The Competition:

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"Nothing has changed in our tactics," reported One Dirham in the final meeting. "We will wait until Ketay has posted the guards and at that moment we will break through the defenses and storm the fortress. Any last questions?" "No, everything's fine so far," Charlotte replied. "And remember, we have to break through the defense at least in teams of two on all four sides at once to have a chance," Two Dirham reminded her.
"We understand," said Senna, nodding her head in confirmation. "You have to do very well during the competition phase. This is of enormous importance," One Cales also continued. Korinas nodded, "We've been chewing this through for a thousand years, can we please end the meeting now? My royal bladder is bursting "Of course, Your Majesty," joked One Dirham, ending the meeting. Korinas immediately jumped up from her chair and rushed to the toilet. Charlotte and Senna, on the other hand, were in no hurry. Now the serious situation was getting closer and closer.

The next morning was the day of the competition and a long and tiring competition phase was ahead. You could also get injuries. When Charlotte, Korinas and Senna woke up it was still dark outside. But this was the time when the decisive moment took place. Also, you could use the darkness to your advantage. The three made their way to the meeting point where they would meet the rest of the group. The meeting point was at the large main gate of the institute.
"Getting up so early without breakfast?" Korinas wailed. "It can only go wrong" "It'll be fine," Charlotte comforted her. But Korinas was apparently not in the best of moods: "It's not even light out here" "Everything has a reason why we start so early" replied Senna.
The trio had arrived at the rendezvous point and immediately One and Two Dirham approached with the appropriate equipment in hand. They gave the competition vests and phasers to Charlotte, Korinas and Senna. "Here" said One Dirham. "You will need this. Performs a sufficient security check and checks whether everything is complete. Wait until the first rays of the sun become visible. Then you will move up and we will proceed according to plan" "Understood!" One and Two Dirham only nodded in agreement and finally walked away from the rendezvous. The rest of the group also made their way to position themselves.

The phase that lasted the longest began: the waiting phase. All three now stood in front of the main gate and waited for their turn. Charlotte went over her plan as often as possible. Korinas, on the other hand, burst into a torrent of words."And then I found out that Guppy was under my bed the whole time," she said at the end of her rant."Guppy?" asked Senna."My pet iguana"
"I don't want to interrupt the nice conversation," Charlotte began cautiously. "But we should get started" Korinas looked down: "Oh what a pity" Then the trio donned the dark green vests. Each participant in the competition had to wear either a green vest, the attackers' color, or a black vest, the defenders' color.
After that, each of the friends did an equipment check. The phaser, the bundle and the power cells of the phaser were checked for completeness. Charlotte, Korinas and Senna then set off to catch up with the other teams. The whole thing was getting more and more exciting and everyone was getting nervous.

The three hiked past the pit towards the Mekar Wilderness. There they opened the barrier of the fence and now they were in the opposing area.Charlotte, Korinas and Senna continued north until they spotted the small pile of sand they dumped on the day of the final rehearsal to help them find their bearings.Then they settled down and the waiting period continued. Now the trio had to wait for a signal and then break through the defence.

The phase that lasted the longest began again: the waiting phase. All three now stood behind the sand pile and waited for their turn. Charlotte went over her plan as often as possible. Korinas, on the other hand, broke out again in a torrent of words. "I won't wear those things anymore," Korinas whined, pulling off her leg armor. "It's bad enough we had to wear them to the Bamarren Games" "You leave them on your body," Charlotte demanded. "Huh? How so?"
"Because otherwise it's suspicious, if we leave them here," answered the blond-haired woman with an unnerved look. "Who said anything about leaving it? Of course I'll take it with me." Now Charlotte was finally annoyed, time was running out and she was stressed: "And how would you like to fight while you have these things in your hands?"
Korinas shrugged: "I'll think of something.""No, you won't," said her counterpart a bit too snippy. "Either you start thinking or you get out of here!"Korinas just nodded and then immediately turned around. Apparently she wanted to get out. Then Charlotte knew she had made a mistake.

