More Drama*

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" hey, I'm nurse Elle I'll be taking care of you for the next few hours. Mind if I get your

" I don't mind, how far along are you?" The elderly woman asked

" oh, um almost 4 months"

" really? You're tiny"

" yeah, thanks I feel huge already" Brielle smiled

" it'll all be worth it once you see your little one" Mrs. Mary said

" I truly hope so" Brielle said rubbing her small baby bump

"Elle?" Rave stuck her head in the room

" yeah?" Brielle answered

"You have a call on line 4" raven informed her

" alright I'll be out in a second, I'm with a patient"

Finishing up with Mrs. Mary, Brielle went to see who could be calling her at work

" hello? This is Brielle"

" if it ain't the little hoe that was creeping with my man! Tryna play house with my kid" the voice said laughing on the phone

Hanging up. This was the second call today. East baby momma kept calling harassing Brielle. Mel popped up at Lani house talking shit to Lani. Lani almost went to jail, Brielle had to stop Lani from beating the girls ass. Brielle was going through it in every way possible. She couldn't believe this was really her life.

" you okay Elle?" Raven asked being nosey as usual

" yeah, I'm fine. Thanks" Brielle said taking a deep breath walking away. She felt hot she needed some air so she went into the break room and stuck her head in the freezer.

" looking for something" doctor Ross asked

" no, I just needed some air I'm hot" she spoke still not removing her head from the freezer

" are you stressed?" He asked

" no just..." she paused not wanting to say the wrong thing and end up on bed rest again " I'm fine, thanks"

" mmhmm" he spoke not believing a single word she said " well I'm here if you need me" he said giving her privacy to cool down

After calming down the rest of her shift went smoothly. Stepping off of the elevator into the parking deck Brielle was met by Mel and two other girls

" if it ain't the good doctor" Mel greeted

" more like doctor feel good" one of the girls that accompanied Mel joked

" look I'm not in the mood, please leave me alone" Brielle asked

" or what? You didn't leave her man alone " the other girl rebutted

" or I'm going to call the police because you guys are harassing me and furthermore she can keep her man"

" bitch, call the police on me they gone be rushing yo ass back in the hospital" Mel threatened taking a step closer to Brielle

" what about Kairi? Think about your daughter " Brielle stated stepping back hurriedly trying to a void any physical assault attempts against her

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