The blind Moon:

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In the meantime it was late afternoon, Corbin used this time wisely and decided to go through his school material in the archives or to help younger students. After the younger ones had finally understood the subject matter and his help was no longer needed, they left the archive shortly afterwards and pursued other activities. Corbin, on the other hand, was left alone in the archive. Charlotte immediately came out of hiding: "Long time no see" "Me too"
"I really missed you," Charlotte said with a sigh. "We have to take advantage of these quiet moments" But her counterpart rose from his chair: "Unfortunately I have to disappoint you" "Corbin...It's been too long..." "We'll meet in the garden tonight," he suggested as he left, leaving the blond-haired alone.

After the last lesson, the students rushed to either return to the sections or stayed in the archives to learn something else. Charlotte wasn't in the mood for studying just yet, her mind fixed on the date that was to take place that night. It's been three months since the last real date took place. "We're taking the law exam tomorrow," began Korinas, who meanwhile intercepted her in the hallway. "and wanted to ask if you would like to give me some tutoring" "When?"
"I was thinking about tonight," her best friend suggested. "That's where I'm most productive" Charlotte wanted to agree, but she already had an appointment with Corbin that night and she had been waiting too long, so she started to make up an excuse: "Sorry, that doesn't work. I'm on night watch tonight" "Oh..." Korina's eyes suddenly didn't look as happy as usual. "But, you didn't tell me that you're doing a shift today"
"Maybe you should study with Senna today," suggested the blond-haired woman and hurried away. "After all, she's the best in law in the section"

After several hours the time had come, the date was very close. Charlotte waited until the rest of her sectionmates were asleep. The blond haired quickly put on her uniform and hurried out of the quarters, but before she could meet Corbin she had to get past all the night guards. But since she was used to sneaking around and being invisible, this was a breeze for her and she made it to the grounds without incident. When she got to the thicket and her boyfriend approached, she said, "Why is Letau called the blind moon?" asked Charlotte, raising her brow ridges. The person opposite approached her cautiously and looked into her green eyes, which stood out even more in the moonlight: "Because it enables couples in love to meet secretly and it still provides enough shade without being discovered."
"Kind of reminds me of the Obsidian Order," Charlotte remarked. "I don't want to know what the Order staff really do in their free time," he joked. "You want to join the Order, huh?" asked Charlotte. "Mysteries have always fueled my imagination. That's why I decided to stay here" "And through our meetings, you can perfect your ability of secrecy," the half-Cardassian remarked. "So you only see our relationship as practice for later?" he asked with his usual smile. Charlotte was instantly charmed by his bright brown eyes: "Much more than that." Then she planted a soft kiss on his lips.
"And?" he asked. "How about you? How should it continue after Bamarren?" The blond-haired woman was visibly confused by his question, she had imagined a romantic meeting. But instead, it felt like she'd walked into a job interview: "I haven't thought about it yet." "I'm surprised." Corbin's facial expression became more and more funny. "Most people here already have a clear idea of ​​where they will see each other later" Slowly Charlotte's face got an annoyed expression: "I honestly don't know." She hoped that after this statement there would finally be a change of subject. However, this did not happen, instead it continued to revolve around this topic: "Did you come to Bamarren voluntarily?" The blond-haired woman wanted to scream, but she didn't want to be discovered and end up in the holding cell, instead she decided to continue in a calm tone: "Not really. My father sent me here. I only found out I was coming to Bamarren two days before departure" "Has anything changed since then? Did you find a perspective?" Charlotte sighed, "I honestly haven't given it any further thought, if I'm being honest. I let everything come to me and the rest takes care of itself"

It wasn't long before the meeting was over. Charlotte left the gardens without another word to get back to her section. She was disappointed the long-awaited meeting turned out to be a failure. Corbin had asked her about her future career and then told her about his plans. When the meeting ended, she snuck back along the same path. But this time it was more difficult than initially expected: Because the Central's also had night watch today and one of them was their section mate Gaia. She had spotted Charlotte scurrying by out of the corner of her eye and hurried after her, baton in hand. The blond haired fled to the shared bathroom, her last resort in hopes that the chase would be called off. She hid in a toilet cubicle but didn't lock it so as not to appear suspicious. Then she sat still and listened. Then, a few seconds later, someone entered the bathroom: "She's here," she heard Gaia's voice say. "Are you sure?" another female voice asked her. "Is it really the escapee?" "I'm quite sure," Gaia said to her companion. "I just saw her walk in here. She's hiding somewhere, I can smell it" "Find her" the other just ordered and left the room. Gaia didn't need to be told twice and so she began to search the shower stalls and toilet stalls. The closer she got, the more nervous Charlotte became. When her section mate reached the toilet cubicles, Charlotte decided to take the risk and climbed to the ceiling of the respective cubicle and used her "disappearing technique". Now it was all or nothing! Gaia finally approached the cabin and kicked open the door with full force. She saw an empty toilet bowl in front of her for a few seconds. Please don't look up! Please don't look up! Then Gaia let out an annoyed sigh and angrily stomped out of the bathroom. Charlotte waited in that position for a few seconds. But then she climbed down from the cabin and immediately went to the section and went to bed. That was really close!

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