Bamarren games Part 2:

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The group immediately ran off and competed with the other teams on the obstacle course, which was easy to overcome at first. But then there was the tricky part:The high ropes course could not only be a challenge for people. Because fear of heights was also very widespread among Cardassians.
When the team had climbed the first part of the high ropes course, they saw the first stopover and thus the first task of the day. A rope was up between two platforms where two competing teams faced each other and had to prove themselves with a tug of war. Korina's face immediately turned pale as chalk: "We are lost" "No, we are not," said her brother. "We can win that," Charlotte encouraged her. "How then, if we have to compete against a lot of musclemen?"

"It's not really about strength in a tug of war," Alon told her. "But on the technique""And what would it be?" Asked the Cardassian irritably."First the strongest person has to be behind," continued Charlotte's brother."To the back?"Charlotte was now also confused: "Isn't it better if the strongest person was standing in front?""Trust me"
Then everyone turned and looked at one of the group members with expected looks. Eight ignored the expressions at first. But then she couldn't take it anymore:"Why are you all staring like that?" Eight asked irritably. "I'm not on your team voluntarily, remember?""You are the strongest of us all. That means that you will be in the back, "Corbin decided."Oh really?" Eight asked now much less aggressively. "Thank you" She stepped backwards without arguing.The rest of the group also began to position themselves. Eight was at the very back. Right at the front was Corbin, then Charlotte, then Alon and then Korinas. The team approached the rope.
Then Alon continued: "The arms should be outstretched, so you save a lot of strength"Everyone did as they were told and stretched out their arms. In the meantime, the competing team had reached the opposite platform and began to position themselves."The first ten seconds are the most decisive. It is important that everyone leans backwards as far as possible "Both teams waited for the countdown to finish before the task began. The closer the end came, the more nervous everyone became and the more tension grew.Then finally the signal went off and all members leaned back as far as possible. But nothing happened. Charlotte counted up the seconds. At fifteen still nothing happened.
Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen and twenty. But still nothing happened. It almost felt like the opposing team was a concrete wall. "But that's more than ten seconds," said Charlotte. Eight straightened up a little and poked over to the other side: "Kuef, these morons use the same tactics" "Now what?" Asked the blonde-haired woman desperately. "We should take three steps forward," suggested Corbin. But his sister didn't like the suggestion at all: "Forward? Do you want to kill us all? " "We have to bring the others down. This is the only way we have a chance, "he justified himself. "Sounds obvious," commented Charlotte.
Korinas quickly gave up her resistance and joined the group. Together they counted to three and then they took a few steps forward. The tactic proved to be an absolute success because shortly afterwards the other members of the opposing force stumbled to the ground and were finally pulled down together with the other end of the rope.
After the exhausting tug of war there was a short break for the team members. The students used this short time to recharge their strenght and maintain contacts. "We have already made half of the course," cheered Charlotte happily. "Congratulation" "And we will master the rest without any problems," Alon encouraged the team members. "But only because we came up with something in time," commented Eight, annoyed. "Otherwise we would have failed" Charlotte looked up and looked into her gray eyes: "You're sitting so apart, why don't you come closer? You are still part of our team, Eight "
Eight let out a sullen growl and hesitated at first, but then she made a move to join them and listen to the conversations. "What I noticed" remarked Korinas and looked at her. "We all know our names, but we don't know yours" "Why should you?" "So that we might get to know each other better," answered Korinas. Eight crossed her arms in front of her chest: "But you already know that it is forbidden to reveal our names here" "Since when are rules so important to you?" Corbin asked her. "Gaia, are you satisfied now?" She burst out.
"A very beautiful name. Is it Bajoran? "Alon wanted to know."No, Vargasi" interrupted Korinas. "It means storm""You speak Vargasi?" Asked Charlotte, visibly curious."Yes, the dialect is still spoken on Cardassia VI, Cardassia V and in some regions on Cardassia Prime. By the way, the name Korinas is pronounced without the S ", she explained to everyone in the group."Then why is it written with an S?" Gaia asked her."Because the mute S occurs in some names or designations in Vargasi," answered Corbin for his sister."Interesting"

After the break, the team went back to the next starting positions where the second and last part of the parkour took place. This time more difficult elements were built in. The group had to get up on different platforms. The only difference was that these platforms wobbled and were no longer as securely attached as the previous ones. Charlotte also noticed that it was now clearly challenging and so it happened that she stepped inattentively and lost her balance. She fell, but could still hold on to the edge of the platform.
Korinas was the first to react: "Lottie! Here! Take my hand "Charlotte took it and the platform shook all the more. Korinas now also had difficulties to keep her balance. "I'm too heavy!" Charlotte called to her. "You have to let go of me!" "I don't want to let go of you," her best friend contradicted. After all, it was Eight who saved them. With her grabbed Korina's foot before she fell into the depths and pulled her back up with Charlotte. Charlotte was really very grateful to her: "I thank you"
The team also managed the rest of the parkour with flying colors and everyone was visibly relieved that it had worked out so well. Apart from Charlotte's stumbling block, no other complications had arisen.Everyone was delighted with the success they achieved thanks to good teamwork. Eight was also able to shed its rough facade for a short time and showed joy.The best part, however, was that Charlotte's team was third best, which automatically improved the students' performance and made advancement in Bamarren easier.

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