The Mission Part 1:

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A new day broke in Bamarren. The tough day-to-day life at the institute began early in the morning. There were only a few days when the students had a chance to recover. But this day was definitely not one of them.

In the meantime, the mid-year exams have already arrived. This time there was an exam in the form of a simulation. After breakfast, the students gathered in the main auditorium of the institute.

"Section Three, step forward!"

Immediately the group of individuals came forward: Charlotte, Gaia, Korinas, Senna, Corbin and Alon and other students from other sections were assigned to this group.

"What scenario awaits us?" Alon wondered.

"Don't know," his sister replied shortly afterwards. "We will do our best, no matter what may come our way"

"I hope the English boarding school awaits us on Earth in 1895," Corbin said.

But then Gaia intervened: "Please no scenario on earth. I prefer the prison revolt at Letau Lunar Prison or the great battle during the occupation."

"Please not something like that" waved Senna off. "I hate the occupation of Bajor and I don't condone annexing foreign worlds and then enslaving them. To conquer foreign worlds and take what was never ours, to enslave and oppress others. That is not the original nature of the Cardassians. Cardassians are originally spiritual and peaceful people"

The group entered the assigned holosuite in which the scenario was simulated. The aim was to find out the mission objective and to complete the mission successfully.

The senior student entered the holosuite with the examinees: "You have been assigned the following scenario: You are students of Middletown Hempshore College in the United States in the year 2022 on Earth. Here are your identities, study them carefully. The simulation starts in ten minutes, good luck to you."

Each of the participants received a pad showing their identity and biography. They had ten minutes to assume the false identity.

Charlotte read aloud: "My name is Charlotte Sutter. My favorite thing is cheerleading"

"My name is Cora Morales and I'm also a cheerleader," Korinas announced.

"I'm Gaea Jörgstorm... And I thought my real name would be torture for the ears, but this name surpasses everything." Gaia said to the group. "And yes, I'm a cheerleader too"

"I do cheerleading too," Senna announced. "And my name is Senna Cosco.

"Me too," Alon remarked. "My Identity is Alon Sutter... Apparently we're all cheerleaders"

"What exactly is cheerleading?" someone in the group asked.

"A sport that consists elements of gymnastics, acrobatics, dance and cheers," quoted Senna from her Padd.

"The pit training did bring something after all," Charlotte commented, amused.

But Gaia's face darkened: "You say that, swot"

"If you had tried harder, you wouldn't have a reason to sweat now," the half-Cardassian countered.

"I'm about to punch your nose, you..."

Luckily, Alon intervened: "We should start our modifications and replicate the appropriate clothing. The simulation will start shortly"

a short time later the simulation started. The environment around the examinees changed immediately. The students began to orient themselves by looking around for the first time and familiarizing themselves with the terrain. Appearance had also changed. Instead of typical Cardassian features, they had been given a human appearance by the holo modifications.

The modified appearance was purely superficial and intended to simulate a surgical alteration. In the bathroom, everyone looked at themselves in the mirror. Charlotte immediately noticed two dominant features of her new look: "I would have hoped that my human face would not have freckles and certainly no braces" Senna was immediately responsible for the encouragement: "Your braces aren't that bad and besides, freckles are pretty rare. Be proud of your uniqueness." The blond-haired woman was immediately a little embarrassed: "Such niceties are not necessary, Senna" Korinas, on the other hand, was proud of what she saw in the mirror. Her new hair was jet black and was curly, which framed her naturally tanned face: "My skin is like sun kissed. Love it." But Gaia wasn't happy with her reflection at all: "Why am I so pale? Even an albino has more color than I do right now?!" Corbin was the only one thinking about the mission, and he, too, had changed as he now had wavy hair and a slightly tanned complexion: "As much as we're thrilled or shocked by our appearance right now... we should focus on the mission."

The students then left the shared bathroom and looked for clues that could have something to do with the mission. Then, a short time later, the mission goal was clearly defined when the examinees found out at the latest that they had to win a cheerleading competition in two days without being considered suspicious by the programmed people. They made no fuss and confidently entered the gym that was to be trained. "And now?" a student asked the group. "I still don't know what to do here," said the next student. Shortly thereafter, a heated discussion seemed to erupt: "Me neither" "We should apply for a reallocation!" Gaia also chimed in: "I'm for it too. In the other scenarios, the mission is definitely a lot easier. We still never did this sport, how are we supposed to win such a stupid competition?! That's absolute injustice!" Senna was finally annoyed. She got up from the wooden bench and shouted to the group: "Shut up! We are cheerleaders and our job is to win this competition. We have to establish a routine within two days. Any of you who don't want to should let himself be locked up in the holding cell. But don't hinder our mission." There was silence in the group. This marked the end of the discussion. Charlotte was visibly impressed by Senna's speech: "The team captain has already been decided"

