Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:Guard and Deja Vu Pt 1

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

A/N- Thanks for the reviews. There are 131 reviews so far and both, Story Alerts and Favorite Story submissions have reached 250. Really guys, Thanks for contributing. The Reviews really help me with what the audience is thinking. (Although after the first three days a chapter is released, the amount of reviews remain static for days and days.)

Two things I wanted to point out before I begin with a couple of review answers. The first thing, is that I'm following the manga, not the Anime, but I imagine it as the Anime playing in my head and I use some elements from the Anime, but I strictly follow the manga.(Just for anyone who's curious.) The second thing is, Who said Naruto and Konan were going to have an easy relationship? I surely didn't. Isn't asking for what you want and actually getting it kind of boring? I plan on writing this story the correct way. Aaaall the way to the end of the Fourth Shinobi War.


Sridharan- Glad to hear from you again! :D I thought you forgot about my story. To reply about the action... well, it might be coming sooner than you think. I already have everything planned so don't worry. Action is actually half of the story. The other half? Give a guess. ;)

Jsawyer- Symbolism.

Grimangel- She's 32 years old. I had a previous Author's note that said she was 26. Well, I changed it to 32 for a good reason. J

Thoughts: 'Thoughts'

Speaking: "Speaking"

Chapter 9: Guard and Déjà vu

Naruto blazed through the village while his mind was currently fixated on Tsunade. He couldn't believe that she went unconscious again. She was doing perfectly fine the last few days, so why did she all of a sudden slip into a coma? It didn't make any sense to him. He remembered her being seemingly normal for a while now and taking things as if nothing was bothering her at all.

"H-Hey, Naruto!"

The orange haired boy screeched to a stop as he gained an earful of a familiar female's voice. His head darted around his shoulder and his gaze took in the appearance of his pink haired team mate.

"Hey, Sakura-chan," The orange haired boy let out as he flicked his hand in a greeting.

Sakura came closer to the orange clad ninja and gradually changed her face into confusion, "Naruto, your hair."

"I know, isn't it strange?" The Jinchuuriki let out a snort and folded his arms, "It has to do with my Kekkei Genkai."

Sakura looked at him again before shaking her head as if it was unimportant, "I guess you heard about Tsunade-sama, then."

Naruto lowered his head and dropped his arms to his sides, "Yeah, I wanted to see her again after I found out."

The pink haired girl gave a genuine smile and placed her hand on Naruto's shoulder, causing him to look up a little unexpectedly, "Come on. Let's go together."

"O-Okay, Sakura-chan."

(Space break)

"She was like this when we found her this morning," The Pink haired medic-nin responded quietly while gazing at an unconscious figure laying in a Futon, "We don't know what happened but we all agree that she has fallen into another coma," The girl then kneeled beside the futon, "None of us even know if she'll ever wake up again."

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