Chapter 16

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Talking: "Talking"

Thinking: 'Thinking'

The drippings of rain cascaded their way down the window as the clouds darkened the afternoon sky in rumbling beauty. It was as if they were to signify some type of unfortunate accident in their occurrence. Something unfortunate did happen that day; something that would forever change the future into unknown territory confusion. An orange haired young man lay silent on his couch as he replayed the ever menacing and haunting thoughts that plagued his mind. It was just so defiant of his nature but he relished the thought of being alone in his own home. Away from everyone and all the sadness, although he couldn't necessarily escape either of them.

Naruto sat silently in constant thought. Things felt different to him and his head was spiraling. No more was it the same as it used to be and he could only wonder just how farther things will go before he loses himself. Why was this a reality? It seemed so unbelievable. He never put it into perspective that Sakura could actually... die. It almost became unbearable to sit at her funeral.


The funeral was unusually quiet. No one in the audience was aware that this would happen. Some ninja more than others knew that this was just a part of life. Things happened in the ninja world that just couldn't be helped. They lowered their heads in pity as the spoken words were told. Naruto sat silently as Sakura rested within her coffin. Konan stood quietly behind him in sorrow. She didn't wear any makeup, nor did she wear her vest. She was allowed to wear black for this very rare occasion. This moment was for Naruto. It was for his inner peace. He had to figure this out, even if he didn't like the idea, just as she had to herself, 'Naruto-kun... I'm sorry.'

Naruto couldn't believe it. His love died before his very eyes. How could this happen to him? He thought they would end up together and marry someday. Possibly have a big house with three kids ands live up to his name as being Hokage. He was hoping for that to happen at least. Now that would never come to pass. This was the ultimate rejection that could be given to him. Naruto couldn't have been more rejected than this. He couldn't have her after all. Smell her. Touch her. Laugh with her. Smile with her. Love with her. Cry with her.

Why did this happen? If only he was there faster, it wouldn't have gone this far. He would have saved her and stopped Sasuke from doing this untimely deed. Another stream fell down his cheek as he sat there silently. His body started to heave. He was almost losing himself.


Naruto's eyes opened wide as he saw Konan's hand on his shoulder. She looked at him in remorse as she saw the colour faded from his eyes. He looked dead and it didn't seem like anything was helping him at all. His sorrow and grief was just only a constant reminder, "Naruto-kun... Are you still thinking of the funeral?"

The orange haired boy slowly lowered his head. He started crying again with sobs and threw his palms to his face. His hands wiped the heartbreak from his eyes, but it wouldn't stop dripping the pieces, "I-I'm such a fool Konan-chan," He brought his squinted puffy eyes to match hers, "I wasn't there to save her in time. It's all my fault!"

"No! Naruto-kun, it's not your fault. It was no ones fault. It was just something that couldn't be changed," Konan looked upon him with determination just hoping that it would put his thoughts to rest, to at least give him a little mental clarity.

Naruto looked at her fiercely as more tears steadily dropped down his whiskered cheeks. Even just the thought of being helpless infuriated him, " I would have changed it! She would still be safe with me! Nothing would have happened to her because I would have been protecting her! It would have never been this way! I don't ev-"

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