Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Unstable Establishment

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.


It's me again. I am glad to keep all of you satisfied. :3 I have been working hard to write the story as believable as possible (as far as love goes anyway), while maintaining the continuity of the Naruto Universe. Damn! I REALLY screwed up in some translations. Thanks to Chaos' review, I will never forget the Sannin and Sennin mix-up ever again. LOL. It took me all of two seconds to realize what he/she meant. San means three and Nin means Ninja. I already knew that and I didn't put that together.*Slaps forehead* I haven't really kept myself up to date with Naruto until only recently. To be honest, when I first started writing this story, I didn't know much between chapters 300 and 570 because I sort of fell out of the Naruto phase. But now, I am current with the progress it has made and even anxious to learn what happens next.

Anyway, please enjoy chapter three of this wonderfully odd story that should have REALLY happened. LOL. :D

Thoughts: 'Thoughts'

Speaking: "Speaking"

Chapter 3: Unstable Establishment

'Maybe... I should get to know this boy.' She thought as she turned her head to the blonde-nin.


"Hm?" He replied back to her. His face was still cheeky, but it also had a look of interest as well.

"How long have I been in this infirmary?" She answered not even a second later.

"Oh. You've been here... going on three days now?" Naruto responded answering his rhetorical question and hers.

"Three days?" Konan asked herself. She has been in Konoha for three days and no one has started a riot or a mob demanding total annihilation of the girl. She was an Akatsuki member. Didn't they want her dead?

"How is this possible?" She asked in complete denial. The question caused an awkward look on Naruto as he turned sheepish and began rubbing the back of his head.

"Well," He started but then began fidgeting, "The village doesn't know yet. Only a handful of people know you are actually here, but they can't tell anybody. Not until we know exactly what to do about the situation." He finished, gazing around the room.

"Hmmm..." Was all she could say about that. It seemed as though her life was spared for the time being, but then another thought struck her.

"Nagato." The blue haired girl whispered receiving a look from Naruto who was clearing his ruminations.

"Huh?" the blonde ninja asked as he didn't quite hear what she said.

"Nagato! Where's Nagato? Did you save him from Madara?" She started back louder than ever.

Naruto looked at her, then dropped his eyesight to the ground forlorn. Konan automatically knew what the answer was from the boy's gestures alone.

"Don't tell me..." She asked the boy before it caused her to sink low on her bed and clench her fists.

"Damn it," She began, "I had everything planned to defeat him. I was ready for whatever he threw at me... and I... failed." Her voice began to quiver as she continued her rant. "I went through so many scenarios in my head, I even calculated timing between tactics... and I couldn't even protect my best friend." Her voice cracked and tears began to well up in her eyes. She had worked hard to prevent the kidnapping of Nagato's body, but all she really achieved was knowing that she was too weak to protect her last friend from the clutches of darkness.

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