The Mission Part 2:

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Senna had agreed to take over the choreography and the structure of the training. The students did a few laps to warm up.After that, various stretching exercises were carried out, which were also on the plan at the beginning of each pit training session.The minutes that followed proved challenging as none of the students had ever practiced the sport. But with research and exchange with other students, they were still able to practice the jumping elements."Next we'll try the lifting elements," Senna decided with determination.The tension between Charlotte and Corbin made it difficult for the groups to work together.The lifting elements, on the other hand, were no longer a challenge, although acrobatic elements and lifting figures were occasionally carried out in the pit training. But this was for the purpose of improving conditioning performance and as a team building measure and not for aesthetic display. Nevertheless, they mastered the elements with flying colors.After that, a run through of the previous planned choreography was carried out.Since there were hardly any difficulties, the group nevertheless tried the pyramid, which was always shown at the end of a routine.At the end there was a conclusion and a "cool down" before the training ended.

Then the time had come: The day of the competitions was here and the students had to prove themselves. As each of the group donned their black, green and white patterned cheerleading uniforms, everyone warmed up. After that, various stretching exercises were carried out, which were also on the plan at the beginning of each pit training session. And then the moment came: the name of the team was called and they performed their routine under the strict observation of the examiners. Despite the difficult circumstances, they received top marks and the examinees were proud.

The simulation ended shortly thereafter and the environment thus also the modifications changed back to the original state. Everyone in the group was visibly relieved after learning they passed. Everyone except Charlotte, while the others exited the holosuite, Charlotte stayed behind. Noticing that Corbin was also staying behind, she decided to leave the area as well. But Corbin's voice stopped her: "Charlotte, wait!" The blond-haired stopped: "There is nothing more to talk about, Eins Drabar. I've seen everything: from your little flirt to the kiss." "My character that I embodied is gay," he defended. "And you obviously are, too," she shot back. "Apparently you just like boys, only then should we end the relationship here and now" "I don't want that at all," Corbin said. "We had the task of embodying the person..." "Ridiculous Excuse" Her counterpart waved him off: "Believe what you want. But don't think that I haven't noticed how you've been looking at my sister in the last few days." Charlotte couldn't believe what she was hearing: "Excuse me?! Can you tell me who I can and can't make eye contact with?!" "I saw the looks you gave Korinas" "How dare you?!" she blurted out. "How dare you?!" he also flared up and kissed her. But in Charlotte other feelings came up. It wasn't love or desire this time, it was anger and disappointment this time. She deflected the kiss and disappeared from the holosuite.

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