She followed Korinas: "Korinas! Wait! It was not meant like that" "What didn't you mean?" asked her counterpart in a huff. "That I can't think? Tell me right away that I'm too stupid for everything" "I didn't mean to say that," Charlotte defended. "Oh yeah?" Korinas asked her. "Then what did you mean by that? You know full well that I hate being made to feel incompetent" The blonde haired sighed, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel like that. I just expressed myself wrong"

Charlotte managed to reassure Korinas and they went back to the side of the sand pile. There they waited until the time came. When another team from the group gave them a hand signal, they moved on.The group of three crept further towards the fortress. However, just before they could start accessing it, they had to hide and wait again.
The new hiding place was a medium-sized rock, and up to three people could crouch behind it for cover. The sun's rays were now slowly spreading across the sky.Charlotte, Korinas and Senna stayed there until the decisive signal sounded. When it sounds, it's time to break through the defenses and then storm the fortress.

The phase that lasted the longest began again: the waiting phase. All three now stood behind the rock and waited for their turn. Charlotte went over her plan as often as possible. Korinas, on the other hand, broke out again in a torrent of words. Then the decisive signal sounded and the three immediately jumped out of their hiding place. The other teams did the same and now stormed towards the guards.
There was still a long way to go to the defensive front and to the fortress. There were no hiding places in the immediate vicinity of the fortress, so Dirham's teams had to seek hiding places at a distance.Immediately the guards opened fire and a skirmish ensued on the battlefield. Since there was no possibility of retreat in the radius, the attackers had to hit the target very precisely.Despite the clear disadvantage, Dirham's side managed to knock out some of the guards, leaving a hole in Ketay's defense network. They crossed the border.
After that, the teams stormed the fortress. There were still a few guards to be taken down. But now that the main blockade was overcome, the individual opponents were just easy things. When Charlotte's team reached the fortress first, they immediately threw the phasers aside. In the fortress it was forbidden for both the attackers and the defenders to have any kind of firearms. Only blunt weapons and melee techniques were allowed. Now it was clear to Charlotte, Korinas and Senna why they were receiving pit training and safety training.
The trio were able to take out some of the defenders in the fortress. They charged further towards the center of the fortress where they then had to face their main opponent: One Ketay. But shortly before the decisive moment, things turned out very differently. Suddenly noticed that an elongated blunt weapon approached from the right side and hit Korina's knee. She fell to the ground immediately, before Charlotte could react she realized that Eight had caught her as well. The blond-haired fell as well, but suddenly she felt an unbearable pressure on her back. She couldn't breathe...darkness spread.

Senna couldn't move as she was grabbed and threatened with a phaser. She could only watch as One and Two Dirham also reached the center of the fortress. But something was very different about the two compared to the other teams, who seemed out of breath and stressed, they radiated joy. They took off their green vests and threw them on the ground. They approached Eins Ketay and shook her hand. Then everyone in the room learned the bitter truth, and Senna sent a chill down her spine.

After the competition ended, the wounded were tended to in the infirmary. Despite the prepared safety measures, injuries could still occur. Charlotte slowly opened her eyes. The light seemed too bright for her at first, which is why she squeezed her eyes shut painfully. Then the last memories caught up with them. Her eyes widened. "Hey" Korinas greeted her, who was lying on a bunk next to her. "Hey" she greeted back. "What happened? I was unconscious the whole time and didn't notice anything...Did we win?"
Korinas looked disappointed towards the ceiling: "No, unfortunately we lost" "One and Two Dirham were spies from Ketay," Senna told her. "They knew from the start and planned everything. We were clearly at a disadvantage, as we found out the hard way. I was only stunned but it still hurt. Korinas has a cruciate ligament tear and will be operated on soon." "And what about me?" asked the blonde haired.
"You had two broken ribs and a contused lung. The medical staff operated on you for three hours." She straightened up a bit and began to hug Charlotte. "I was so scared for you and when you passed out I thought you were dead at first" "Well..." Charlotte began. "I'm Alive... Kinda Kinda"

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