Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: An Unimaginable Truth

Thoughts: 'Thoughts'

Speakings: "Speaking"

Chapter 15: The Unimaginable Truth

A deep haze slowly worked its way around Naruto's form. It deepened in colour as Naruto's sobs grew louder in turmoil and anguish. His team mate, Sakura, who he had a crush on for years ever since he started Ninja Acadamy, has died by her own crush's very hands. Such a betrayal that could only leave anyone guessing who would be that cold and heartless to kill their team mate. None other than Sasuke Uchiha who stood proudly after he achieved that kill. A momentary frown was held upon his face before a contorted smirk replaced it. His devilish grin grew wider as he noticed that Sakura wasn't breathing anymore. He chuckled darkly and watched the two closely, mainly Naruto because he knew that Sakura was his favourite person. The one he loved the most...

He noticed that Naruto's aura was slowly expanding with every waking moment. A mere second later, a very bubbly tail began to take shape as Naruto's canines grew. His trademark whisker marks thickened and his eyes opened to reveal something never seen before...

"Oh no," Kakashi thought out loud as he stared in hopelessness, "This isn't good at all. I need to find Yamato and quickly!"

He bit his thumb, threw out a bunch of handsigns and slapped his palm on the ground, "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!"


"Yeah?" A brown pug asked as he appeared from the smoke.

"Pakkun! I need you to head South about 2 kilometers. Find the cabin with Yamato and bring him here, we need him as soon as possible!"

Pakkun nodded his head as he gazed over to the Genin and deceased female, "I can see the reason for the haste," He woofed and dashed the direction Kakashi had ordered and eventually disappeared from sight.

Naruto started growling as he grew a second tail, his heart was broken. The girl he wanted to be with, one of his best friends, was gone right before his very eyes. His tears eventually turned a darkened orange and began floating from his eyes as his chakra cloak increased. He looked up to see Sasuke who had that same grin plastered across his face.

"That's too bad Naruto," Sasuke replied while folding his arms, "She shouldn't have tried to kill me. Such a weak and pathetic Kunoichi."

At that moment, Naruto snapped.

"GRROOOAAHH!" Naruto bellowed into the sky. His chakra flared massively and it caused a sonic boom to overtake the crowd. The whole audience instinctively pulled up their arms to shield their faces as the wind blew through them, flattening their clothes in front before they flapped loosely in the wind.

Konan could only gasp as she lowered her arm and stared at Naruto. Her concern grew as she saw Naruto's chakra tails swaying furiously in the air, "This chakra... It's... so massive. I'm... almost suffocating at the sheer amount. ...this is what the Kyuubi's chakra is like?" She looked at Naruto's eyes and immediately paled. No more did he have soft blue eyes that only shown innocence and Kindness, "He's completed his Rinnegan! Why did his Rinnegan complete itself?" She not only noticed the Rinnegan, she also noticed that Naruto had slits for pupils instead of being circular like they normally were and his Rinnegan was a darkened maroon. His glare was what really left her... shaking? She raised her arms to notice her hands were trembling. Was she really that scared? She hasn't been this disheveled since she was younger and still training with Jiraiya. Before she could dive any further into those memories, she saw Naruto move.

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