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Last night bothered the Obsi members. Especially Charlotte, at first she had problems falling asleep after the meeting. But then she woke up two hours before breakfast and couldn't go back to sleep. Which is why the blonde-haired girl decided to treat herself to a shower before she slipped into her uniform and mentally prepared for the post run. The post run was an event that took place every year for the pupils on the first level. The post run served as a kind of intermediate examination and at the same time aptitude test for the rigors of further training. You were divided into teams of two and then you had to find certain locations together and perform common tasks. Charlotte straightened up and moved into the bathroom. She decided to enjoy a long shower before the others woke up and the hustle and bustle started. When the warm water touched her skin, she thought.

Well ... Today is the post run. We have to do the tasks in teams of two. So who do I team up with? She asked herself. In the past few months Charlotte had learned one thing: you should choose carefully who to befriend and whom to declare an enemy. With Five in a team? Better not, she tries to meander through the school material and doesn't really make an effort to perform well. One, two, three, four and six try to avoid me and the rest of the group. They don't want anything to do with "eccentrics". Eight? Out of the question at all. She avoided every task and would like to come up with some excuse not to be able to participate! Nine? Would be a great way, she's both ambitious and a good friend of mine! When Charlotte was about to waver in her thoughts on the next person, she noticed that she was no longer alone. She saw the shadow standing under the shower curtain. Someone is standing in front of the shower stall! Fixed the blonde-haired woman and looked up. Then she saw the small slit and the dark eyes staring at her. What the...?! Immediately she turned off the water and grabbed the towel to cover her body, then she tore the curtain open and saw Korina's face: "Tell me ... What is this about? If you want something, at least wait until I've finished showering! "Charlotte snapped at her. "I'm sorry," Korinas apologized and hurried to the sink to brush her teeth. Shaking her head, Charlotte closed the shower curtain and rinsed the remaining foam from her body. Then she left the shower and stood by the sink next to Korinas to brush her teeth as well. She opened the tube of toothpaste, while Korinas peeked over at her section mate. As soon as Charlotte noticed their looks, she immediately looked strained elsewhere. The blonde-haired woman raised her brow and ignored the glare. But as this went on for several minutes, her patience finally broke.

"What?" She asked. "Nothing" Korinas shrugged and looked in the mirror. "You've been staring at me like this for minutes. You want something from me " "Don't get me wrong," her comrade began. "But I've never seen anyone like you before and I think it's... Interesting. Most of the others thinking species and hybrids repulsive ... But I think it's totally crazy. "She noted Charlotte's skepticism. "Off course in a positive way" The blond-haired woman just nodded and sank into thought: Korina's personality takes getting used to, she is very easy to inspire and shows her feelings very expressively. She is interested in other cultures and has a strong sense of justice, which is why she would like to stand up for others. But the fact that she was also one of the "eccentrics" because of her crazy nature and learning disabilities made it difficult for her to be taken seriously.

There was a tense silence in the dining room. Few talked to each other, although otherwise on a normal morning a storm of scraps of conversation always filled the room. Now most of them chewed on their Hevrit sandwiches or ate Taspar eggs and were with their thoughts on today's task. Charlotte was also very quiet and concentrated on her breakfast. She let her gaze wander around the room to look for her brother, but he just wasn't there.

"I'll be in a team with Nine" Eight said and put an arm possessively around Senna."I wanted to be part of a team with her!" Protested Five and put her hands on her hips."What are you talking about, five?" Three complained and her narrow eyes narrowed into slits. "She works with me""Does not she!""You hollow heads shut up and accept it, understand?" Eight roared and reared up with her muscular body in front of the two of them.

