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The evaluation of the competition took place the next day in the outdoor arena of the institute. The official award ceremony and awards were held there.Charlotte, Korinas, Senna and the other Dirham members who were also betrayed preferred to stay away from the event. But the absence would come across as an act of cowardice, so the group decided to show up anyway.A few hours passed during which Ketay was applauded for her clever approach and her followers gave her a thirty minute acceptance speech. Ketay presented herself as humble when in fact she was brimming with self-expression.How could you betray your own longtime comrades like that and take advantage of their trust? Charlotte wondered angrily as One and Two Dirham took the stage.Luckily, after an eternity of what felt like agony for the group, the event was over and the spectators were allowed to leave. A pure central government in Bamarren? That can still be funny?

Korina's voice snapped her out of her thoughts: "Can I speak to you for a moment?" "With pleasure" Korinas led Charlotte away from the group and both entered the gardens of Bamarren. Once there, the two girls withdrew into the bushes. "What's up?" asked Charlotte finally. "We've experienced so much together," her counterpart began. "And it has always been a great pleasure to be with you."
The blond-haired woman nodded and knew immediately what her counterpart was talking about: "It was also a lot of fun for me." Korinas recounted the events, smiling happily: "The post race, the Bamarren Games..." "How we pissed off the Central's on housekeeping," Charlotte continued. Her counterpart hesitated a bit, but then she finally found the courage: "I have to tell you something" "What then?"
Now Korinas was really nervous, she looked down uncertainly. Charlotte noticed this immediately and offered her the palm. Korinas blushed and pressed her palm against Charlotte's. For a while the two sat facing each other in silence, but then Korinas continued: "When I was thirteen I realized that I was different. While my classmates at school were already falling in love with the boys in my class... It was really complicated, I didn't really know what was wrong with me... The girls fell in love with boys and I... I fell in love with girls and boys never developed an interest... Then I saw you for the first time and lately I've noticed that I feel more for you. I... fell in love with you, Charlotte" Charlotte immediately removed her hand from hers. She hadn't expected this from her at all. She noticed that Korinas was different from her comrades, but the fact that she developed feelings for her left the blond-haired speechless. Her silence made Korinas uneasy: "What's going on?"
Charlotte wanted to lie so as not to hurt her counterpart. But if she was dishonest, it would hurt a lot more. She decided to come out with the truth: "Unfortunately, I feel differently, Korinas" "Don't you like me?" the other person asked her. "Yes, even very much, but..." Korinas interrupted her: "The post run, our private conversations. So you didn't feel anything?" "Yes, but not in the way you feel," Charlotte replied. "Do not get me wrong. I like you very much and I think you are very cute..."
"Then why don't you want a relationship? Don't you find me attractive enough?" Korinas was close to tears. "No!" she immediately defended herself. "It's not what you think..." Now tears flowed from Korina's dark eyes, she held her hands over her face sobbing. The garden now seemed much smaller and colder than usual to Charlotte. Then she jumped up abruptly and ran out of the garden, crying. Charlotte was perplexed and didn't know how to react: should I run after her? "Korinas! Wait!" But there was no trace of Korinas far and wide.

The blond-haired decided to leave Korinas alone for now. I broke her heart! It would be unwise to start the conversation too soon! I end up making the situation worse! So she waited until the next day. The next morning, after breakfast, the first level one exams began. At the end of the exam week it will be decided who can stay in Bamarren and who has to leave the institute. Charlotte got up the next day and immediately took a shower to wash away the night's sweat that had accumulated. Last night hadn't gone well for her. She had a fitful sleep all night and as if that wasn't bad enough she still heard Korinas crying in her sleep the whole time.
After the blond-haired showered and brushed her teeth, she put on a fresh uniform and looked at herself in the mirror for a while before leaving the bathroom. In the dining room, as in the Bamarren Games, there was an unnerving silence, everyone munching on their food in silence while mentally preparing for the exams.
After breakfast things got serious: the exams in the main subjects took place and lasted several hours across several subjects. These tests were by far the toughest. But after a few hours the torment was over and Charlotte finally decided to talk to Korinas. She made a melancholy impression all day long, which doesn't resemble her at all. But as soon as the blonde haired approached, Korinas refused to make any contact with her. When Charlotte spoke to her, she either ignored the blond haired girl completely or snarled at her like an angry Carta cat.

Disappointed, Charlotte decided to retire. She just needed to be alone and didn't want to see anyone anymore. She stormed into the gardens and crawled through the thicket. But when she got to her secret hideout, she realized she wasn't alone. Corbin was sitting on one of the larger pebbles, gazing thoughtfully into the distance. "You here too?" Charlotte asked him.
The Cardassian broke out of his meditative state: "Yes, this place makes my mind more alert and productive. how about you I saw Dirham's treason"Immediately her face darkened: "You of all people are asking me that?""What did you expect?" Corbin asked confused.
Now Charlotte was angry and glared at her counterpart with a bright red face: "That you might give me some sensible advice to help my team win the competition!""I'm a male student, remember? I can't take part in the women's competition""Thank you," Charlotte growled in disgust.
This made Corbin even angrier, he didn't care that all of Bamarren heard the discussion: "You don't seriously expect me to break the rules because of you just because you..." Charlotte noticed the twinkle in his eyes and couldn't help it . She approached and kissed him. When they parted, he continued: "What's that about? You've kissed me!""And you kissed me back," Charlotte glared at him as well.
"I don't care," Corbin gasped out and kissed his opponent again on the mouth. Korinas had observed all this from afar and stormed back to her section, disappointed and dejected. She wished she had never known Charlotte... She was so sad...

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