Take the first Step:

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She followed him very cautiously. It has now been three weeks since the transfer to level two. Charlotte had few opportunities to meet with Corbin. But this time it should hopefully work out, which is why she began to watch the Cardassian. But this was no easy task. Either Corbin was never alone so they could talk privately or he just couldn't be found. Increasingly, Charlotte also felt that he was avoiding her. But the blond-haired girl wasn't so easily defeated. She therefore decided to keep an eye on him and wait for an opportunity before she could start the conversation.

Charlotte also used the evening break to spy on her boyfriend. Corbin was in the gardens this time, going through school stuff with one of his sectionmates.Then the other student walked away and Corbin came straight at Charlotte: "Why are you spying on me?""Do I do that?"
"Please save yourself the acting," he now rebuked her. Charlotte rolled her eyes and finally capitulated, "Fine, I've been watching you, satisfied?" "And why, if I may ask?" The student got nervous, but summed up her courage: "It's like since we kissed three weeks ago, my relationship with you has changed. I wanted..." Her counterpart interrupted her: "Why don't you ask for a meeting right away? Are you chasing me halfway across the quadrant?"
"Because I thought you would take the first step," the blond-haired answered truthfully. Corbin nodded in confirmation: "I expected the same thing. I mean, after all, you were the one who kissed me" "So how does it look?" she asked. "When do we want to meet to talk about the feelings in peace?" The person opposite looked briefly at the floor: "Best tomorrow during breakfast time. It's much quieter here." Charlotte agreed: "Agreed. See you tomorrow, then" "Until tomorrow"
Satisfied, Charlotte left the dense bushes and hurried out of the garden so as not to become suspicious. She didn't notice that Korinas had been overhearing her the whole time.Korinas was still disappointed. Still, she didn't want to accept that Charlotte couldn't return her feelings. She desperately wanted to cling to the hope that feelings could still develop. But the anger and disappointment was far greater than anything else.

A few minutes later her brother moved as well. He turned into the opposite side, which led him out of the gardens. But then he realized that he was being watched again. As soon as he looked in the suspicious direction, his pursuer appeared. It was his younger sister Korinas who made no secret of the whole thing anymore.
Corbin also knew why she was chasing him: "You overheard us, didn't you?"His sister didn't hide her dissatisfaction: "Yes, I have and I don't really approve of you getting into that kind of relationship.""Why that?"
Korinas turned her back on him: "She will break your heart. As she did to me. First she reciprocates your feelings and then she says to you: Unfortunately, I feel differently." "Did she kiss you?" her brother asked. "No" "Have you spoken out yet?" Korinas chuckled, "No, why should we?" Corbin shrugged: 'To clear up the misunderstanding' "There is nothing left to clarify" "You haven't spoken to each other for three weeks. This has to come to an end," he persuaded his younger sister. "It will never end"
Now her counterpart got angry: "Don't come at me with your theatrical behavior. You will agree. Either you find a way yourself or I have to make sure you talk to each other!"

The next morning Charlotte waited unsuspectingly in the dense foliage for Corbin to finally appear. But even after half an eternity he didn't come. So much for punctuality and reliability! She thought grumpily and wanted to run away. Until suddenly someone came up behind her and grabbed her neck. Charlotte jumped and was about to counterattack. Until the person came into view: it was Corbin who kissed her shortly after.
"You!" she hissed, shocked but angry at the same time. "You dare scare me like that!" Corbin gave his usual smirk, which was slightly arrogant. "Now I don't think this is funny! Do you have the faintest idea what could happen if you didn't identify yourself in time?!" "I would have dodged your attack," he answered her question with a shrug. "Ah yes?" "How about a hello Drabar how nice to see you. I love you. Where have your manners gone?" he teased her even further.
"And you still insist that we stick to the labels during our meetings?" The Cardassian looked down at her briefly: "You can also call me great ruler and master if you want." "Certainly not!" the half-Cardassian snapped, wanting to flee. "I have to go slowly. Lessons are about to start." Charlotte was tired of the conversation now.

The lessons were mostly uneventful. Charlotte gave her best in every unit and hoped to get through the second level well. In the evening when the "military lessons" and then the pit training were due, Charlotte noticed a slight increase in fatigue. This time, partner exercises were on the program for pit training. Although Charlotte had no problems with group activities, she felt visibly uncomfortable, especially in the second level, when there were exercises in pairs or in a group. When the constellations had already been determined, Charlotte and another section comrade were the last to remain: it was Korinas of all people. In the past, the two were absolutely delighted when they got to work together. But since the misunderstanding, the blond-haired student felt visibly uncomfortable near Korinas.

