The encounter:

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Her peach-colored hands first formed a small pile with the dry sand. When Charlotte wanted to be alone, she spent her time in the pit when there were no classes. In the past few months she had made good connections with Korinas, Senna (nine) and Drabar (Corbin Entek). However, there were also phases when she wanted to enjoy the solitude and peace. Either she went through her stratagems in the pit or she buried her bare feet in the hot sand.

"Are you trying to create a work of art?" Asked Senna's voice behind her. Charlotte flattened the pile of sand with her palms: "Nah, I just wanted to be alone for a moment" "I'm sorry to bother you, but I have some important message to bring you," Nine said apologetically. "A message?"
"The Obsi's have a meeting today at midnight," Senna reported briefly. "We'll meet in the back of the pit" Charlotte started: "At midnight? We have curfew and the institute is teeming with night watches " "And exactly 99% of them are obsi's. Every obsi volunteers for night duty at least once a month ... It's an old group tradition, "Nine explained.
Charlotte decided to give in. Because after all, rebellion in Bamarren did not go down well: "All right, I'll show up. Do I have to pay attention to anything special? Dress code? A secret password? An encrypted code perhaps? "Nine grinned in amusement: "You have too many clichés in your head, just be down on time. I'll see you then. "After these words, she was gone again.

Charlotte rose from the sand and hurried back to the section where her comrades had already gathered. When there was no class, most of the students relaxed in the quarters. They either talked about private topics, or some delved into books or studied for class. When Charlotte walked into her section, she noticed that she hadn't finished her homework for the next day. So she dug out her school documents from her subject and immersed herself in her assignments. Anyone in Bamarren who did not do the tasks conscientiously and did not study regularly was severely punished. Be it through bad grades or through cleaning service. In some cases, they were even sent to solitary confinement. Eight have already been arrested in large numbers and had had several disciplinary discussions.
At the end of the year, if a student failed to achieve the minimum achievement, then he or she was sent back home. In Bamarren there was a constant striving upwards, nobody wanted to stand in the back row. If you want to be among the best, you have to achieve it with iron discipline and protect yourself from your opponents.
Drabar had once told her that she should keep and protect all personal belongings safely. Because if you achieved a certain performance, then there were envious people and opponents who only relied on pushing you backwards. She followed the advice as best she could and watched over her belongings very carefully. Senna and Korinas had her back free and so did Charlotte with them too. What the half-Cardassian also noticed is that Obsi's and Central's are competitors and that it was a permanent power struggle. As soon as one party weakened, the other party always seized the opportunity to gain more influence in the institute.

After a while, Charlotte finished her assignments, put her materials in her compartment and waited until midnight. During this time she sat on her bed and read a novel. "Meya Lilien, in the morning light" was her favorite novel. It was a love story that took place in the former Union. When Tret Akleen founded the crucial functioning principle of today's Union. The protagonists of the book were the young soldier Lerrart Tikal and the daughter of the Minister of Justice named Doria-Nara.
Basically, all love stories in Cardassian literature were the same: the protagonists initially led separate lives with their dreams and goals, which they sacrificed for the state. Then they got to know each other, got married and had children, and the next generation started all over again.

Cardassian philosophy includes a firm belief in and respect for the authority of the state. It is his highest task to subordinate his life, his actions and himself to the state and to guarantee its needs and stability by all means. In return, the citizen is certain that the state guarantees his security and takes care of all matters. He ensures a very good education, special promotion of the abilities of the individual, the cultural and intellectual needs, for law and order through a perfected legal system, an extensive medical system to which every citizen has free access and for the maintenance of basic services, so that no Cardassian citizen has starved or been homeless for hundreds of years. In return, the state expects unconditional loyalty and support. It is this principle that defines the Cardassian state and strengthens the popular belief in its authority. How, for example, the Cardassian legal system subordinates itself to the needs of the citizens and shows them through every publicly broadcast process that the state, and with it the good, is always victorious in the end, even if the well-being of the individual must occasionally be sacrificed to this lofty goal, However, what is gladly done because it arises from a deeply rooted philosophy and is taught to every Cardassian from birth, so literature also subordinates itself to this state principle.

What Charlotte found most remarkable about this novel, however, was the deep and intimate connection between the protagonists. Because the lovers experience the Amdakat. The Amdakat connection is the highest form of love and is sacred to the Cardassians. Amdakat goes much deeper than "true love". It signified the deep bond between two souls, a unity that encompasses all areas of love, life and sexuality. An amdakat is the "love of a life" and comes before everything else, even before your own life. It's an unbreakable bond that doesn't even end when a partner dies. Unlike marriage, the Amdakat is couple-centered even when children are conceived and brought up. Such a deep relationship is of course very rare, and most Cardassians are unlikely to ever find an amdakat.

Charlotte wondered if she could ever reach the Amdakat, but found the likelihood very slim. Because she had never fallen in love and no one felt anything for her either. She grew up quite isolated and apart from her father and brother had made no other contacts. When she was four years old, her father tried to integrate her into a daycare center with other children. Unfortunately, that was unsuccessful: The other children and their parents refused to establish contact and even Charlotte forbade to approach the children.
But a mother with her son could forget her xenophobia. She used to talk to her father while Charlotte and the little boy played in the sandpit. But then one day contact was lost because the mother had taken her son out of the facility and they had moved to another part of the city.She had never heard from the family since then.

"Seven?" She suddenly heard a voice that sounded so far away that the blonde-haired woman ignored her at first.Then again: "Seven!"Have I read that long ?!Suddenly she started up and looked into Senna's face, she seemed worried: "We have to go! You don't want to miss out on the first meeting, "said Nine to her and dragged her to her feet.
Charlotte looked around, meanwhile the lights had gone out and she could only see the outlines of the other Obsi members. When she followed her comrades she could immediately recognize Korina's hairstyle despite the darkness. Korinas always wore her long black hair tucked into two "bows" at the side, which some of her comrades found a bit strange and Korinas was labeled a freak for this reason.

In the meantime they had reached the pit where other members of the Obsi's had gathered. As soon as they reached the outdoor area, Charlotte noticed that in the absence of the sun the temperatures outside were now icy.Still, no one showed the biting cold. So this is where things get serious! Did it make sense to her and she decided to complain less about the cold.

She moved a little further away from her section mates and approached Drabar, who was talking to another student. Charlotte decided to listen to the two of them. But she was ignored by Corbin and after a while she found the conversation just too boring to listen, so she returned to her comrades. When the gathering finally began, Korinas was in her element and began to shout the typical Bamarren call: "For the empire!" "Victory! Victory! Victory! "Everyone shouted in unison, holding their left fist up into the night sky.

Then an older level three student spoke to the crowd, "My glorious brothers and sisters. Nice that you all showed up. I am happy that some new faces have also joined us and have joined the right group "
He paused briefly and let the words affect his audience, then he turned to the new members: "To the newcomers: Congratulations, you have made the right decision and you will never regret it, I assure you. As you have surely noticed, the first outdoor exercise did not go as well for the Obsi's. But be sure: The Central's will no longer be at the top. Because this time we will beat them up! "
The entire audience cheered with enthusiasm and some shouted the Bamarren reputation again and cheered. The speaker made a special gesture with his hands, and the audience immediately fell silent again: "Because this year the Central's will experience the greatest defeat of all time. We're going to win this competition on both the men's and women's fronts and take the lead out of the losers. Then a new management structure is created! An obsidian government in Bamarren! " "For the Empire!" "Victory!" "Victory!" "Victory"

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