The Mogrund:

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Before the last part of the lesson, which most of the students were looking forward to, we had dinner together. Just before class, many were talking excitedly in the dining room. After the safety training, one hour of supervised learning was the order of the day. During this time you either did schoolwork or went through the contents of the last lesson again. After that, the students had free time for about an hour and they were allowed to do whatever they wanted. Most of the students sat down and talked about private topics. And after that hour, all the lights went out and the curfew was set. It was bedtime and the students had a chance to rest.

Except for Charlotte, because she was on night duty with a few of her classmates and other students. Night shifts were assigned every few months to encourage the students' sense of responsibility.

When everything was fine in Bamarren, the night shifts were usually very monotonous and boring. Basically you marched through the school building all night checking all the systems and making sure the students were observing the curfew. Yawning, Charlotte entered the computer room to continue her patrol. But as she stepped over the threshold, she realized something was wrong. Someone was in this room because she heard breathing sounds and silent movements from a dark corner. Then the blond-haired suddenly heard a soft snoring from the corner: maybe a student who had snuck out late at night and then fell asleep? Charlotte prepares to handcuff the rule-breaker at any moment and then accompany him to the holding cell. Anyone who violated the curfew ended up in a cell. But then she stopped when she realized that it was Korinas who was also assigned to the night shift. She gently nudged her friend to wake her up, gasping and jerking her awake, "Stay away from me, Mogrund! Move away from me!" Charlotte held her by her upper arm: "Calm down. Is it just me...sleeping during the night shift?" "That wasn't really the plan," her friend explained, embarrassed. "I wanted to hide and be vigilant" Her counterpart was startled: "Hide?" "Before the Mogrund" (A creature in Cardassian mythology: a spiked lump that takes naughty children or young people into the spirit world and makes them suffer for their misdeeds). The blond-haired woman sighed: "Mogrund is an imaginary horror figure. He doesn't exist" "But I saw him with my own eyes," the Cardassian insisted, clearly worried. But Charlotte waved him off: "Come on, let's go" Both left the room and decided to continue the night shift. After all, it was far from over and they still had a few tiring hours ahead of them. Charlotte suspected that Korinas was just having a very realistic dream and was excited by it now, seeing ghosts in every corner.

The hours dragged by, each minute felt like an hour, and hours felt like several nights. Everyone involved just wanted the shift to end as quickly as possible. Or that at least something exciting happened, so that there was a little change in the dreary and routine process. But variety was a foreign word in Bamarren. Yawning, Senna dragged herself to a replicator: "Gelat!" (A Cardassian hot drink, similar to coffee). The replicator carried out the command with a mechanical hum, but the tasty hot drink was replicated without any container, and the entire contents spilled onto the floor. Senna was annoyed: "What's the matter with the replicators? I'm already in front of the fourth device and every time I get my gelato without a cup"

Meanwhile, Gaia, along with another student, also did her duty, roaming the dimly lit hallways of the building together. The hours dragged by, each minute felt like an hour, and hours felt like several nights. Everyone involved just wanted the shift to end as quickly as possible. "Am I wrong?" asked Gaia's companion. "Or has it just gotten much colder?" Gaia immediately pulled the tricorder out of her pocket: "The temperature contains only 13 degrees. There was indeed a drop in temperature" "I just don't understand how it happened?" he asked confused. "I haven't the faintest idea either," she admitted. "Let's quickly get jackets from the storage room" "A good idea" So the two of them made their way to the storage room as quickly as possible to get jackets. Cardassians were very sensitive to cold and very susceptible to disease when it was cold.

Charlotte and Korinas meanwhile continued the patrol and decided to continue the night shift. After all, it was far from over and they still had a few tiring hours ahead of them.

Those involved hoped that at least something exciting would happen, so that there would be a little change in the dreary and routine process. But variety was a foreign word in Bamarren. "It's about time someone took care of environmental control. Otherwise I'll freeze to death", Korinas wailed and rubbed her hands together to warm them. "I'm done with my job anyway. I'll go to the control room and see what I can do," the blond-haired suggested and wanted to leave. "It's fine," Korinas replied. "But don't take so long, otherwise I'll miss you too much" Charlotte made her way to the control room to inspect and then repair the environmental controls. Maybe it was just a malfunction. When she suddenly bumped into a force field. Now she was finally confused and gradually a queasy feeling spread in the pit of her stomach. What did that mean? Then she heard a menacing growl behind her. Charlotte refused to turn over, just thinking it was a hallucination caused by lack of sleep. But after a few moments, when the growling grew louder, she decided to turn to face the source of the noise, and then she saw it: the monster called Mogrund was moving toward her.