"Then I'll be in a team with seven, at least she takes this thing seriously," three coaxed and approached Charlotte. All of a sudden yes? But she encountered resistance, because Korinas defensively stood in front of the blonde-haired woman: "Out of the question! She's already on a team with me. Find someone else " Three, however, smiled visibly unimpressed: "Move to the side, hesnu'rak" "Hesnu'rak ?! You will regret that! "Korina's face turned red with anger. "In the last few months you haven't been interested in a piece of seven and suddenly where your performance depends on it you think you have to ingratiate yourself" Vier crossed his arms over his chest: "You're not a bit better either. You're just hanging out with her because you want to get better grades. Isn't that so? " Then Korinas said something that Charlotte would never have expected: "She is more than just a comrade to me ... She is my best friend"

The sun was beating down and pounding on the head. The midday heat has not yet reached its peak. However, it turned out that the post run will be anything but not easy. Charlotte decided to go into a team with Korinas, after these touching words from her, she wanted to say thank you very much. So she formed the team with her to cope with the tasks together.

"Lottie?" She heard Korina's voice penetrating her mind. Lottie was her new nickname and Charlotte didn't really know what to say about it. Actually, she just preferred the full version of her first name and not any abbreviations or diminutive."You have to be really careful there," said her comrade."Oh yes, that's right," confirmed the blonde-haired woman. Most of the time, the tactic works by simply signaling that you are listening in Korina's torrent of speech, which she often used. But in this case it didn't work: "You weren't listening, right?""Charlotte felt caught:" I'm sorry, the heat restricts my concentration a little. Could you repeat the last sentence again? "Korinas sighed a little: "Do you see these prints in the sand?" She asked and pointed to the ground.Charlotte followed the gaze of her comrade and saw the gentle, but nevertheless conspicuously elongated prints: "Yes, now I see them""They were created by an animal. Judging by the prints and the mode of movement, it should be an anoxic adder that lives here in Mekar, "explained Korinas. "The venom can cause heart cramps and, in the worst case, lead to heart attacks. So we have to be vigilant and stay away from the nests "The half-Cardassian was visibly impressed: "How do you know that?" "I did some research before I came to Bamarren. After all, I want to know what awaits me here at school, "said her comrade with my one grin. "I have to admit that my brother warned me a little too, after all he has been in Bamarren for six years and knows everything very well. We moved away from Cardassia V especially because of the school. "She now turned directly to Charlotte:" Have you been there before? "
"I never left Cardassia Prime," said Charlotte."Cardassia V is one of the most popular travel destinations in the Union," said her best friend. "There is a very mild climate there, which is why many types of plants and huge forests grow there. You will be amazed how often you will see the color green "Korinas told all this with passion, then she paused and judging by the expression on her face she felt a sadness. "And then we moved away"Charlotte sat down next to her to be at eye level: "So you are an immigrant then?"Korinas nodded and swallowed: "But that's not a problem for you, is it?""No, not at all," said Charlotte. Suddenly she did something that Charlotte didn't expect at all. Korinas hugged Charlotte. The grip was so tight that Charlotte lost her balance and fell to the floor with Korinas.For her size she is quite powerful! She just thought.

"I think we are wrong," Senna guessed and scratched her head. "Why is that?" Asked Eight and approached her. "We haven't met anyone for hours" "And you're only telling me that now that it's way too late?" Eight shouted, visibly annoyed. "Admit it: you and your Obsi friends planned it!" Senna defended herself: "No, I ..." But heeded her and both rolled down the dune. Then Eight held up his right fist. Senna closed her eyes and waited for the pain, which however did not materialize. "Don't you want to defend yourself?" Eight asked. "I'm a pacifist," replied Senna. "I am against violence" Eight pulled her back on her feet: "Failure"

"The first station is in sight!" Charlotte and Korinas shouted with relief and ran to the other students who were already sitting at the first station. Korinas was happy and performed a joyous dance. Although Charlotte found this reaction completely exaggerated, she still took part in the joyous dance. "I think we should concentrate on the task again now," suggested the blonde-haired woman. Korinas nodded briefly and both looked at the station. There were always two older students sitting at the respective stations and watching the "examinees" how they mastered the tasks. There was a tarpaulin in front of the two of them, on which were two glass containers with the opening pointing to the floor. There was water in the containers.

