Victory or Loss Part 1

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The day the competition took place:Gaia wasn't joking when she suggested helping the Troupe win, because the very next day she made good on the promise."We would have thought I could walk beside you without hitting you," she said jokingly to Charlotte."Who would have thought I'd ever work with you," the blonde haired replied.Nevertheless, Gaia's face darkened: "But I still find you annoying, Kuevdasi""I don't expect us to be best friends either," Charlotte replied."So we agree"The two students then entered the classroom where the lessons will take place and the preparations for the exams began.

Arrived in the classroom, Senna were already sitting there with three dirhams and also waited until the lesson started. "I will switch to the three-tier model after the competition," reported Three Dirham. Senna was visibly surprised: "Really? Is that possible?" "Yes, I will also be assigned to a new section," she replied. "Is the nine-step model more challenging of the lessons?" Senna asked her curiously. "Not necessarily," said Three Dirham. "The content is only deepened in the nine years. In the three-stage model you have a solid basic education and a degree even earlier without it being inferior." "How long have you been here?" "It's been five years," Dirham replied. "And I think that's too much. I don't want to work in the central command or with the Obsidian Order. Actually, I'm aiming for a career in sports. Because with such a high-quality degree, I could still apply to a sports university after the six years and then there spend the remaining three years and then graduate there." "You really have plans" "So? How about you?" Dirham asked her. "I'd like to start in science and work my way up there," Senna replied.

The conversation was immediately interrupted when the lecturer entered the room and Ketay's plan was updated at the same time.

Korinas immediately called up the graphic: "The final graphic has finally been updated""Now we just have to refine our formations and we're already the winners," Charlotte said happily.Korina's eyes sparkled: "Do you really think we can w..."The lecturer interrupted the Cardassian: "Four Keisha, you seem to have the solution?"

In the night it was serious: The respective groups positioned themselves and handed out the congratulations."Then the sign sounded which initiated the start of the competition phase.

Now the troop set off and remained at an agreed point where they waited for the agreed signal. Korinas sighted Gaia with her rifle during this time, she was still very suspicious. Gaia had also noticed this and turned to Charlotte with her complaint: "Can you tell your friend not to point her gun at me?" "I honestly can't blame my girlfriend." Charlotte crossed her arms over her chest. "I would do the same in her place" "Tch, typical lovers"

In the meantime the group had split up. The observation team went to the position described. "Don't move!" came Four Dirham's voice. Your plan will fail!" Senna was confused: "Excuse me?" "I knew someone was a traitor here," Korinas said, annoyed. Drei Dirham was shocked: "Dilara, I don't understand, why are you doing something like that, why are you betraying us, we are best friends after all" "We're not, we're not, three and we never were. You're so naive and simple-minded" "Fortunately, I'll be in another section soon," Three said annoyed. "About time, you don't deserve to be a dirham" Three erupted visibly: "You..." Senna intervened: "Beren, don't get involved, she's just playing with us" "Not true at all," Four Dirham denied. "I'm doing my best right now" Now Korinas became clear: "Exactly, you're just trying to waste our time" "Now what? Just ignore them?" Beren asked. "It's the best we can do in this situation" So the Group Four decided to ignore Dirham's action and continued the maneuver. "Don't take a step further or I'll shoot," threatened Vir Dirham. "Just ignore..." came from Korinas. But then suddenly there was a suspicious noise, and then Beren fell to the ground. She doubled over in pain and her left sleeve of her uniform turned blood red. "The next shot is set to kill," came the warning.

Charlotte received the message: "We have been betrayed" "By whom?" asked Gaia. "Of Four Dirhams" "What?" came from Six Dirham. Eight dirhams were also amazed: "Four of all things" "Now what?" Five asked. Charlotte had decided: "Gaia and I will stop her" "And what about us?" asked eight dirhams. "You are already storming towards the fortress" Gaia ordered the others. "Ketay will definitely change plans and position," noted Six Dirham. "Which we can use to our advantage," Gaia explained. "The changes create smaller gaps in the defense network that can be exploited." "But..." "Go ahead!" ordered Charlotte." We'll follow you then!" The group obeyed and rushed towards the fortress. Action now had to be taken urgently. Charlotte and Gaia were also in a hurry and moved to the others. They had to intervene urgently.

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