Korinas didn't seem to fare any better either. Since that incident, without Charlotte's backing, Korinas has been the target of hostilities and rumours from her sectionmates. Charlotte had it harder too.
Still, she became an easy victim for Gaias and for the Central's. She had to endure teasing and even humiliation. Pit training was torture and both Charlotte and Korinas were visibly relieved when classes finally ended and the students were dismissed. Both wanted to be on their way. But Calyx's voice made the girls pause: "Three and Four Keisha, I want to talk to you for a moment."
The movements of the two froze immediately and a sense of uneasiness spread through them. They turned and cautiously approached the docent, who was looking at them expectantly. At first Calyx's smile seemed petrified, but then he finally began: "You caught my eye today in particular. You two were more aggressive than usual." "Thank you, sir," the two of them said at the same time. "It wasn't meant as a compliment," he scolded the students. Being aggressive can be fatal in a real fight, do you know why?" "Unnecessary energy is consumed," Charlotte replied. "You lose self-control," Korinas added. The lecturer nodded in confirmation: "Correct, and as my two best students you should be aware of that." "We're sorry, sir," Charlotte apologized. "We'll pay more attention to that in the future," promised Korinas. Calyx waved her off: "I didn't really want to blame you, but rather give you advice" The girls briefly exchanged confused looks. Korinas finally found her voice: "Any advice?" "Talk to each other. Whatever is on your mind, it distracts you from work"

After class, the long-awaited dinner took place. Charlotte was just exhausted, both physically and mentally, and wanted nothing more than for the day to end. Charlotte looked up from her soup to see Corbin just entering the dining room, searching the room for someone. Finally, failing to see the person, he approached her position: "Where is my sister?" The blond-haired student was just irritated and this question didn't exactly improve her mood, but on the contrary: "I don't know that and to be honest I'm not interested."

Charlotte's appetite is now completely gone. So she didn't even try to eat anything, but got up from her seat and rushed outside to get some fresh air. She was becoming more tense and irritable by the hour. She walked away from the dining room and entered the gardens of the institute. During mealtimes this place was deserted. Just as she was about to cross the area, the blond-haired girl was pulled into the bushes by someone. She had just prepared to counterattack when she saw him. "Is this how you imagine our first date?"
"Enough," Corbin said irritably to her. "You will speak to her now!" But the blond-haired waved it off: "I won't. Besides, what's it to you? It was between me and Korinas" "It's very much my business!" He flared up as well. "My sister hasn't been the same in weeks and you're getting more and more angry and confused" "This is none of your business!" "Look at you! You have changed completely. I don't recognize you at all!" Suddenly, the two students heard footsteps that grew louder. It was certain: Someone was approaching the two and would discover Charlotte and Corbin.
Charlotte wanted to flee the situation: "Someone is coming. We have to get out of here" She whispered this in a low voice and wanted to turn around, but she was held by Corbin. The young Cardassian stood rooted to the spot and didn't move an inch. Her stress level rose: "What are you doing? Do you want to be punished? But then she heard Korina's voice, she seemed to be saying something to another person: "What's so urgent?" Then she knew what was going on: Her brother Alon had led Korinas straight here: "Alon? What does that mean?" Korinas was also not at all satisfied with the current situation: "What's the point?" The girls fled in opposite directions. Her brothers pursued the two. They had definitely imagined these things differently. Alon pursued Charlotte while Corbin tried to capture his sister. Alon ran after her: "Charlotte! Charlotte!" "What!?"
"That must have an end!" Charlotte backed away from him on the spot: "You don't have the right...!" Her brother interrupted her: "Right? More than that, I have an obligation" "Do you justify such an invasion of my privacy? It was something between me and Korinas" "Charlotte! How long do you want to keep doing this? I'll just say one thing: keep it up and you'll be sorted out before the end of the semester."
The blond haired said nothing. She knew what Alon said was the truth. Since then, more and more rumors have been spreading, which sooner or later can become detrimental. In the worst case, she and Korinas would be fired from the institute as they are classified as socially incompetent and with that status it was definitely difficult to get a new perspective.

They sat side by side in silence. When Charlotte and Korinas did decide to talk to each other, a heated discussion broke out at first, but then things calmed down. When the silence became unbearable, Korinas began to speak: "It's kind of funny that we're sitting in the exact same place." Charlotte had to giggle: "Yeah, that's what I was thinking too." Her counterpart looked to the ground in dismay: "So nothing will change in the decision?" "Korinas...I..."
But the Cardassian interrupted her: "It's okay. You decided. Even if it hurts me... The important thing is that you are happy and you don't regret it""If it hadn't been for Corbin then who knows..." the blond-haired mumbled barely audibly."Friends?""Friends!"

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