A new lesson:

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After the long and exhausting pit training, the longed-for dinner took place. The students had an hour to eat, drink and possibly pursue private matters in peace.

After dinner, the students took one last look at their schedule and saw that it was being updated. Instead of an hour of free time, a new subject was now on the agenda.So the Keisha group made their way towards the pit. A second pit training? Some wondered, confused, and glanced at each other furtively.Some male students also gathered in the area. That could only mean one thing: a meeting with the Obsis or Centrals.
Everyone was confused and didn't really know what to make of this situation. Usually male and female students kept mutual contact as little as possible.Then after a short time two students from level three appeared: They were One Ketay and One Drabar (Corbin Entek). They stood in front of the younger students and let their eyes wander through the crowd.Then Ketay spoke: "May I ask your attention". There was a silence, then she continued: "You are certainly amazed why this class is now taking place with mixed sexes"
Now Corbin took the floor: "In Bamarren, male and female students are normally taught separately from one another and any contact with one another is kept as low as possible. The reason for this is that at a young age, the hormones and puberty rule, instead of the disciplined mind "
"But over time here, leaders from both sides have sat down and debated," Ketay continued. "Are there mixed classes?" Asked a male student enthusiastically. "That's good news" "Finally, it was about time!" Exclaimed Korinas. The whole crowd started talking excitedly, but Corbin interrupted the talk immediately: "There are no mixed classes ... But the safety training takes place in a mixed constellation together with this year's unique Bamarren Games"
There was another cheer and a torrent of scraps of conversation. The students were visibly delighted with the news and wanted to express this joy. "Don't rejoice too soon," Ketay warned the students. "That doesn't mean that the lessons will be relaxed here."

"Then we want to check the presence of all students" began Corbin and he called up all the names of the participants, which then confirm their presence. However, he got stuck with one name: "Five Rinor?" There was a silence: "Where is he?" "Maybe he's sick," suggested Charlotte.
"He didn't unsubscribe from me or One Ketay," he continued. "Because that way I could enter someone from another section for this lesson so that the constellations work" "So today a lady will unfortunately be without a training partner and consequently have a disadvantage, unfortunately," continued Ketay.

Then the class finally began and the students began a warm-up program together to prepare the body for today's lesson. Afterwards punches were demonstrated and then trained. During this time the students were under the supervision of One Ketay and One Drabar, who corrected their posture and technique.

"And now you go in teams of two, "demanded Corbin.Korinas didn't have to be told twice and so it happened that she immediately rushed to her best friend Charlotte, who was also totally delighted. They both hugged.
But the joy vanished again when the voice of One Ketay rang out: "In mixed teams, please" So the two girls had to separate and Korinas looked for a training partner. In the meantime, teams of two have been formed, each with a male training partner. Everyone except Charlotte. The blond-haired woman looked around for help, but no trace of a student who was also alone. Everyone stared at her, and she hated herself more than ever for not being fast enough. "Now that's exactly the problem I was talking about earlier," Ketay began to speak. "Because of the unexcused absence of Five Rinor, this student is now unable to perform most of the exercises"
"We could take turns." Suggested Five Keisha. "Sometimes it's my turn and sometimes it's her" But the course instructor refused: "Your proposal is full of good intentions, but everyone should receive the same scope of training here" "I'll step in," Corbin decided and moved towards Charlotte. "But..." But the Cardassian interrupted Ketay: "You keep teaching, I'll manage it" then he stood next to the blond-haired woman.

Again and again she was surprised because he sometimes seemed intimidating due to his wakeful look and his mysterious aura and because of this some wrongly described him as arrogant even though this did not apply to him at all. She made a fist with her right hand. "If you were to strike like that, your thumb would be broken instantly. Better put it down a little bit bent near the fingertips, "he corrected her.
"Oops" said Charlotte and obeyed him. Then Corbin raised his palm to her for the exercise: "So and now hit my palm" Charlotte nodded curtly and started the punch combination. At first she had inhibitions because she didn't want to hurt her training partner. But then she realized that the worries were unfounded.
Then evasive exercises in the event of an attack were demonstrated and rehearsed. Charlotte had a lot of fun doing the exercises, she was not only athletic, but her training partner also explained everything very clearly. Finally, a combination of punches and evasive maneuvers were practiced and repeated over and over again until these processes became second nature.

At the end of the lesson, stretching exercises were done to give the muscles the flexibility they needed for a fight in an emergency, and they were also helpful for pit training.At the end, a cool-down was scheduled before the students were released and the lessons ended. The sun was setting now.

After the safety training, an hour of study under supervision was the order of the day. During this time you either did school work or went through the contents of the last lessons again.

