Into the wilderness:

9 0 0

"Ten, hurry up," growled Eight and pounded on the locked door. "By the way, it is forbidden to use the shared bathroom just for yourself" reminded Five of the house rules. "Open up now!" Shouted eight angrily.
"I still have to go to the toilet" came from the bathroom. "The nine of us have to do that too, so finally deactivate the lock," Charlotte intervened. "But I can't if someone listens to me," Korinas shouted. Now Charlotte finally burst her emotional control: "Either you let us in now or we will tell you at One Ketay" That seemed to work, because shortly afterwards Korinas deactivated the latch. Immediately all nine stormed into the bathroom to get ready for class.

After breakfast there was a lesson on computer systems. Very boring for Charlotte, since in the 90 minutes only the construction of computers was reported in detail. It taught: Lecturer Arik. An old man with shockingly gray hair and very poor vision and profound hearing loss. He could only move around with the help of a cane. The others quickly noticed his handicap and began to take advantage of it. They talked about private matters or tossed things around without being noticed. Charlotte decided to ignore the fuss. She tried to focus her attention on the class. "The lecturer now looked through the entire class with his half-blind eyes:" C... Can .. Can someone answer the following question for me "he asked with a croaking voice. Like the previous times, Charlotte was the only one to raise her hand: "Module 4 and Module 3 must point in the opposite direction" "I'm sorry, what?" asked the old man. "Module 4 and module 3 must point in the opposite direction," repeated the half-Cardassian in a somewhat louder voice.
"Unfortunately I cannot understand you." croaked the half-deaf docent. "MODULE 4 AND MODULE 3 MUST POINT IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION," Charlotte shouted with full force. Lecturer Arik nodded noticeably satisfied. I will never volunteer in his class again! She decided from then on.

After that the timetable was empty. Charlotte wondered why this was the case and she was the only one. The others from their section, on the other hand, were happy about the free time they gave and either made themselves comfortable in their beds or had conversations. Others began to play counting rhymes and gossip games."Why is the timetable empty?" Charlotte asked openly to her fellow section members. "According to the plan we would now have the whole day off"
"Be happy about it," said Eight with an exasperated look. "Swot" Charlotte knew intuitively that something was wrong. In the last three weeks she had settled in in Bamarren and also got to know their teaching methods. Every waking moment was planned down to the smallest detail and there were very few occasions where breaks were planned. The last lesson was over an hour before bed and the students had an hour to get ready for bed and review what had happened. At ten o'clock the lights went out and there were night vigils to make sure that no unauthorized persons entered the institute or that no students left their sections.

When after an hour the timetable was still not updated, Charlotte decided to ask and went to the head of the section. When she hurried through the corridors, however, she did not find One Ketay. Charlotte was all the more confused. Is there really no class today? The half-Cardassian was about to turn on her heel when she stopped a voice:

What are you doing here? "Asked a level three student, looking sharply at Charlotte."I ... I" wanted to start Charlotte, but she was interrupted."Go back to your section and inform your comrades that they should have sun protection ready""Yes," said the half-Cardassian and hurried back to her quarters.
The sun protection was a green cloth that you tied around your head. Cardassians were insensitive to heat, but ultimately also not immune to sunburn and dehydration. Charlotte braided her blonde hair in two braids and put her sunscreen over it. She didn't have a sun cream with her. Her section mates too, except for Korinas."Why is everyone suddenly coming to me now?" asked Ten.
"Because you're the only one who has suncream with you," replied Five."Exactly, three at a time?" Said Nine."Why do you have so much suncream with you?" Eight asked with an exasperated look."In case we go on a trip to the beach so I don't get sunburned.""Beach trip in Bamarren?" Came the question from several at the same time.

Then after a short time something finally happened: a few members were taken out of the section. When it was finally Charlotte's turn she was escorted to a transporter room by two older schoolgirls she did not know. A short time later she was in the Mekar wilderness, alone without a navigation device or other aids. She was told shortly before that she should escape capture and return to Bamarren unobtrusively.

The silence of the wilderness impressed Charlotte on the one hand, but it made her very uneasy.She ignored her discomfort and henceforth focused on her mission. At first she looked around, but there was no sign of the institute. When she couldn't find any landmarks, she decided to hike in some direction, hoping the desert would eventually end.
She fought her way through the heat and climbed dune to dune. Charlotte had decided the following: She moved to the highest points of the desert in order to keep the best possible overview. So she could keep an eye on the institute that looked so tiny in the distance, but also recognize the enemies that might be lurking for her.
Completely purposeful and attentive, she moved towards Bamarren. Their approach has been very successful so far, but there was one small drawback: she was very easy to spot. And that quickly became their undoing. Because older students from level two rushed towards her. Charlotte immediately fled and stumbled down the dune into the valley. Without looking back, she ran through the wilderness.

After half an eternity, the chase was stopped and Charlotte flopped in the sand. The first tactic was unsuccessful! She thought she was slightly disappointed. She rolled onto her back and screwed up her eyes as the sun shines so bright from the sky.
Then she got up again and decided to change her methods. She no longer moved to the highest points of the wilderness, but decided to bury her in the sand and crawl forward very carefully. It proved to be a challenge, but it went undetected for several hours. She only came out of her hiding place during short breaks in which she took some water and emergency rations.

More hours passed without it being discovered. Charlotte was sure that she would master her outdoor exercise successfully. Until she heard screams from a closer distance.The half-Cardassian sought protection behind a smaller dune and crawled up out of the sand. She let her gaze wander into the valley and immediately discovered what was going on: Korinas tried to escape four students by constantly running in circles and trying to play "catch" with them. Her face was covered with a thick layer of white sunscreen. She screeched while being followed by the others, despite her efforts she was caught and led away by the students.

"No movement," Charlotte suddenly heard a harsh voice behind her. She froze in her movement."Hands behind the head"Charlotte put her hands behind her neck, and the steps came closer immediately. Possibly handcuffs will be put on me!Her guess was correct, because a short time later her hands were cuffed behind her back and she was led away by the older students.I have failed!

"One and Two Dirham are back from the field exercise! "shouted the students as they entered the school premises with Charlotte in tow.The gate guard looked at the half-Cardassian: "Your designation!""Seven Keisha"
"Seven Keisha, sir!" corrected the guard. "Seven Keisha ..." Charlotte took her time. "Sir!" The other student nodded: "An Obsi" "Lock her into the arrest cell and inform her section leader about her failure!" Ordered the gate guard. " Yes, sir! "

Charlotte was grabbed by the students and put in the holding cell. On the way there, she noticed that the other holding cells were also occupied. Looking inside, she recognized Korinas and Nine.The detention cells were all arranged in a circle so that one could always look into the other cells.Charlotte entered the cell and immediately the force field was activated.

"You here too?" Asked Korinas and was visibly surprised. "We thought if one of us could do that then you would be sure," Nine shouted from the cell across the block as the level three students were out of sight.
"Well, the Obsi's lost and the Central's won. Very good start," said Ten, clearly desperate."Don't hang your head," Nine consoled her. "There are sure to be several outdoor exercises and next time we will win!" called her."For the Empire!" Korinas exclaimed proudly."Victory! Victory! Victory!" Shouted the other Obsi members in the cell block and raised their left fists in the air.

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