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After lunch, further instruction and pit training with Calyx finally took place. You also learned there, as in self-defense training, martial arts. But also breathing techniques and physical fitness were further developed. Then, after a few hours, the strenuous training was over and the long-awaited dinner was on the agenda. The other students immediately left the training area and were already on their way.

Charlotte, Senna and Korinas, on the other hand, waited a little longer until none of the other students were in the pit, then they got up from the sand and left the training area. It was only now that the three of them noticed that dinner was taking place and so they increased their pace. But then the girls noticed two figures out of the corner of their eyes: they were One and Two Dirham. Charlotte jumped: "You scared us" "You dare scare us?!" Korinas snapped at the older students. "What do you want?" asked Senna.
One Dirham took a step towards the trio: "Relax, we just want to talk to you guys" Now the three friends were even more confused: "Talk to us?" "So it is," replied Two Dirham. "Are we interrupting you three with something important?" "To be more precise," said Korinas and wanted to run away. "Dinner takes place and I attach great importance to a balanced blood sugar level, otherwise I become an animal" But One Dirham's voice stopped them: "One Cales has brought something for you from the dining room. We will eat elsewhere so that we are undisturbed"

The trio followed the pair of two unobtrusively and without argument. Apparently, One and Two Dirham are planning something big that not everyone should know from Bamarren. They entered an empty conference room that was rarely used. Each conference room had screens mounted on the walls and in the center of the room was a large table and chairs. Korinas immediately noticed all the food that was on the table and her suspicions were forgotten: "Paradise!" "Where did you get all that food from?" asked Charlotte. "Hopefully not stolen," said Senna, visibly skeptical. "Relax, Obsis," One Dirham replied. "We only moved a small part of the canteen here"

"So what do you want?" Charlotte finally asked as she reached for a plate. One Dirham hesitated before continuing, then sighed, "We want you three in our team." "Team for what?" Korinas asked while chewing the food. "For the competition, you idiot," Two Dirham snapped at her. The Cardassian immediately paused, "All right. I have made my decision: I will not join your team" "Why?" Senna was visibly surprised by her reaction.
"Because I don't want to be called stupid," Korinas said, stomping out of the room.Charlotte followed her immediately, leaving Senna alone. She wanted to look for her best friend, but she couldn't see her anywhere. Korinas could run pretty fast and was out of sight."What's going on now?" she heard Two Dirham ask."They'll definitely be right back," Senna replied.

Charlotte went to the dining room, but she couldn't find Korinas anywhere. Then she returned to the section hoping to find them there. But there is no sign of her best friend. She finally entered the garden and indeed: Korinas was sitting in the dense foliage and looked at the ground, dejected. "Tell them I'm not going to join their team," she said as Charlotte approached. "You've been waiting for this competition for months and you really wanted to be on Dirham's team," the blond-haired noted. "Now is the opportunity"
"That was just a stupid saying." Charlotte shrugged. "Among friends..."Korinas interrupted her: "Among friends? Do you call me a fool too?""Not that one...""Have you ever been called stupid?"
Charlotte looked down: "Very often. Half-breeds are frowned upon on Cardassia Prime. Because of this, I rarely left the house" "I've had to endure something like this since I was eight years old," Korinas began and she had to fight back tears. "I had to listen to stupid comments all the time: Can't you be normal? Korinas do this...Korinas do that...You're mentally retarded...You'll never get anywhere." "I'm really sorry for that"
Her best friend sank into self-pity: "Well, I'll admit I'm far from intelligent, but I don't need to be reminded of that all the time." Charlotte immediately contradicted her: "Oh nonsense, who talked you into something like that?" "Then why are my grades so bad?" asked her counterpart. "Intelligence doesn't necessarily have anything to do with school," the blond-haired answered simply. But Korinas still clung to the negative opinion: "Then why the bad intelligence test and the learning disability if I'm such a smart beast?" "You can't measure every form of intelligence"
"Thank you, Lottie. I really appreciate that, but I totally disagree. I wish I was close talented as you or my brother. You are good at school and the teachers and other students like you, you have discipline..."Charlotte cut her off, "Are you kidding? You are so full of energy and creativity you come up with ideas I never would have thought of and besides Dirham would never recruit you if you were as bad as you say you are."

After the two girls had spoken out, they decided to return to Dirham. They entered the conference room as if nothing had happened. One dirham came towards the two: "How does it look? Are you in?" "We're going with you," Korinas replied with a big grin. "We're delighted," said Two Dirham with obvious relief. "We'll meet at the preparations and don't talk to anyone about it. This is of great importance"

After recruitment, the three friends went to the bathroom to talk about the competition. They still didn't know what to make of the situation. "Maybe we should do a security check on Dirham," Senna suggested. "Why is that?" Korinas asked her.
"Because we can't trust anyone at this stage," Senna replied. "Dirham and Ketay are enemies," Charlotte joined the conversation. "You don't seriously think one of them is spying for Ketay"
"You're just way too paranoid, Senna," Korinas confirmed Charlotte's statement.But the dark-haired woman stuck to her opinion: "We shouldn't trust anyone anyway. The Hebitans also relied too much on the Central Command and Obsidian Order back then and look what has become of all of us" With these words she left the bathroom.

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