Third Year:

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After the exams, which occurred in all subjects, it was then decided during the evaluation whether you were allowed to move up in Bamarren or whether you were sent home. Charlotte had made it: she passed all the tests with excellent performance and was among the best in the entire section. Because of this, her new designation was now: One Keisha. Gaia also had a new designation: Keisha Six, as her performance had really improved and she was also committed to getting good grades. Senna Farhad, on the other hand, had improved and so she was allowed to have a better name. She was suddenly promoted from a six to a four. Korina's performances were also very good and she was in the top five with Charlotte. She was previously a Four, but that had since changed and her new designation is now: Three Keisha. Beren had switched from the nine-tier model to the three-tier model and received a new designation: Two Keisha. Beren was inducted into the department as a full member. The group formation was still the same, each student pursued her personal interests and goals in Bamarren. Gaia, on the other hand, had developed a new interest. She began writing novels that students could download at any time using their readers.

At 6:30 in the morning the wake-up call was started and each student had to get up and prepare for class. Some got out of bed quickly, while others struggled at this early hour. Most made their first stop at the bathroom and brushed their teeth before donning their uniforms and rushing to breakfast. Some showered before brushing their teeth, some after. Charlotte usually brushed her teeth after showering. Korinas, on the other hand, cleaned her in the shower. Then the students in the section put on their uniforms, either chatted with classmates or hurried to breakfast to be able to chat with each other afterwards. The division of quarters also changed drastically on the third level: Each section now had its own living quarters, where each student received a single room.

Afterwards, breakfast was held in the dining room. There, the respective sections sat down together, strengthened themselves for the day and exchanged views on the content of the lessons.After breakfast was finished, the students rushed to the classrooms, where the lessons for the corresponding electives were taking place. At level three, one chose one of three branches: Military, Secret Science, or Science. Charlotte and Korinas chose Secret Knowledge while Beren chose Military Science, Gaia and Senna chose Science.After the elective classes, lunch was served to the students. The meal breaks were a few opportunities to relax.But after lunch the relaxation was over and then the garden service was on the agenda. In this activity the gardens were cleaned up and the plants watered.Then the pit training was on the agenda, in this subject further stratagems were discussed and the physical training was deepened and further refined.Before the last part of the lesson, which most of the students looked forward to, we had dinner together. Just before class, many were talking excitedly in the dining room.After dinner, an hour of supervised safety training was announced. During this time you either completed scenarios in the holosuite that you should complete in a certain amount of time or you train in combat techniques and handling weapons.After that, the section was assigned to the cleaning service, where classrooms and sanitary facilities were cleaned. The storage rooms were also checked for inventory.After the cleaning service, one hour of supervised learning was announced. During this time you either did schoolwork or went through the contents of the last lesson again.Next came science classes, where scientific factual knowledge and other scientific knowledge were taught. There were theoretical and practical exercises.Lastly, they were assigned to the kitchen duty section where they had to clean the kitchen and check food. A menu was also put together for the next few days.And after that hour, all the lights went out and the curfew was set. It was bedtime and the students had a chance to rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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