Senna had agreed to take over the choreography and the structure of the training. The students did a few laps to warm up. After that, various stretching exercises were carried out, which were also on the plan at the beginning of each pit training session. The minutes that followed proved challenging as none of the students had ever practiced the sport. But with research and exchange with other students, they were still able to practice the jumping elements. "Next we'll try the lifting elements," Senna decided with determination. A total of four positions were involved in the lifting figures or stunts: base, backspot, flyer and tumbler. The base lift the flyer in the air and thus form the basis of every stunt. The backspot stabilizes the flyer and maintains the stunt. In an emergency, he catches the flyer if he should fall. The flyer is the person being lifted up and thrown up. Tumblers are the gymnasts who perform gymnastic elements on the floor and add some dynamic to the choreo. In the base: Charlotte, Senna, Corbin, Alon and other students were assigned. Gaia was backspot, Korinas was assigned as flyer due to her small body size. Assigned as Tumbler: Charlotte and Corbin. The lifting elements turned out to be a challenge, although acrobatic elements and lifting figures were occasionally carried out in the pit training. But this was for the purpose of improving physical condition and as a team building measure and not for aesthetic display. Because of this, the elements looked less elegant. Either the flyers fell, or the tumblers didn't execute their moves cleanly enough, or it all just didn't work out together. Despite the difficulties, the group still tried the pyramid, which was always shown at the end of a routine. At the end there was a conclusion and a "cool down" before the training ended. Senna took the floor again: "The training didn't go so bad for the time being. We did well. You can be proud of yourselves, despite the difficulties, I still have the feeling that we can be successful. We deserve a break ." After these words, the group broke up and just wanted to enjoy the well-deserved break.

After the long workout, Charlotte went back to her room to take a shower. " Charlie!" her roommate exclaimed enthusiastically. "And? Did you remember the choreo? I heard you forgot it" "News spreads relatively quickly here" The hologram shrugged, "You're the most popular girl in college. What did you expect?" "I'll go take a shower then," said the blond-haired woman and entered the bathroom. "I like the nickname Lottie much better"

"If our mission fails, it's your fault," Gaia complained to Senna. But Senna wasn't intimidated: "Why are you so sure about that?" "Because I know we're going to fail. I'll prove it to you." She shoved Senna. Immediately another student, a hologram, intervened: "Gaea, envy eats brains, still don't get it?" The half-Cardassian snorted in annoyance, but walked away without a word, leaving the two of them alone. "Are you okay?" he asked her. " Yes, everything is fine" "Heard Gaea is the backspot on your team," her counterpart began. "Yes, because of her size and her strong muscles she is perfectly suited for this position" replied the black-haired woman. "Unfortunately, her character is not well fitting to the team" But Senna waved it off: "We can do that. As a team captain, I know that." "So it's true that Charlotte is no longer team captain and you've taken her place?" " Yes, I am the new team captain and we will win the competition in two days"

Meanwhile, Korinas was enjoying dinner, which was now on the agenda in the cafeteria. "Sorry" a female unfamiliar voice interrupted her. "But are you Cora Morales?" Korinas looked up from her plate: "Yes, I am. What can I do for you?" "I'm Heather Williams," introduced her counterpart. "I'm new here and was told I could get in touch with you about a sightseeing tour" "That's right" Heather's eyes on Korina's plate: "I hope I'm not interrupting you with something important" "No," your counterpart waved off. "I was just about done anyway" she got up from her seat and began the tour.

Dinner has already taken place. Charlotte also decided to get some refreshments. So after the shower she left her room and walked down the hall towards the cafeteria. "I missed you, Corbin," she suddenly heard an unfamiliar male voice. "Me too," Corbin replied. "But do you know what's the most beautiful thing?" she heard the other ask. Unobtrusively she approached the event, now she wanted to know what was going on there. Then something happened that she never expected. The other student approached Corbin: "That I'm with you again" then he gave him a kiss. Charlotte expected Corbin to push him aside and scold him at any moment, but he simply kissed back. The blond haired turned on her heel and stormed out, angry and disappointed as she was. Corbin caught up with her in time: "It's not what it looks like" "Oh I see," she replied sarcastically. "So you slipped and your lips accidentally touched his." She pulled away from him. "Charlotte!"

She just wanted to be left alone after this event, so she left the building and hid in a secluded corner of campus. Korinas approached her as she enjoyed the evening sun with Heather and Alon: "Are you alright?" "No," Charlotte said, barely holding back her tears: "I hate this mission. I'd love to tear everything to pieces." "Don't you think you're exaggerating a bit?" Korinas asked cautiously. "He just kissed another boy. I have every right to react like that." Her anger grew by the second. Her best friend got a little closer to her: "I understand what you're going through. I experienced something similar about six months ago." Charlotte knew immediately what she was getting at: "Only with the difference that I didn't cheat and we weren't together." "But it felt that way to me. At first I had the impression that you felt the same way and also wanted a relationship. But then unfortunately you hit me in the most vulnerable moment and opened old wounds. I will tell you about my past one day...When I feel more readier," explained Korinas. "May I ask you something?" the blond-haired began cautiously. " You can ask me everything you want" "Do you still have a crush on me?" "Yes" she grabbed Charlotte's hand. But the half-Cardassian gently pushed her aside. She was now even more agitated than before.

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