Final Preparations:

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Soon it was time. The first preparations for the competition began and thus also the first discussion of the current situation. Always at the end of the year there was a competition in the form of a simulated fight. There two opposing troops competed against each other. One team were the defenders who guarded a fortress and the other group were the attackers who had to storm and conquer it. Safety precautions were taken to ensure there were no fatalities during the fight. However, you could still seriously injure yourself.

It's nice that you've appeared," One Dirham greeted the three friends.Charlotte was still quite tired as the preparations started that night: "How's it going? Is there a meeting now?""Why would we keep you three away from sleeping?" asked Two Dirham. "Sit down"The three took the last three chairs without a word and began staring at the large monitor, which was now booting up.
Then One Cales rose from her seat and walked towards the monitor. She typed a few commands into the console and the image on the monitor was visible to everyone. It was a graphic showing the area of ​​the competition along with the fortress. Cales ran her long fingers over the smooth surface of the screen and she zoomed in on the graphic towards the fortress. "Ketay spies are everywhere," One Dirham began. "We know who most of them are, but we don't know all of them. Ketay will be reaching out to you soon if she hasn't already."
"No, she never contacted us," Charlotte answered truthfully. One Dirham nodded in confirmation: "She will be soon, count on it" Then One Cales spoke further: "This is the fortress we must conquer. Ketay will have a lot of guards posted outside the keep. The biggest challenge will be to break through the defences" Korinas immediately had an idea and rose from her chair: "Wouldn't it be more effective if we positioned ourselves before Ketay sets up the guards before the competition begins?"
"The crux of the matter is that Ketay is allowed to set up the defense before the competition starts. The probability is almost one hundred percent," replied Two Dirham to Korinas' suggestion."Then we'll just outsmart them," Senna commented on the situation.One Dirham was startled: "How?"
"We could watch out for a gap in the defense network and then exploit it," the dark-haired replied simply."And if there is no gap?" Cales asked her."Then we'll have to wait for one." Charlotte shrugged."We wait and wait and wait and then time's up and Ketay wins again," Two Dirham said, shaking his head.Then One Dirham chimed in again: "Speculation and hope won't get us very far. We should try the following plan"

The very last preparations were made the next day. Before the big competition took place. Each team was allowed to visit the area where the fortress was located to go through the entire plan again. Charlotte, Korinas and Senna got up before sunrise to attract as little attention as possible. This was a very critical phase where everyone in Bamarren was desperate to get better grades in order to successfully complete the first level. The three crossed the pit and eventually arrived at a cordoned-off area of ​​the Mekar Wilderness reserved for the competition only. They faced Dirham's team and the group didn't hesitate and started going through their tactics, finding out each other's strengths and weaknesses.

After two strenuous hours, the final rehearsal was finally over and the three of them made their way to the dining room, as breakfast was just around the corner. Charlotte, on the other hand, had no appetite. She made her way into the gardens and as she wandered through the thickets she noticed Corbin, who had also withdrawn. She took a seat next to him: "Drabar? What are you doing here? Don't feel like breakfast?" "You have no appetite with a bruised stomach," he replied.
Then something became clear to Charlotte in Bamarren the competition with separate genders also took place: "That's why I haven't seen you lately. How are you? How did the competition go?""We were successful, but unfortunately my health wasn't," her counterpart reported briefly and concisely."By the way, I'm also taking part. Tomorrow there will be a competition for the female students""I wish you much success"
"Thank you, we'll definitely win," she said optimistically. "I'm on the team of..." But Corbin cut her off: "No details please." Charlotte was confused: "Why? I know 100% that you don't pass on the information, after all you are a correct man"
"Nevertheless, this is your competition. I do not interfere in the women's front" With these words he left her alone. The blond-haired had to process the rejection first. She had counted on his help and was determined to confide in him. But at this stage nobody could be trusted.

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