Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: Adapting

Talking: "Talking"

Thinking: 'Thinking'

Chapter 21: Adapting

Everyone was stunned as they witnessed the Akatsuki spy wiggle in his current form at the rockside. He looked around silently as he tried to register the situation. A grin spread across his face as he witnessed a woman in the room. It wasn't just any woman though. It was Konan of the Akatsuki, or more accurately, Konan the former Akatsuki. He looked at her attire and glanced up and down at her. She looked a lot different than she did before. Her hair was slightly shorter on one side and she now wore Konoha shinobi gear. A green vest with a black long sleeve shirt that had a red swirl on each arm. He also saw her black pants with her holster on her right hip. When he looked up again, he noticed her Leaf headband that reflected poorly in the dim light of the reflected water, but he could definitely see the Leaf symbol etched in the middle of the chrome plate. These things weren't the things that intrigued him the most, but rather her facial reaction to him. She looked unpleased, "What's the matter Konan? Not going to at least say hello? I mean, we all worked together after all."

The woman in question looked down at the man with a flat expression, but the look in her eyes showed all of her distaste in the current events unfolding before her, "I've done away with that organization. We are not partners any longer. If anything, you are only getting in the way."

Kisame's grin grew wider as he wiggled a little more and molded from Samehada. His body oozed from the innards of the Sword and he fell into the water with a small splash. Coming up to the surface, he spoke feigning injury, "That hurts. And here I was expecting you to say this was all a trick, but you actually became a traitor to us."

"The Akatsuki has lost its original intention," Konan replied stoically, "Nagato and Yahiko wanted to bring peace to this world the right way. Madara turned it into a disaster and drug everyone down with him. I was only lucky enough to escape that catastrophe," Her eyes narrowed in sadness slightly as she spoke, "When Nagato passed, he realized the original view of Akatsuki and saved himself and others that he killed during his invasion upon the Leaf village. He knew what he did wrong. Of course, it goes without saying that they acted of their own will."

The shark man grunted as he looked around. His gaze shifted towards the water as his sword swam to Killer Bee and looked at an opening. He knew that he only had one chance to gain chakra to build his form back, but when he looked at Konan, he was unsure of his timing, 'Shit. With Konan here, I don't know if I'll be able to reach Samehada in time. I never expected her to be here."

"It seems even with your male bravado, you're surprised to see me. Did Madara not fill you in?"

That got the shark thinking quietly. It was true. Madara hadn't said anything about Konan being there. From the way things looked, it seemed like she had been with the Konoha shinobi for a while now. This was throwing a wrench into his plans and he could only stall as he sat there.

"I wonder why he would do something like that?" Konan responded while looking down at the man, "One would assume that he would let all of his pawns know of rather interesting intel such as my joining with Konoha. It seems the Akatsuki is a shell of it's former self."

"What does it matter to you?" Kisame snorted in annoyance, "You're not a part of us any longer so honestly, it's none of your business." 'Good. Just a little more.'

"Hey guys, did you see where the enemy went?"

Everyone's eyes diverted towards the orange haired boy coming through the water with an awkward limp.

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