The Last Date:

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It has now been a month since the mission that took place in the holosuite. Despite the tense situation that had ensued at the time, Charlotte initially refused to speak to Corbin. At 5:30 in the morning the wake-up call was started and each student had to get up and prepare for class. Some got out of bed quickly, while others struggled at this early hour. Most made their first stop at the bathroom and brushed their teeth before donning their uniforms and rushing to breakfast.
Some showered before brushing their teeth, some after. Charlotte usually brushed her teeth after showering. Korinas, on the other hand, cleaned her in the shower.
Then the students in the section put on their uniforms, either chatted with classmates or hurried to breakfast to be able to chat with each other afterwards.Afterwards, breakfast was held in the dining room. There, the respective sections sat down together, strengthened themselves for the day and exchanged views on the content of the lessons.
Whenever breakfast was finished, the main lesson took place where subjects such as: spelling, mathematics, political science, psychology and economics were taught. After the main lesson, the students had lunch. The meal breaks were a few opportunities to relax. But after lunch the relaxation was over and then military instruction was on the agenda. In this subject, military maneuvers and soldier training were theoretically taught, and shooting training and military field exercises were also part of the lessons and the new timetable that the Centrals put together.
Then the computer systems were taught, in this subject individual systems were discussed, the resources and weaknesses of each individual system were taught. Before the last part of the lesson, which most of the students looked forward to, we had dinner together. Just before class, many were talking excitedly in the dining room. After the safety training, one hour of supervised learning was the order of the day. During this time you either did schoolwork or went through the contents of the last lesson again. After that, the students had about an hour of free time and were allowed to do whatever they felt like doing. Most of the students sat down and talked about private topics. And after that hour, all the lights went out and the curfew was set. It was bedtime and the students had a chance to rest. Since the Centrals have the lead in this period up to the next competition period, the subjects were set up accordingly according to their interests.

But at some point Charlotte pulled herself together, while everyone else was fast asleep, she trotted softly towards the garden and waited there for Corbin, who was there almost every night. She crawled through the dense thicket until she came to a small gap and stood up in the foliage there. A short time later, her counterpart also appeared. "You wanted to speak to me?" she began, refusing to look at him. "Yes, I wanted that," he replied. "It's been a month since we last spoke" The blond-haired nodded curtly: "And the conversation wasn't exactly the best" Her counterpart grinned a little embarrassed: "I agree with you, we definitely had better topics to talk about." She wanted to hold back her anger and appear cool, but then suddenly she blurted out, "But what were you thinking, Corbin? After all these months? We were together... why?" "I'm afraid I don't know, Charlotte" "You don't know?!" Her anger grew by the second. "Excuse me?!" "It's complicated..." But she didn't let him finish: "Please answer the following question: Do you like boys?" "What's that got to do with..." But Charlotte didn't give up and looked at him sternly: "Do you like boys, yes or no?" "Yes" The blond-haired flinched and turned her back on her counterpart: "That's it... It's over" "Charlotte! It's not what you think..." "You don't have to justify yourself, Corbin. You like boys, so I don't want to stand in your way any longer," she said simply and left the thicket, but stayed behind in the garden for a while. She hid a few feet away to watch his reaction. She thought he would rush after her and apologize, but he didn't. Instead, he turned on his heel and left the gardens.

After Corbin left, Charlotte found no rest. She paced restlessly up and down the spot: "Who do I love? And what do I love? I still love Corbin...But I also have feelings for Korinas...Am I into girls? I like Corbin, but I also like Korinas...Am I a lesbian? Or not?" "Or you like both" Korina's voice suddenly said. As Charlotte spun around, she approached her. Charlotte ran her fingers through her hair: "It's not normal" "Normal is boring too" Korinas said and gave her a teasing grin. "We just have one life. Shouldn't we rather live it the way we want and not the way society wants it to be?" "And that's where it fails," the blond-haired woman replied, broken. "I just don't know what I want. So I'm just doing what the state wants me to do: I underwent memory training when I was four, I was in preschool physical education, I learned how to behave like a Cardassian, I came here and I'm doing my best here...Hopefully someday to be accepted...even if it means having a cosmetic surgery" "Oh nonsense" Korinas waved her off. "Looking Cardassian doesn't automatically make you happier. Look at me: while I'm physically a Cardassian, I have more of a Trill in common...Love how you want, what you want, who you want..." When Korinas was right in front of her face and Charlotte felt her fresh breath on her skin, she knew what Korinas would expect from her, so she leaned down a little and kissed her briefly on her full lips: "And I love you". Korinas immediately returned the kiss: So she pulled Charlotte down by the shoulder until they were at eye level and gave her a passionate kiss.

For the first time in her life, Charlotte did what she really wanted.

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