Bamarren games Part 1:

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"As you know, the Bamarren Games will take place tomorrow," Corbin announced to the crowd. "Use the time left today to put your team together. You have this hour free "

Korinas immediately approached Charlotte: "Please say that you are not on a team yet" "I don't have a team yet," answered the blonde-haired woman truthfully. "That's great!" Korinas exclaimed enthusiastically. "Do we want to found one?" "With pleasure" She put an arm around Charlotte: "We'll definitely be the best again. I already know that "

Over time, more and more teams were formed. Charlotte and Korinas, on the other hand, are out of luck, they approached several students. But they have already found their group.One last time Charlotte approached a student: "Hey, do you want to join our team?""I found my group, thank you" came the same answer as before.Now Charlotte was getting impatient: "Why does nobody want to join us?""Because we are outsiders," said Korinas. "You are also trying too hard""I'm sorry, what?"
"Don't get me wrong," her best friend began. "You try very hard and that's a good thing, but if you beg everyone to join our team, you scare off the others instead of convincing them." "And what do you think we should do?" "Let us exude an aura of mystery," suggested Korinas. "So that our eavesdroppers knot their brains in order to be able to separate the truth from the lies. First we need dark blue suits " "We have no suits," Charlotte interrupted.
"Then we just pretend that we wear some. We also have a phaser hidden with us and if there is danger, then... "She made a movement with her imaginary phaser. "Zapp!" "Instead of working in security, you might want to be an actress," suggested Charlotte. Korinas giggled: "One can somehow be linked to the other" "I doubt it" "You urgently need tutoring in having fun, Lottie"

Charlotte decided to get involved in the drama and did the same to Korinas: She stood a bit apart from the action and pretended to be eerily mysterious. A short time later, the method seemed to be really successful. Another student from the Rinor group approached them and wanted to join the team.
Korinas whispered in Charlotte's ear: "Our tactics are working. Remember, stay mysterious " "I'll try," she replied, then turned to the student. "Well, well. So you want to join our operation team " "Yes, if you don't mind" Charlotte stayed in her role: "In our closed society, abstinence is very important. That means no stimulants, no passions and no love affairs. Are you ready..." She got no further: "Typical obsis, always treating others from above" With these words he left the two of them and disappeared.

Senna also had a hard time at first, because all the group constellations seemed to have been established and she was still alone. Until then Three Rinor came up to her:"Do you want to come to us?"
"Yes gladly" "You can also move freely in the whole of Bamarren," Ketay shouted to all the students. "And talk to every student, but this is only for finding a team. If we catch you on private dates, this has consequences "

Charlotte and Korinas are already back at the institute and wanted to start looking for team members, but both increasingly had the feeling that the search would be anything but not successful. "He would have joined, but we pissed him off with our secret agent thing," complained the blonde-haired woman. "We'll think of something," said her companion, very relaxed. "Where are we going?" Asked Charlotte suspiciously. "Show you where our fun begins"
Minutes later they were both standing in front of a normal storage room in which utensils for the cleaning service were stowed away. Charlotte was now finally perplexed: "Your definition of fun is unusual" "Wait, it's going to be fun soon, Korinas assured her and rummaged around in all the chaos. The blonde-haired woman grabbed a broom when it fell to the floor: "Well, by having fun, I don't mean cleaning" "We don't clean at all," Korinas told her. "Eight and Three are doing detention right now. I once thought that we would pay them a little visit "
Charlotte became more and more skeptical: "Do you think it's fun to let yourself be beaten up by Eight?" "She won't do that, don't worry"

After Korinas had filled the bucket with slippery cleaning fluid, the two friends left the room and walked further down the darkened corridors."We'll be there in a moment," said Korinas and bent down in front of Charlotte. "Come on, jump up""What?"
"Jump up" "That's not a good idea. I'm way too... "But she didn't get any further because Korinas was already piggybacking her. With a surprising speed Korinas ran with Charlotte on her back towards the bathroom, where eight and three were doing their work unsuspecting. At the sight of Eight angry, the blonde-haired woman panicked so much that she began to scream. She screamed for her life, hoping that Korinas would get them out of the situation safely.
"Well, wait!" Roared Eight angrily. "Now you can experience something!" She wanted to rush after the two of them. But then Korina's bucket came into use. She spread the slippery liquid across the entire flowing floor. Three immediately fell to the floor when she took a step forward. Eight, however, was in full rage, so she tried several times to pursue the two, but slipped several times and fell to the ground with a loud splash.