"The first task requires skill, creativity and, of course, teamwork. It is your task to combine the water of the two containers to reach the marking. "Under no circumstances should the marking be undercut or exceeded" Korinas raised her right hand: "Um ... But that's not possible. The mark has already been exceeded. The cups are already filled with water to the limit and beyond. You can't solve this problem ... you set us up " The other students gave Korinas an exasperated look and ignored her brief outburst of anger and emotional chaos that had now arisen. Korinas wanted to give up in frustration, but Charlotte held her back: "Now wait a minute. We'll definitely find a solution, let's take a look at the whole thing first " "The glasses are upside down," stated the Cardassian. "And so that the water in the container can reach the specified level, we have to somehow create a balance," thought Charlotte. "But we both have to be very careful not to run out of water," remarked her comrade. "That means: we don't have many attempts" The two girls didn't let the task wait any longer and began to carefully slide the glasses along. But since the water almost completely filled the containers, they were a bit tedious to move. It got lost again and again due to the water moving back and forth. Both of them were well aware that they couldn't afford to push too long. "We are not allowed to push so much," Korinas spoke the truth. "Otherwise the water can no longer reach the marking at the end"
"It's still a little way to the edge of the tarpaulin," said Charlotte, looking confused at her counterpart. Another bitter truth that came from her colleague: "But the risk is too great that our hands will run out of strength" "What do you suggest then?" Asked Charlotte, slightly irritated. "Just turning the glasses around like that?" "Exactly" "Are you crazy ?!" shouted the blonde-haired woman indignantly. "If we do that, all the water will be lost" "Not if we do it skillfully enough," Korinas began. "We just have to be fast enough" "But if we do that, then ..." The half-Cardassian paused. "Wait a minute, it could really work" "That's what I'm saying. The higher the speed, the ... " "... higher the centrifugal force" finished Charlotte. "Exactly" Korinas was visibly relieved that the two had found a solution after all. " The two now turned the glasses over with a clear speed, and thus hardly anything of the contents was lost. Charlotte was glad it had worked after all. She wanted to fall into Korina's arms, but she couldn't let herself be distracted. She looked now at her container and found that the water exceeded the mark. "Hmm, there is still too much water, but we can dump what is still too much" "Everyone dumps about half of it and then we put everything in a container," suggested her comrade. Both did as they were told and dumped the excess water until each was only half left. Now that the riskiest part of the task was overcome, the rest was a breeze. Then Korinas very carefully tipped its contents into Charlotte's glass and the result was satisfactory. The water was above and below the mark. Charlotte and Korinas mastered the task with flying colors and both were very happy and relieved. The two performed a joyous dance again before moving on to the next task.

Senna and Eight also made it to the first station. Fortunately, after a little "odyssey", the two of them were able to make the connection in time. "At last," Eight said to Senna. "So you are useful for something after all" Senna's eyes darkened: "You're welcome" Eight ignored Senna's discomfort and now turned to the older students: "Should we kick the containers off the tarpaulin or can we pour the glass into your ugly faces?" The addressed ignore the inappropriate comment and looked with their long faces to eight, who hoped for a counterattack. But the expected effect did not materialize. "No? What a shame, then I won't take part " The pupil sighed a little and finally began to explain the task: "The first task requires both skill, creativity and, of course, cooperation. It is your task to combine the water of the two containers to reach the marking. "Under no circumstances should the marking be undercut or exceeded" "A transfer task?" Eight asked, annoyed. "Serious? That's an idiot test! I'm sorry, but we won't take part in such pointless things. Come on nine, we're going! " But Senna's voice stopped her: "What's the point now?" "What is what?" Asked Eight. "Otherwise we will get a bad grade if we refuse this task now" The half-Cardassian sighed: "It doesn't just depend on the tasks. Speed ​​is also a critical factor. If we are the first to return then the evaluation will not care if we skipped one or the other task " Senna was still dissatisfied with Acht's suggestion, but knew at the same time that there was nothing to oppose her. Otherwise she would answer with her fist.