In the meantime, Korinas was waiting for Charlotte to return from the control visit. A few moments passed when she was bored and almost fell asleep. Then she heard a menacing growl behind her. Charlotte refused to turn over, just thinking it was a hallucination caused by lack of sleep. So now is enough! She drew a phaser and slowly and quietly moved in the direction of the growl. She decided to fight her fear. Determined, she reached out and pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. Again she pressed the trigger, this time a little longer but again nothing happened. Then she panicked, and Korinas hid as quickly as possible under the first console she found first. She closed her eyes and resolved never to open them again.

Charlotte ran as fast as she could. She was now angry because she hadn't believed her friend Korinas and had labeled her as crazy. Now she had seen the mogrund with her own eyes. As if that wasn't bad enough, all the lights in the entire building went out. That wasn't a good sign, after all she couldn't see in time if the monster should approach again. Luckily she had brought her flashlight with her. She immediately switched on the small device and shone it in all directions. But no trace of the creature. Charlotte exhaled in relief and decided to return to Korinas so that she was no longer alone and to apologize to her friend.

The hours dragged by, each minute felt like an hour, and hours felt like several nights. Everyone involved just wanted the shift to end as quickly as possible. "She's been gone for ages," Korinas said anxiously. "Maybe the Mogrund took them or he already ate them," Gaia said with a smug grin. Korina's expression darkened: "It's not funny" "Maybe not for you," the blonde haired said with a grin. "But for me it's very funny and amusing at the same time. "We will continue our search on the east side next," suggested Gaia's companion. The three continued their search, this time searching the east wing. But there was no sign of Charlotte. I should have come with Charlotte! Just thought Korinas. Gaia's voice snapped her out of her thoughts, "What's it like when a demonic being gets hold of your girlfriend?" "Ha, Ha, Ha...And I still don't laugh at your stupid jokes" Korinas replied, clearly annoyed. "So humor isn't your forte," Gaia said. "I just noticed" "Having disrespectful comments..." But Gaia immediately interrupted her: "Silence...I hear something"

Immediately, the group ran from the direction the screams were coming from. Korinas knew from the voice that it was Charlotte who had screamed. So she wasn't kidnapped into the spirit world. The group had visual contact: Charlotte was huddled on the floor and the eerie creature approached her position with glowing red eyes. Charlotte's screams grew louder and more horrifying. Never before has Korinas seen her friend so upset and panicked. She cried when she found her friend in this condition. Korinas heard footsteps from the other side of the corridor and noticed that Senna and her group also rushed over to check on things. Charlotte lay huddled on the floor and the eerie creature approached her position with glowing red eyes. It was right behind her now.

Then Gaia stepped forward a little: "Computer! Disable holographic display!" The frightful figure immediately disappeared and Charlotte looked up in surprise when the monster was finally gone. The others also seemed visibly confused but also relieved. "Tricked!" Gaia burst out laughing. "I knew you were behind it again," Senna said, rolling her eyes. "And yet you wet your pants from fear," giggled the culprit. But Senna folded her arms in front of her chest: "I didn't. And I don't find that funny at all." "I can only agree with that opinion," Korinas chimed in. "I just find that immature. Only small children play pranks like that." "I've been working on the hologram for weeks," Gaia countered. "You have to admit that I did a good job" Meanwhile, Charlotte had recovered from her shock: "The thing really made me shiver." "Yes, that could not be overlooked" "Well," Korinas began. "At least we didn't fall asleep from boredom this shift" Gaia's facial features gradually softened: "Where You're Right" "I'm going to fix the replicators," Charlotte decided. "I take care of the environmental controls," Gaia volunteered. "I'll turn the light on again," said Senna. "And I'll hand in the broken phaser to claim," said Korinas. Then the students set off to repair the damaged systems. They wanted to finish by morning and the other students woke up. You won't forget the night shift anytime soon!

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