Chapter 6

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Hey all. It's another chapter from me. :)

Also, I am working at my own pace for the story. If people try to rush me, then I will never be able to finish it with my best. If I don't have new chapters uploaded for a month or more, one of two things have happened.

1.) I can't reach a source of internet to upload.

2.) I am in a very complex part of the story and it deserves special time to revise.

Now, onward to the story...

Thoughts: 'Thoughts'

Speaking: "Speaking"

Chapter 6: Understanding

It was morning time for the Jinchuuriki and the paper user. Dew began to slowly evaporate from the leaves and the birds chirped their songs in the wind that started the new day. The two ninja didn't really have the best night the night before because of some unusual living arrangements that had to be enforced. As it turned out, Konan had to lige with Naruto in his flat and that caused a lot of awkwardness to ensue. Konan didn't really mind the living arrangements because she would rather have a bed to sleep in than a cot in a tent like other ninja had to suffice with. Naruto on the other hand was in rejection to the arrangements and even ran down to the new halfway built Hokage tower and complained to the Godaime about it. Tsunade brought up a lot of many great reasons as to why this would be the best choice.

Luckily, Naruto's flat was one of the first things the village built again because if it wasn't, then they both would have had to share a tent together. The village was also enraged of her stay, so she couldn't live on her own. There would be many assassination attempts. Also, they will be training together because of Naruto's Rinnegan, so they would need to spend as much time together as possible, just in case something unusual happened. Their added time to each other also means they can learn from each other and build good teamwork with one another because they will need it. Plus, Konan felt obligated to stay around the Jinchuuriki anyway. Naruto mildly comlained but realized that everything Tsunade said was true. Konan didn't complain one bit. Her heart actually felt a bit calmer upon that information. It seemed the Sannin trusts Konan to be around Naruto even so far as to live with him. Wasn't Tsunade worried that something would happen?

Konan wouldn't have felt entirely comfortable staying in constant sight of the Jinchuuriki if they were to share a tent, although, not to say that she wouldn't have minded that either. If she had no choice then it was perfectly fine. It wasn't her first time having to get used to new living arrangements. It was a random thought that crossed her mind, but she still didn't like the idea of not having a room. She had one in Amegakure before battles broke loose in the city, but her place in Ame didn't matter anymore because her life was currently in the Leaf village protecting the next Prophetic child.

Of course, she remembered herself being the Amegakure Kage and fulfilling the responsibility of keeping the village safe. She actually thought about it a lot more than before, but her mind was made up about several things. The village is in no near danger any time soon because there is nothing of importance there for the Akatsuki to invade. Another thing that never left her mind was the fact that she was basically kept in Konoha against her will. Yes, she could hold her own against a few powerful Shinobi, but the village would only overpower her in the end and win. She also thought about the undeniable Will that was passed down to Naruto whenever Nagato saw him eye to eye. That will called for true peace. She almost forgot about her conditional yet unconditional protection to Naruto's well being. Conditional meaning she would get killed if she didn't follow up in Naruto's training and unconditional meaning that she wanted to protect Naruto for his passed down will and claiming him to be the true child of Prophecy. Mainly, the last part about protecting the boy was her reason for staying.

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