Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Departure

Since we have reached the first turn in the story, it is now going to get a little different storywise. Either way, enjoy.

Thoughts: 'Thoughts'

Speaking: "Speaking"

Chapter 11: Departure

It was a winter evening during their voyage. It has been a week since they left Konoha. Naruto departed with Kakashi and Yamato with Konan trailing a little further behind than usual. They were in search of a particular person and didn't have time to waste. Every second counted.

"K-k-kakashi-sensei, How much longer d-d-do you think i-i-it will be before we reach there? I'm f-f-freezing my ass o-o-off," Naruto replied through chattering teeth.

The Jounin could only sigh as he watched his student wrap his stiff limbs around himself, rubbing his arms furiously to stop the cold chill, "Not much further Naruto, we will be there by tomorrow afternoon."

Naruto whined about that because that was still a day away. Oh how he wished he were under a heatlamp or a fireplace, or just being back in plain old Konoha with sweltering heat. He would rather have anything except the cold. He did host the Kyuubi. They continued running and jumping as the sun slowly set in the sky. Naruto looked from the corner of his eye and saw Konan. She was keeping a much longer distance than she normally would away from the boy. On top of that, she hasn't even spoken a word to him during the entire trip. If anything was said, she only spoke one word sentences that usually agreed or disagreed. If Naruto tried to say something to her, she would turn her head and avoid eye contact. It was something that Naruto became worried about. 'I wonder if it has something to do about the time she kissed me?' Naruto thought silently as he continued looking at Konan through his peripheral. She was still avoiding his gaze as if she knew he was watching, although the look on her face told him that she also seemed to be deep in thought.


Everything came to a screeching halt as Konan absorbed exactly what happened. Silence encased the room as she slowly backed away from Naruto's face. She couldn't believe that she could do something like that. How could she be so careless? Both of their faces matched each other's as shock set in the both of them.

"I... We... Naruto-san," The blue haired woman responded with a lump in her throat. How could she do this? She did the one thing that she never would have thought in a million years she would do.

She kissed Naruto.

How can that even be possible? Even the thought of doing that to the boy was unreal, so how did it come to pass? Both of their faces were flushed and there was an obvious reason why, but neither could speak their own opinion. There were many things wrong with this picture and Konan could name them off automatically. If this was Konan a month ago in this situation, she would have left an impassive face and automatically told him it was nothing, unless she just didn't allow herself to get into that position at all back then. Then again, the only other way she could have gotten this way back then would be if she were about to trick someone and kill them in order to get information for the Akatsuki. But that was then, now it was as if she was jumbled and mix-matched. On top of that, she was even blushing. She hasn't blushed since the day she professed her love by kissing Yahi-

Konan immediately jumped off of Naruto and ran outside of his house slamming his front door behind her. Naruto tried to call her back but she ignored him, completely fleeing the scene. As Naruto sat down, the earlier moments activity sat in his brain. Placing two fingers to his mouth in awe, it was as if he was trying to feel the same sensation he had when their lips met one another's.

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