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"We should be in the fort very early," Six Dirham just decided. "Preferably before Ketay's guards position themselves" Sieben Dirham finished the sentence for her comrade. But Senna was puzzled: "Is that actually forbidden?" "One Dirham also fought unfairly last time," replied Four Dirham. "Exactly" came the five dirhams. "What they can do, we can do for a long time" With that, Senna was overruled: "Agreed, and how do we do that?" "We'll just outsmart them," Seven replied promptly. "As?" "With a ruse, of course," snapped Six Dirham at her. "Don't you learn anything from just the three-step model?" Now Korinas also joined the conversation: "We may only spend three years here, but our training is three times as hard as yours." "Oh really?" "So we have to outwit them..." said Charlotte trying to push the argument aside: "I know how too"

Charlotte had the following in mind: Together with her comrades, she spied on Eins Ketay in order to get important information. But that didn't turn out to be easy. Because she also had to convince members of other sections, also with offers like "have housework copied", so that she could win allies. But after this strenuous work, she and her comrades were successful because she was able to get hold of a secret data chip from Ketay, which may contain important information.

Some time passed while the group was only busy bypassing the security lock on the chip and infecting it with a virus. However, after a long and arduous ordeal, they managed to get in.

Corbin had agreed to monitor the updates taking place on the chip in real time. Thus, the group always had the latest updates on enemy plans.

In the last few days before the competition started, Charlotte's group did a practice run so they could play through and rehearse all the scenarios.

Of course, the enemy troops also carried out a number of exercises in order to be excellently prepared for the competition. In the last few days before the competition started, Charlotte's group did a practice run so they could play through and rehearse all the scenarios. Corbin was still monitoring the updates happening on the chip in real time. Thus, Charlotte, together with her allies, could adjust her plan of attack at any time.

It was only three days before that happened. That evening, the group just exited the holosuite, confident that this time, victory was theirs. But it turned out quite differently: Because Gaia was standing in front of the holosuite and seemed to have been waiting for the members. An ice-cold shiver immediately ran down Charlotte's back. "What are you doing here?" asked Three Dirham indignantly. "Did you spy on us?" Senna asked her. But Gaia answered with a simple no. Six dirhams dismissed: "We don't believe you" "Admit it or we will interrogate you," Korinas threatened the blond-haired Gaia. Gaia raised her hands defensively, "Relax, I just want to join your team, that's all." After this statement, Four Dirham burst out laughing: "You must be joking. You don't seriously think we'll buy that." The seven of you were suspicious: "Try to trick someone else... Right in the middle of the hottest preparation phase, you of all people show up. Why don't we believe you?" Gaia ignored the two and finally took her word directly to Charlotte: "You have a great deal of influence on Level Two. You haven't said anything about it yet. But I'd like to hear your opinion on it." "You were involved in Ketay's betrayal last year," began the addressee. "You made my life difficult here. I can't ask my team to do this, I'm sorry." So the issue was now settled and the group began to move away from Gaia. After all, you have more important things to worry about and no time for risky decisions. But then Gaia finally said, "I know about the installed virus. I didn't pass it on to Ketay. But I have information that will surely win your team." Charlotte stopped suddenly: "And which would be?"

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