Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Rivalries Pt 2

Thoughts: 'Thoughts'

Speaking: "Speaking"

Revised: July 5th, 2013

Chapter 13: Rivalries Pt. 2

"That's all a LIE!" Naruto threw his hands to the bars and gripped them until his knuckles were white with strain, "Sasuke would NEVER want to be that way. You brainwashed him!"

"Oh? Are you sure there weren't any tell-tale signs of his hatred? I'm pretty sure he's always felt that way after the death of his clan," Tobi just shook his head, "Naruto, when will you ever learn that it's not all about you. Sasuke chose his path and therefore, he will walk it despite whatever you tell him. Your depiction of this Uchiha is far off than you have ever believed. All you are speaking is only what a child would believe."

"You shut your mouth you bastard!"

Naruto twisted his gaze to the paper angel. The glaze over her eyes and the sheer distaste that showed from her mouth could only prove of malice that never washed away, no matter how many days that passed her by. The memories haunted her and her regret has only further pushed her to her mental limits. This was the look of a warrior, a person raised on the means to survive. The memories of what she was before she joined Naruto and his village came rushing back to the orange haired Genin and for a moment... there was a time that he believed that maybe things would have been different had he not saved her, "What gives you the right to decide what the Uchiha wants to believe?" Konan replied in monotone, "I can guarantee that you have something to do with the Uchiha's change of heart. Just as you changed Nagato... or better yet, how you played with their emotions to gain an advantage in your sick twisted plan. I know all about it... Madara."

Tobi was amused at this woman's constant interference. Perturbed for a split second, the feeling faded as quickly as it came. However, through his musing, he was entertained by Konan's interruption, 'Interesting...'

"I didn't do anything. I only spoke the truth and let him decide on his own. Nagato was treated the same way and made up his own mind as well. He just decided on a way that benefits my plan," He replied smugly. Although, he already knew that he instigated their decisions, however minor his notions were. He couldn't have them changing their minds now could he? Not possible.

"I didn't even have to do anything to Nagato anyway. In the end, he was a fool... Although, it's not as if it really matters. He's dead, or did it just slip your mind? I could just say that maybe he was in to my idea from the get go. I could also tell you that there was a moment when he wanted you dead."

Konan flinched in surprise. Nagato wanted her dead? "That... That couldn't be possible! Nagato and I have been friends since we were little. I have never done anything to Nagato to make him hate me as you say," There was a further indention on her brow.

Tobi chuckled in a casual cackle that would only seem darker than anything else, "I suppose you're right. Nagato would never be so evil as to do something that would harm his precious person. In reality, he was too weak to even realize his own faults... calling himself a god. He even had the Kyuubi within his reach and he let him slip by just from a simple conversation. Actually, this would make Naruto the one who killed Nagato."

Konan began to ruffle her papers on her skin. They slowly began to peel off and flitter through the sky in a violent tornado. She didn't like this man's constant lies. Everything that masked man spouted was becoming more and more unbearable to hear. She couldn't understand it. Why was he causing so much pain to everyone? A fire erupted in her belly as his words churned in chaos within her mind. She turned to look at Naruto who was staring at her in concern. A piercing cold flame sparked within her eyes that would put villains to shame. She was exhausted from the fabrications. The man who started it all was right in front of her. She would make it quick and simple to end this cycle with this man here. It's the only way the world will be at peace.

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