking so fast with my head down to hide my tears I bumped right into the devil herself Mel.

" I'm ssor- looking up to apologize to the person I bumped into, I came face to face with her

" bitch what the hell are you doing here" she spat

" bitch? I work here or did you forget?" I questioned

" Elle!" Kairi yelped rushing over to hug me

" get over here! Remember stranger danger" Mel gritted snatching Kairi back from me as she held a little boy who looked no older than two on her hip.

" why are you handling her like that" I asked

" because this is my child, looks like you have one of your own to worry about" she spat putting emphasis on the word worry as she peered down at my belly

" is that a threat" I asked shielding my stomach I wrapped both my arms around it

" is that my man's" she asked with an amused expression

" it's mines" I spat rushing past her I didn't like her vibes they were very frightening and made me hella uncomfortable.

Rushing out of the hospital to my car I sped out of my parking spot at tears fled out of my eyes.

" nice of you to bring the shorties to visit me" East sneered looking Mel up and down

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