Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: From the Heart

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

A/N- This is, by far, the longest chapter I have ever written. It has taken me a while to write it, not only for the longevity of the chapter, but for the sensitivity and delicateness that the contents pertained.

To SSJ3 Kyuubi Gohan: You pointed out that my story doesn't have a solid plot. Lol. Patience my friend. Certain things have to take place first. Once they do, things will speed up and many events will occur. Like I said before in a previous author's note, a bunch of things have to fall into place first before it picks up the pace. Thanks for reading by the way. J

To Ncpfan: I've taken Kurenai into consideration. :]

To El Frijolero(Formerly known as Vixenlive): Thanks for leaving constant reviews. I'm glad you like my portrayal of Konan's emotions. That's what I am aiming for.

Thoughts: 'Thoughts'

Speaking: "Speaking"

Chapter 7: From the Heart

'I don't know what's going on with me. I feel like I can't take it much more. Nagato...'

First Person View

It was another day for me. The second day of my permanent stay in Konoha. This was so confusing. Of all of the people I could have ended up being around, what was I thinking for allowing my guard to fall so low? This village despises my very existence and yet I am living in it. I knew this would happen if I ever let it get this far. That's why I didn't join Naruto in his original offer in the first place. But... somehow I am here. It was almost as if fate was actually playing with us all like puppets on strings. Was there a purpose?

I got up and started a slow pace through the forest not really thinking where I was going. I just wanted to be alone. Just being around Konoha sent shivers down my spine. The tears kept coming and coming, but it was hopeless to even try to stop them. Every attempt to seize and desist these forsaken tears only let them flow even more. I'm crying, but I don't even know why.

Konoha. Just thinking about this place makes me dizzy. It's like I am their property. What was my reason for staying? Why did I bother to even train that simple minded boy? He's so naïve with his ideals. What makes him think that he can save the world?

It made me angrier the more I thought about it. Why did I trust in him? How can Nagato put so much trust in this boy, who can't even do a fraction of what he could do? Everything about him is just so annoying. Even last night, when he treated me to ramen, He didn't even bother to use manners. What was he, four years old? Even Jiraiya-sensei had proper etiquette while he ate, while not much for anything else. He just gets under my skin. Clearly Nagato was not in his right state of mind when he thought this would work, placing that Chakra rod fragment into Naruto like that. Whatever his thoughts were, I highly doubt they were rational.

I continued walking through the forest replaying my thoughts over and over again. It was a cacophony of noise that wouldn't go away. Why stay here and help him? He is the enemy, why do you trust him? Why did Nagato end his life for this boy's benefit? I don't know why. Everything about this seems wrong. Is Naruto really the child of Prophecy? Even I couldn't figure out exactly what makes Naruto a little different from the rest. He's so childish. And that smile...

That was when I stopped my train of thought. His smile was different. That warmness it created. It seemed like his smile could brighten the whole entire village and leave a glow for days. For some reason, every time I am around him, it is as though I don't have as much to worry about. Can I honestly feel that way about someone who seems to know nothing?

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