Both friends burst out laughing as they successfully escaped this situation. Charlotte was also visibly amused by Korina's idea."This is the first time in all these months that I've seen you laugh," remarked the Cardassian.
"It wouldn't have been half as fun without your yelling," Korinas teased her best friend."I was totally surprised that you could pick me up," admitted her counterpart. "After all, I'm almost two heads taller"Korinas waved her off: "You are really lightweight for a Cardassian. How much do you weigh? Only 60 kg? ""55 kg" corrected the blonde-haired woman."That's nothing at all"
"Now we have to concentrate on our team search again", Charlotte changed the topic. "How about Nine?"The person opposite looked at the floor: "I've already checked and unfortunately she is already in a team with Three and Four""Great""How about we ask the guy who came up to us again, maybe he changed his mind," Korinas suggested.
"He definitely didn't." Charlotte thought out loud. "But we could ask our brothers. Then there would be four of us and we would then need to recruit another person " "A really good idea. We'll meet again in our section in an hour, "said Korinas and both friends parted to ask their brothers.

Very carefully she approached her brother Alon: "Please say that you don't have a team yet" Her brother put his hands on her shoulders: "Relax sister, I will of course join your team" Charlotte was really relieved: "I can't tell you how grateful I am to you" The siblings hugged at the end before Charlotte had to leave to tell Korinas that she had just successfully recruited Alon.

Corbin started doing his chores for the next class. On level three everything was now much quieter and more comfortable than on levels one and two.Then a doorbell rang on his door. In the last stage of the training, smaller and more comfortable quarters were made available, including a bell on each door."Come in!"
The person did not enter the room, but had obviously found pleasure in using the bell as a musical instrument. Immediately he knew who was standing in front of the door. "Come in, sister" Korinas entered: "How did you know that it was me?" "Because I know you"
His sister began to look around his quarters: "It's really nice here: your own desk, a doorbell and your own bathroom. That's unfair. I have to sleep in one quarter with nine others that can be really exhausting. I would like to have my own room like you ""To be more precise, I am sharing the room with someone," replied Corbin."There are mixed classes on the third level, aren't there?" Asked his sister."Yes"
"Have you already found the woman for life?" She asked him curiously. Corbin went back to his notes: "Why should I tell you something like that?" She climbed onto his desk and looked at her with big dark eyes: "Come on, Corby. I have to know that. I can do a security check to see if it is okay " He decided to ignore his sister. He urgently needs to concentrate on his tasks and make further preparations before the Bamarren Games begin.
But Korina's voice made him return to reality: "Or is it a man?" "What do you want from me now?" He asked her. "Please come to my team," she pleaded with him. Corbin looked back: "Why?" "Because I just can't find anyone" "What about Nine Keisha?" He asked casually.
"She is already in a team with Three and Four""And Eight?"Korinas hesitated: "Be honest: would you team up with her?""You are right," answered Corbin.

"I felt like I asked every student and everyone already has a team," said Charlotte after a long unsuccessful search."Unfortunately, I wasn't lucky either," Korinas replied."As far as I know, all the teams have already found each other," reported Charlotte's brother."And we have to take what is left," continued Corbin."Who from our section has a permanent team?" Asked the blonde-haired woman.Korinas sighed: "All but ..."
Then Eight suddenly stood here and seemed to be waiting for something. When no one spoke to her, she finally took the first step: "Hey, do you also have Central's with you or do you just recruit obsi's?" "What?" Asked Charlotte. "Are you deaf?" Eight snapped at the group. Alon replied: "No, we are also recording Central's. By the way, I'm a Central " "Two Central's and three Obsi's, how lame"
"You are the last free team do I have a choice?" She asked indignantly."Do we have a choice?" Commented Korina's brother.Eight would have loved to run off screeching and throw the first object at this student. But she decided to ignore this remark for once.

The next morning the students woke up and prepared for the upcoming Bamarren Games. One more breakfast and one last shower before it started.Charlotte's group then made their way to the scene and waited together with the other teams until it finally started in the holosuite.
A short time later, a ten-minute countdown was called and the students had time to join the respective teams and move to the starting positions. Korinas and her team decided to take a closer look at the place and so they snuck around for a few minutes. The group discovered that it was a parkour that they had to contest. When they looked at the countdown, they noticed that it was almost over and so the group hurried back to the starting position where the others were already waiting.
Minute by minute, the members of the group became more and more nervous. Because in a few moments the time had come. Then the starting signal sounded and the games began.

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