Choose your side:

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After a week in Bamarren, Charlotte noticed that you slowly get into a routine and you gradually begin to settle in.Bamarren was not intended to be a place to relax; it required hard work and iron discipline. Anyone who did not participate or even violated the rules was severely punished.

Fortunately, Charlotte was able to familiarize herself with the rules and received no more punishment and so it came about that her punishment ended after a week. Eight and Ten also gradually began to behave and apart from a few caustic comments, there were no more incidents during the week. Charlotte was really grateful to her older brother because he had often taken her protection.

She also wanted to thank the other student who saved her from the brawl. Unfortunately, however, she rarely saw him alone or he was simply impossible to find. She didn't want to sneak onto the boys' side either, because she didn't want to be punished again. So it was just a matter of waiting and finding the right moment.
After eight days had passed since the incident, the moment had come. When Charlotte came back from technology class, she saw the student in the garden. He sat on a stone bench and was absorbed in his padd. Charlotte decided to wait a little longer until the rest of the students who were walking across the garden had disappeared. Then she carefully approached the male student. "Can I sit down with you?" She began.
"If you are ready to take the risk," he replied without looking up. Charlotte immediately knew what the student meant, so she dragged him to his feet and pulled him into the bushes. When she was sure that no one could discover them, she turned to her confused companion: "I just want to thank you for helping me. I don't want to know where I would be without your help." The person opposite nodded briefly: "Please excuse the behavior of Ten Keisha. My younger sister does not always behave appropriately and often overreacts"
"Wait a minute," asked Charlotte. "Ten is your sister?" " That's the way it is. Is there anything else you want to tell me? "He asked. "Do you know why the others avoid me. I mean Eight and Nine are also half Cardassian and they make good connections here"
"That may be because you have not yet decided on a side. The new students usually fit into a group relatively quickly and distrust others who have not made a decision," explained the student. "Groups?" Charlotte considered. " Do you mean the Central's and the Obsi's " The Cardassian nodded.

"But how am I supposed to know where I will work in the future. So that I can choose the right side""Nobody knows. The most important thing is that you choose the right grouping for you," he explained."And how should I know which side is the right one?" Charlotte was finally confused."You have to deal with that all by yourself," replied the student and wanted to leave again.Charlotte thought, somehow ... "Have we met before? Somehow you look familiar to me"The pupil stopped one last time and looked deeply into her eyes: "It could be." Then he walked away and left Charlotte alone.
For a long time Charlotte stayed alone in the thicket and waited. Then she decided to make her way again and left the garden. She walked through the gray corridors, she walked past all the storage rooms, until suddenly she was packed and pulled into one of the dark rooms. The door closed immediately behind her, she was trapped. "Join the Obsi's, please," a familiar voice told her. Charlotte did not think long: "Ten is that you?"
The lights went on: "Please come to the Obsi's," Ten pleaded. "You're welcome" Charlotte raised an eyebrow: "Funny, last week you wanted to see me dead and now you want me in the same group" "You showed a lot of talent in the last lesson units. Your ambitions are perfect for the Obsi's. We need people like you," came Nine's voice and came into Charlotte's point of view. "I don't like it at all when someone wants to urge me to do something," said Charlotte extra stubbornly and left the room. "Sooner or later you will have to choose a side," shouted Ten after her.

When she arrived at the section, Charlotte got her things ready for the next pit training session. On the one hand she was looking forward to it on the other hand she was terrified because she was attacked last time. Then she and the other section mates made their way to the grounds. This time partner exercises were on the program. Charlotte decided to join with Ten. At the beginning, perception exercises were carried out where you had to observe the other person for several minutes while maintaining the same breathing rhythm.

"Observe and breathe" said Calyx over and over again during the exercise and watched the students. After that there was again arduous physical training. At the end another perception exercise was carried out in which one had to listen while the other person was talking about any topic. "Please join the Obsi's," Ten pleaded again. "I know we didn't exactly have the best start together. But I'm ready to start over. The only question is, are you ready?"
"Why are my talents so suitable for Obsi's, of all things?" asked Charlotte."You are a hybrid but you understand that we are all loyal citizens of the Union and we have a duty to choose a side and a way to serve Cardassia in the best possible way," quoted Ten.Charlotte noticed immediately that Ten had read The Never Ending Sacrifice too often.

"I still don't understand why you of all people want me at Obsi's," Charlotte still asked."Because in the end you were saved by one, last week. From then on I realized that you were one of us. Obsi's usually don't interfere in other opportunities unless a potential member is in the game," their counterpart explained ."Your brother is at the Obsi's?" Asked Charlotte curiously."His name is One Drabar, by the way. But his real name is Corbin Entek. By the way, I'm Korinas," Ten introduced herself. "By the way, nine is called Senna Farhad""We're not allowed to use our real names," said Charlotte, startled."See it as a vote of confidence," said Korinas and was silent now.

After the training, Charlotte thought briefly: Nine, Ten und One Drabar are members of the Obsi's! So do I owe them anything? She decided to investigate more closely. "Do you owe me anything?" replied Drabar. "Not really" "And why do I have the feeling that you are not being honest with me" Charlotte asked him. The person opposite thought briefly: "My sister contacted you, didn't she?" "What does Kori ... Ten Keisha have to do with it?" She asked, slightly annoyed. "I asked you and not her" "Do you want some advice from me now or do you want me to just listen to you?" asked Drabar. "I don't know exactly what your intentions are" "Intentions?" Her anger grew by the second. "You mean me, don't you?" "Listen," the student began. "I like to give other students tips in particular ..." he suddenly stopped speaking.

Then Charlotte noticed the reason: Another level three student was approaching them. Drabar's behavior changed abruptly: "It's enough, I won't allow myself to be given this nonsense any more."Charlotte immediately joined in: "I don't do these stupid tasks. I won't let anyone like you tell me anything!"
The other student just stood in the background and watched the two of them. He seemed amused. "Well, the measure is full. I'm going to put you in arrest and will inform your section head of your wrongdoing" Drabar grabbed Charlotte's arm and dragged her with him. But the two didn't get far, because after a few steps the other student stopped Drabar: "Who is that?" "A student who doesn't want to follow the rules" Drabar tried to get out of the situation. "I'm going to arrest her" "Which group?" asked the other student. "Obsi's" said Drabar without hesitation. "She is one of us" The other nodded briefly and let Drabar and Charlotte go. When Drabar was sure that they couldn't be overheard, he released the grip on her arm and apologized to her.

"Did you recruit me for the Obsi's?" asked Charlotte."Yes" replied her counterpart only."What do you mean yes?" Asked Charlotte annoyed. " You could at least have asked me ""What should I have said?" asked Drabar. "The truth? If I had, you would actually have ended up in arrest. I saved you from a stupid situation, again""Oke, Oke. You won," Charlotte gave in and raised her hands defensively."You're lucky to be one of the Obsi's." said Drabar. "The Central's wouldn't have helped you"Charlotte decided to change the topic: "Corbin? Isn't that your real name or my name is Charlotte?"The student immediately looked at her with big dark eyes: "Rule number 1 in Bamarren: Never use your real name. Remember that" Then he walked away.

Now Charlotte was with the Obsi's, but involuntarily she was glad to find out that Eight was not in the same group with her.

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