Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Retrieval

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. I did originate the idea of the pairing.

REVISED! 2/16/12

Hello again. Earlier, I was scared to end the first chapter there, because I thought the chapter wasn't long enough. Even so, that was where I wanted to end it in the first place. Then for the first time that I wrote it on the computer, I checked the word count to realize I was 4000+ words already! I guess you tend to write more when the story is more compelling. Then again, I also changed my writing style to feel a little more detailed in the story. If you want to know how I wrote before, Check my profile and look at my Plausible Mission story. That story is undergoing development in later chapters as well, giving me plenty of time to do these stories correctly.

Anyway, Onward to the story...

Note: Jutsu translations will vary.

Thoughts: 'Thoughts'

Speaking: "Speaking"

Chapter 2: Retrieval

It had been nearly three days since the great revival of Konoha. Since the day Naruto found out that he was the last Rinnegan user. This came as a shock to him and caused him to reflect upon his life and what he really knew about himself. To be honest, he hasn't been acting as himself ever since he came back to the Leaf village. Sure he enjoyed the celebration after his return to Konoha, but the celebration seemed hollow. Should they really be having a victory party from the death of his cousin?

Most people, who were either hammering walls or cementing floors, stopped immediately what they were doing to greet the savior of the village. As he walked through town, the village acknowledged cheerfully to the Uzumaki, either giving him a pat on the shoulder or telling him simple words of encouragement. A lot of times, there will even be little kids that would encircle him and ask him to play. Sometimes he would agree, but most recently he began to decline them saying that he was too busy at the moment. He really wasn't busy at the time; he was just in no mood to join the children in their time to fool around. Ichiraku wouldn't be built for another day or two so he scuffed his feet all the way to his newly built apartment that was in place of the original. The entire village contributed to his apartment by making it slightly bigger than the original. There was an additional room and an expanded kitchen. Even the bathroom saw an increase in size as it nearly doubled in width, leaving plenty of leg room to walk around. He unlocked the door and slowly trudged inside.

The scent of fresh paint and newly cut wood filled his nostrils as he walked through his recently acquired home. He looked to his left and right and saw the brand new furniture and food that loaded his house. The new food piled to the ceiling with ribbons, cans, condiments and many different types of homemade food. All of this food would take him a whole week and a half to eat even a fraction of it. Honestly, he started feeling overwhelmed by the amount of attention. Something you wouldn't expect from the supposed number one hyperactive ninja everyone claimed him to be. He could also understand why the people were so giving. The people were indebted to him and had to repay him somehow for saving their lives.

So with nothing else to do, he sat down and took a rest on his new sofa. He placed his palm underneath his chin and stared out of the wide window that overlooked the street. People were still busily working on other buildings. Seeing the people doing this made him think of an anthill. Even though the ant hill gets destroyed, the ants always come out and rebuild as if nothing ever happened. Then his attention fell on the origami flowers. He placed them in a vase and put it on the windowsill the day before as a reminder of the alliance he and Konan now share with the Leaf and Rain.

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