"The next station is in sight!" Charlotte and Korinas shouted in relief and ran to the other students who were already sitting at the first station. Korinas was happy and performed a joyous dance. Although Charlotte found this reaction completely exaggerated, she still took part in the joyous dance. One of the students held a picture in front of them. It showed the gardens of Bamarren from a very special angle. Charlotte loved the photo. Then it disappeared: "So, now you paint it. You are only allowed to use one pen at a time and not talk to each other " Korinas was confused, she scratched her head at first and wanted to ask Charlotte for advice, but speaking was forbidden during the task. So she tried to look for the padd that the picture was on. "And don't cheat," the student warned her. Charlotte and Korinas started their work and took the pen together. Then they painted the given picture together as accurately as possible. "Done," said Korinas, holding up the picture. "How does the rainbow get there?" Asked the student skeptically. Korina's smile disappeared: "Don't you like it? I thought the picture would look more harmonious " The other rolled her eyes in annoyance: "For once we'll let that count" The two were very pleased that they had successfully mastered this task despite communication problems. They jumped to their feet and hurried to the last task that was waiting for them.

Eight and Senna had also arrived at the next station and also had to trace the given picture. It was important to pay attention to details. The two of them initially worked less harmoniously than with Charlotte and Korinas. Nevertheless, the two managed to start the task without serious incidents. Finally, Senna and Eight managed to master the task and even passed it quite successfully for the initial difficulties, which mainly emanated from Eight.

In the meantime Korinas and Charlotte had arrived at the third and therefore last station. Despite the successful mastery of the previous tasks, they were quite late and some of their comrades have already overtaken them and mastered the stations."What can we expect?" Asked the blonde-haired woman.An older student began to explain: "You have to guess the answer to get the information that will enable you to return to Bamarren"Charlotte looked at the object she had been given. It was a kind of small, lockable container that could only be opened with the correct answer ""A cryptex," remarked Korinas.The blonde-haired woman looked at her comrade with big eyes: "Do you know how to solve that?""It consists of a certain formula and an anagram," Korinas explained."Then what are we waiting for? Let's apply the formula ""There's a little problem," said her best friend. "I don't know the formula""You knew that this is a cryptex and you have no idea how to crack it?" Asked the blond-haired woman, visibly confused.Korinas had sat down on the sand and started turning the letters around in the puzzle. But the words tried so far failed and so it quickly reached its limits.Charlotte, on the other hand, wasn't in the mood to think about the answer: "How do you know about a cryptex?""My brother learned that in cryptography class," she explained. "By the way, we don't have cryptography until the second level. Unfortunately we have to improvise now ""Improvising?" Charlotte couldn't believe what she was hearing. "We are not actors""All of life is a drama"The half-Cardassian crossed her arms over her chest: "Because you have so much life experience"Korinas threw the cryptex in the sand: "I got lost in a jungle for two days. Then I came across a pack of Carta cats. Carta cats are carnivores and we Cardassians fit perfectly into the prey scheme. But they didn't eat me because I improvised "

Senna and Eight, on the other hand, returned to Bamarren very early on. The two of them had received help from others for the last task and were therefore the first in their section. "We are the first to return," observed Eight. "Our chances are good" "I wouldn't rely on that," Senna contradicted her. "We refused the first task. We passed the second and with the third we were given the answer by the Central members " "What's your problem, Obsi?" "We can't just rely on time" The dark-haired woman stepped closer. "It also depends on the precision" Eight rolled his eyes in annoyance: "You sound like Charlotte by now. You are clearly messing with her too much. You'd better hang out with me, because you'll loosen up " "What are we going to do this lovely day?" Eight considered: "How about we beat up a few nerds?" "No thank you" "As you think" said Eight and left the room. "Then I'll just go alone. A day without using your fist is a lost day for me "