After that the students had about an hour of free time and they were allowed to do whatever they wanted. Most of the students sat down and talked about private topics. "So" began Eight. "I am enthusiastic about the new subject"
"I agree with you," said Three. Suddenly a barking laugh came out of Eight, while she said: "The new school subject is so great. I can really let off steam, today I was still hesitant, but the next time he'll get a broken jaw. I can assure you of that "

After the free period, it was time to get some sleep. During the curfew, which was imposed by lecturers and older students, there were night vigils throughout the institute who made sure that they were adhered to. At 5:30 in the morning the wake-up call was started and each student had to get up and prepare for class. Some got out of bed quickly, but others struggled at this early hour of the morning. Most of them made their first stop in the bathroom and brushed their teeth before putting on their uniforms and rushing to breakfast. Some showered before brushing their teeth, some afterwards Charlotte brushed her teeth mostly after showering. Korinas, on the other hand, cleaned her in the shower. Then the students in the section put on their uniforms, either talked to comrades or rushed to breakfast to be able to chat with each other afterwards.

Afterwards breakfast took place in the dining room. There the respective sections sat down together, strengthened themselves for the day and exchanged views on the content of the lesson. "Are you looking forward to the next lesson with the Rinor group?" Senna asked Charlotte finally. "If I'm the only one left, I won't," Charlotte replied as she poked at her food. The person opposite shrugged his shoulders: "If necessary, Drabar can step in for you again"
"Yes, he can," the blonde-haired sighed. "Or I can call in sick right away""So bad?""I just find it uncomfortable to fight someone I'm friends with," admitted Charlotte.Senna tried to calm her down: "You don't really fight with each other. It's just a self-defense class where you train together "

Whenever breakfast was finished, the main pt lesson took place afterwards, where subjects such as: spelling, mathematics, political science / politics, psychology and economics were taught. After the main lesson, lunch for the students took place. The meal breaks were a few small opportunities where you could relax a little.
But after lunch, relaxation was over and then science was taught. In this subject, the constellations of stars and sectors were mapped and discussed. Then finally the pit training with Calyx took place. As with self-defense training, you learned fighting techniques there. But breathing techniques and physical fitness were also expanded. Before the self-defense lesson, which most of the students were looking forward to, they had dinner together. Shortly before the lesson, many were talking excitedly in the dining room.

"Then go together with the respective partners," demanded Drabar again in this lesson. The students went together in the respective constellations from the last time. This time everyone had come to class, so Charlotte no longer had to stand alone. Five Rinor approached the blond-haired girl: "May I ask you for a dance?"
Charlotte knew that he meant that with a touch of humor, but she found little sympathy with her counterpart. Still, she joked back, "Dance? You are probably in the wrong institute " Then the Cardassian scratched his head, confused: "What do we actually have to do?" A dreamer! An airman! She just thought. So busy dreaming that you don't hear anything from the class! Nevertheless, she remained friendly: "Practice the technique that we have just been shown"
"So push each other to the ground?"She nodded: "Exactly, which of us should start?"Rinor shrugged his shoulders: "I don't care""Then I'll start," Charlotte decided without hesitation and performed the technique that Ketay and Corbin had just demonstrated.The person opposite got up again: "Then it's my turn" he approached the blonde-haired very carefully. "I really don't want to hurt you""Just do it"
He took her arm very carefully. You could see clearly that he was completely insecure. Charlotte's self-discipline was beginning to wane and her face was long.At that moment, Corbin just came by, noticed Rinor's problem and decided to intervene: "You can't get the technique right that way."
Five Rinor still didn't really dare. Shortly afterwards, her long face turned into an annoyed roll of eyes. Now finally do it! Charlotte thought annoyed. Corbin had obviously read her mind: "I'll show you" He began to demonstrate the technique to Charlotte. "Do you understand? Just no inhibitions. In an emergency it should look the same, regardless of whether you are facing a man or a woman "

At the end of the lesson, stretching exercises were done to give the muscles the flexibility they needed for a fight in an emergency, and they were also helpful for pit training.At the end, a cool-down was scheduled before the students were released and the lessons ended. The sun was setting now.

After the safety training, an hour of study under supervision was the order of the day. During this time you either did school work or went through the contents of the last lessons again.

After that the students had about an hour of free time and they were allowed to do whatever they wanted. Most of the students sat down and talked about private topics. "You seem different today, somehow ... happier," remarked Senna. Charlotte paused: "Really?"
"Yes, always after the self-defense class" The blonde-haired shrugged her shoulders: "I just enjoy it" "Even if your training partner is clumsy?" Asked her best friend. "He still needs time before he really dares"
"And until then, Drabar will be here, who can show him everything and will step in for him if necessary" Charlotte looked up and looked confused in Senna's face: "What are you trying to tell me?" "I saw your look when Drabar demonstrated the technique on you. I know that you enjoyed being around him again "
The half-Cardassian raised her hands defensively: "Drabar and I are just friends""Oh yes?""I also think that Five Rinor is very cute. He is sensitive and gentle, just like me. If you'll excuse me... My bladder is squeezing "Charlotte left the room with these words."You really have a strange taste," Senna called after her.

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