Chapter 25

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Chapter 25: The Last One Pt 1

A/N: Hello everyone. Welcome back to The Last One. I know it's been a long time, but now the time is finally here. What I mean by this is that this is the very last chapter for the story. Now, before you freak out, let me explain. This chapter will be the final chapter because it will be the final arc to the story. This multi part chapter should be considered a movie and that's what I want it to be considered as. I want it as an entire experience. It's going to be a very long chapter. So long, that I have split it up into multiple pieces, but I didn't want to because I wanted this last chapter to be the final part. This chapter will wrap up everything that has been going on since the beginning. This chapter will also wrap up the war arc. Part two of chapter 25 will be next Sunday. There will be one more chapter after this multi-part chapter, which will be the Epilogue. Until then, enjoy the chapter and conclusion!

Talking: "Talking"

Thinking: 'Thinking'

Bijuu Speaking: "Speaking"

Chapter 25-1: The Last One

Rain pattered against the dirt stained glass as a lone girl sat beside the window. The daylight peered through the glass and splashed against the desk that the girl was sitting at. Her hands fiddled with a piece of paper that had many crinkles and even a minor tear that creased against a corner of the paper. Her eyes glowed from the flame that danced on the candle wick.

Her amber eyes never left the paper that she held with both hands. She knew what she wanted out of that paper. It was hers and she practiced on it everyday. If the paper wore too much, then she would get another. Paper was precious in her eyes, so she used one piece of paper continuously until it fell apart.

She folded the last edge into what she would now call a dog. Her eyes lit up with excitement as she set it on the table and watched it intently. Her hands gripped the table and her eyes studied the paper dog that she created. Her wonder and excitement were unparalleled. Her days of practice finally paid off. She could now say that she can create a dog. It couldn't move or bark, but the creation itself to her was a masterpiece and the many wrinkles in the dogs form were to prove it.

"Oh, that's very nice, Ko-chan," A woman's voice said behind her.

Konan turned around with a wide smile, "I've finally made it, mommy! It took me so long, but I can finally do it!"

Her mother came up to the desk and picked up the dog. Konan's smile beamed directly at her as her mother gave her best thoughtful impression, "I don't see anything wrong with it dear. I think your father will appreciate it a lot. He knows how much you like origami."

Konan watched as her mom put the origami back onto the table, "Do you know when daddy will be back?"

Her mother sighed before turning around, "You know how your father is. He is a very busy man. The rain doesn't help any of the work he does either, but we can't afford to live anywhere else," She looked up to the clock thoughtfully, "I don't think he will be too much longer."

Konan smiled innocently at her mom before looking back at her origami dog. She could wait until he came back. He was busy so it's not like she was in a hurry. Her dog would always sit there.

Footsteps from the front door alerted both of the people inside the house. The mother smiled softly as she peered down to Konan, "Well, it seems like your father is here after all."

Konan smiled as she saw the door open and an average height man walked into the home. The water dripped to the floor heavily from his clothing in a faint pitter patter. The water trailed through the cracks of the wood flooring into the empty abyss underneath. The man looked exhausted, but also, there was a look in his eyes. The mother gazed at the man and her eyes also lost their glint. She knew. The mother walked into another room while the father started turning everything off and looking around for something.

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