Charlotte tried her luck at the cryptex: "How did you actually manage that you ... you know ... weren't eaten by the cats?" "I have ..." but then Korinas stopped abruptly and waved away. "Oh, you don't believe me anyway. As well as everyone else " "Tell me, I am interested" she looked at her comrade, who looked at her skeptically. "For real" "I acted like part of the pack," she replied after a long pause. "As?" "The behavior of the animals accepted," explained the black-haired woman. "Adjusted myself to the hierarchy. I was undercover you could say " "And then how did you manage to find your way back?" "By using some knowledge in the beginning." She looked at Charlotte with a sad expression. "What is that supposed to get us here now?" We are the worst at these tasks today anyway. In addition, it will be dark soon and we can't see anything here anyway " Charlotte interrupted her attempt and sat down next to Korinas: "You have applied knowledge, we can do the same now" "What if we don't know the formula?" "You didn't have a card back then either," Charlotte began. "And so you were forced to proceed differently than you were used to, correct?" Korinas raised a brown bead: "Yes, but what are you trying to say?" Charlotte began to explain: "The answer is the destination, the task is the dark unknown jungle, the stress and the frustration are the threatening cats. We have no map and no ultimate formula to help us " The Cardassian began to understand: "I first solved the problem of the Carta cats by learning to deal with them"
"And we will do the same with the stress and frustration now" The two did not hesitate any longer and immediately used some breathing exercises that they had learned from Calyx in the pit. Many of the exercises were designed to stabilize breathing and heartbeat. "And after that I applied some knowledge from my father," continued Korinas. "We'll do the same," said Charlotte, noticeably satisfied. "Every word has the same morphological structure" "Unfortunately, I can't get through that." Korinas shook his head. "I suffer from a reading and spelling disorder and also from dyscalculia. I generally find it difficult to put things together, be it a word or an equation " "That is not relevant at first," said her counterpart. "This task has nothing to do with the previous lessons. It's more about working in a team and looking outside of our textbooks " Korinas now had her self-confidence back: "As I did then. I was able to conquer the challenge despite a learning disability " "Every word consists of the following parts," Charlotte began. "Vowels and consonants." Korinas finished the sentence. "Exactly!" "But that doesn't really help us either" "Yes," Charlotte contradicted her. "Because the rest will now be easy game for us"

The two hurried through the entire building. They didn't have much time to get to the meeting point where the evaluation was announced. Charlotte and Korinas immediately stormed into the room. They were the only ones who were still missing. When they got to their seats they were out of breath. Everyone else stared at the two of them. A level three student appeared and began to speak: "This was a test that was supposed to show how ready you are to act as a team and whether you even think outside the box. The Keisha group achieved a total of five placements: eight and nine Keisha, you are the last. You were very quick, but you didn't do a single task correctly. You cannot expect that you can behave in the same way in professional life " "Three and four Keisha, you are the penultimate. Your biggest mistake, however, was that you gave up too quickly " "Two and six Keisha. You are in third place, but you relied too much on our textbooks and did not have the courage to think beyond " "One and five Keisha, you're second. You completed the tasks with precision. Nevertheless, there was no cooperation as a team, so it was only enough for second place " "Seven and ten Keisha, what should I say? At first I thought that your team constellation was doomed, but you surprised me in a positive way. The tasks were solved in an unusual way, but you complemented each other perfectly. The only thing I have to complain about is that you took a long time for the whole thing. But it was worth it. Congratulations"

After the evaluation, all students then left the room and returned to the section either with joy or shame. All but Charlotte and Korinas emptied the room. When the footsteps of the others could no longer be heard, Charlotte also made to return and rose from her seat. She was absolutely exhausted from the day and the tasks. "Lottie? Said Korinas. Charlotte turned to her and looked at Korinas. Her hairstyle had loosened a bit and a strand hung curly over her face. She too rose from the seat and moved towards them. "Thank you for everything. Without your determination, we would never have been able to solve the tasks " "We managed the tasks because we both harmonized as a team," said the blonde-haired woman soothingly. "I also owe you the number with the Carta cats" "Yes you are right. May I ask you a question?" "Gladly" Korinas hesitated a little: "Do we want to be ... friends?" "Sure," said Charlotte and hugged Korinas.

Meaning of the word hesnu'rak: (Kardasi insult) rotten mold

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