Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: Escape

Talking: "Talking"

Thinking: 'Thinking'

Flashback: Flashback

Bijuu Talking: "Talking"

Chapter 23: Escape

It had been about an hour since Naruto, Konan, and Bee broke through the barrier of the island. They had been traveling as fast as they could to reach the battlefield and try to lend a hand to everyone that was involved in the war. It was a still a while away before they encountered anyone and Naruto felt too pressured to slow down even a little. He had to make it in time. Any extra time that was wasted could mean more lives lost.

While they were all dashing through the trees, Konan silently thought about everything that had transpired on that island. She thought about how much Naruto trained while stationed there. She also recollected the moment of rejection towards Naruto and could only sigh about it inwardly. There were a lot of things that she needed to tell Naruto, but right now, she would have to bite her tongue and wait until there was a better time, 'Maybe after the war is over?'

Naruto idly thought inside of his mind about everything that he needed to do. It was a little overwhelming to think about so much in such a short time, but he was managing. The jump through the trees at least made him slow down mentally enough to process some of it. Light flickered from his body as he jumped from limb to limb. The Kyuubi chakra illuminated the path ahead of them, so they could see their path. It also helped boost the speed that he was going, so much so that it even caused the others to trail behind him further than usual.

"Using my powers for something so trivial, eh?"

It was then, that his thought processes stopped and he appeared in his mindscape sewer. He saw the monstrous Kyuubi stare at him with his protruding fangs that seeped drool on each point. His eyes glowed a dark red that pierced even the darkest parts of the chamber.

"I've been inside of you for a long time and yet you still are so naïve."

Naruto looked up to the beast and smirked, "Hey, you're actually talking to me without trying to take my life. Are you bored or something, because I can't talk right now?"

The fox snarled in annoyance, "Do you honestly believe that you can win this war all by yourself? It would never work. Not unless... you have more of my power."

Naruto only snorted as he turned away from the Kyuubi, "Hah! I'm not falling for that old trick."

"Heh, you've gotten smarter at least."

"Honestly," Naruto said as he began to walk away, "I'm kinda busy, so I'll talk to you after the war is over."

Feeling irritation rise from Naruto's dismissal, the Kyuubi yelled, "If your comrades are killed, hatred will arise from their deaths! Do you honestly believe that you can save them all and defeat the enemies before this happens?! Do you think you can bear all of that hate on your own?" Naruto stopped walking as the fox continued, "If you truly think this way, then you'll end up just like Nagato. This war will see to it that you do."

Naruto stopped for a moment. The fox watched as the boy turned around and gave him a stare that surprisingly spooked him a little. Then, with a hoarse response, Naruto answered, "Don't act like I'm that stupid."

The fox reeled a little before shouting, "You don't understand a thing! Do you really think that you can get rid of this hatred?! The war already started and not only that, but there are already so many lives lost just from it transpiring for so long! Just think about it!" The Kyuubi said with a confident smirk, "Did you ever accomplish your goal of saving Sasuke or did it only become worse? You should know better than anyone else that Sasuke is a lost cause. You can't save him. I know you know this. Remember that time you fought each other?"

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