Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: The Last One Pt 2

Author's Note: Hey all, welcome back to The Last One. If you want to know, I have taken a few liberties with canon in the story. It's not going to follow canon in many ways. Don't be surprised if things aren't the same. On a side note, Reviews are always appreciated. I'm really coming to a close with this story, so I'd like some reviews to end this story off with a bang! I've been working hard to make sure that this story will be top notch and ready. I'm staying true to my word now. I hope you enjoy this second part!

Chapter 25-2: The Last One

(Start Part 2)

The battle was ongoing and ever intense as both parties attempted to outplay the other. It had been well over a few minutes since the battle began, but it didn't seem like either side was getting the upper hand.

An explosion erupted as devastating attacks swept through the premises. An orange blur whipped through the air with expanding rasengans in each hand and attempted to impale the chakra spheres against Madara. Naruto only ended up phasing through the enemy, hitting a boulder behind him, and causing another explosion to occur. Madara, quick to find Naruto off guard, tried to grab him, only to have Kakashi step in with Kamui to counter the grab that the Madara was trying to do.

Frustrated, Naruto activated his Rinnegan and concentrated the chakra in his hand, forming another rasengan, then using his right hand, he concentrated another attack, but this one was different. Smirking, Naruto pulled Madara towards him with Bansho Ten'in, completely taking him by surprise before Naruto attempted to plunge the Rasengan within his gut.

Naruto thinking he won, only found that his hand fell through Madara and completely missed him. This window of opportunity didn't go unnoticed by Madara as he attempted to catch Naruto again, only for Paper Shuriken to fly towards him and make him go transparent. Naruto jumped back to take a breather.

"Thanks, Konan-chan! That was a hairy situation!" Naruto yelled over to his team mate as he landed next to her on a boulder.

She only sighed before responding, "Naruto, please be more aware of what you're doing!" Paper fluttered around her as she created wings and lifted herself off of the ground.

"So, you think you're going to win this time, Konan?" Madara replied evilly, "You should have just died and succumbed to your failures, but I guess I'll put you in your place again."

Konan lowered her eyes as she focused her jutsu. Her paper started to swirl around her as she gathered her chakra. She knew that she couldn't surprise him with the moves that she already showed him. She knew they wouldn't work as well the second time, but she needed to do something in order to help Naruto at any cost. Naruto was having a rough time trying to even hit Madara at all, so it was understandable that they needed to work together to get to him.

Konan's eyes widened as she flew over to Naruto in haste. She had a plan, but she didn't know if it would work, "This is what I want us to do. I have a plan, but you're going to have to make more Rasengans and clones."

"Oh, that's easy."

"Okay, I need you to make those clones. I'm going to substitute some of your clones with clones of my own, but make them explosive paper clones. I don't think that we will be able to hit him, unless we surprise him with something he wouldn't suspect."

Naruto's grin widened as he gave the thumbs up, "That sounds like a good idea. Let's do it!"

Madara watched curiously as Naruto threw up the hand signs for the Shadow Clone jutsu and created what seemed to be around 50 clones. Half created Rasengans while the other half helped them. Then, they all started to charge forward towards the masked man. He only scoffed as he went to dodge the simple attacks. Once the attacks went through however, the other clones that came close suddenly exploded, catching Madara by surprise and hitting him with brunt force for the first two explosions. The rest of the explosions were ignored by the man through his transparency jutsu.

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