Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Surprise!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

A/N: Here's a slightly shorter chapter for everyone. Enjoy.

Thoughts: 'Thoughts'

Speaking: "Speaking"

Chapter 8: Surprise!

Morning time crept through the dusty windows of an apartment. The light bounced from the floor and lit all of the rooms in a bright early light. The inside of the apartment was cool in temperature and the suns rays that fell in gave the flat a homely feeling. The usual cacophony of birdcalls seeped its way into the house, leaving a calm atmosphere to encase the entire building. Workers and Ninja who were busy building houses hit their hammers and sanded their floors and that sound also carried through the walls but was muffled to a light beating sound with more bass than anything. The light, through time, traveled all the way to a young woman's face as she laid there sleeping peacefully. Her blue hair was disheveled from the tossing and turning that one would normally go through while sleeping. Her flak jacket was tossed over next to the wall leaving only her black long sleeved shirt with the lone Uzumaki swirl on her left arm on her as well as her ninja pants. Her Leaf headband was left on a nightstand that stood beside the mattress and her sandals were tucked away into a corner.


She quickly opened her eyes and shot up in the bed. Once she did, she lifted a hand to her head in an attempt to staunch the morning headache. It must have been due to all of the crying she did the night before, so she closed her eyes and rubbed them a few times to get a better view of her surroundings. Her view was bleary at first but it eventually cleared up into her normal field of vision. The sun didn't really help much because it was truly bright in her eyes. It was never this bright in Amegakure because of all of the constant rainfall, but she had to admit, it was a better feeling than waking up to storm clouds and rain. She put a hand to her face to block the brightness and walked over to the window. While closing the blinds, she slowly began to recall what happened the night before although she couldn't remember anything of the time she was angry.

A sigh escaped from her lips as she changed her pace to go the bathroom and take a shower. She turned on the water to the right temperature and took off her clothes. Once she finished undressing herself, she stepped inside. After feeling the warm water cascade down her body she continued thinking about what happened last night.

That was truly the lowest point in her life and she could vouch for that. She had never once broken down onto someone so freely like she did the night before. She never had to. But after reaching that point in her life where she had no one else who knew who Konan really was, she couldn't help it. She almost lost herself. All of her friends were gone and she also aided in killing Jiraiya, the only father figure she could really confide in since her parent's deaths. It was a real weight on her and a big sadness on her heart, but oddly enough, she didn't feel like crying about it. Maybe it was from her crying session the night before?

A slight smile formed on her mouth at Naruto's recklessness to help her. She had to give the kid respect for trying something so bold, but she couldn't deny the fact that she enjoyed it. It was calming and she relished every moment from that time. If people were to question her if she liked the boy, she would decline it. She had no real interest in love ever since her last boyfriend died and wasn't planning on having another any time soon if at all. Not only that but Naruto was way younger than her, basically a decade younger. She would be pushing pedophilia if she ever thought of a relationship with someone his age, 'What on Earth am I thinking?' She thought with a slight snort and a shake of her head. There was no way she could ever see that happening and even mentally laughed at the thought coming up. 'Speaking of Naruto, I wonder if he's awake. We will have to continue on his lessons today.'

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