A great maneuver?

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It was now the most exciting time in Bamarren: the preparation time for the competition. There, two rival groups competed against each other and the party that won was allowed to take a leadership position in Bamarren. As the competition drew closer, the atmosphere became more tense and exciting as Ketay decided to enter the competition thanks to Dirham's betrayal, this time the group decided to spy on Ketay.

That's why Charlotte decided, together with allies from the section and other Dirham members who had been betrayed, to spy on the enemy troops' training sessions. For the past three weeks, the group's work has consisted of tracking down Eins Ketay's spies and monitoring them to learn more about their plans. However, when they opened their plans in the holosuite, everyone involved realized that it was a ruse and a red herring, and so all the members just wasted their time in the three weeks.

"It was all just a ruse!" Korinas exclaimed, completely indignant. "That was so clear to me," said Six Dirham annoyed. "That it was all planned by them. They don't make victory so easy for us." "If we win at all," Charlotte commented. "Of course we will win" Vier Dirham tried to motivate the group. "We just have to make an effort" "And we can't hope for a fair game again," Korinas continued. "We won't make that mistake again" "But we only have a week left," Charlotte said. "And at the moment it seems that Ketay is back in the lead with the Centrals" "Yet," said Korinas.

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