Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Rivalries Pt 1

Author's Note: Always read the bottom author's note after reading the chapter.

Talking: "Talking"

Thinking: 'Thinking'

Chapter 12

"No, Naruto-kun, do it again."

"Right. Sorry, Konan-chan."

Naruto was busy practicing a new jutsu that Konan was currently teaching him. He had been doing this for quite some time during the day and he was left feeling tired and running short of chakra. He didn't know why, but he just couldn't do it. After trying again, but failing, he just fell to the ground with a sigh.

"I can't do it Konan-chan. Learning to control paper with Fuuton chakra is really hard," He replied puffing for air. Konan sighed softly while walking over to him. She could understand his difficulty for the special ability she has. It was her Kekkei Genkai and something that she treasured deeply. It's not like she learned how to master paper jutsu in a day.

"I understand Naruto-kun, but if you want to learn a new ability while gaining new tactics to use with me, then you will have to learn how to use this," The woman replied softly while lying down next to Naruto.

They became real comfortable with each other after that small talk they had the night before. It seemed they reached a middle ground and truly felt that everything was alright. With his back to the ground, Naruto looked into the clouds of the bright afternoon sky. It was so peaceful and not a soul in sight. The wind blew softly between the both of them and made it seem as if there wasn't a care in the world.

"It's so nice out here today. I wish every day was like this," Naruto said with a smile.

Konan turned her head slightly to view him. She broke out into a warm smile before looking back up into the sky, "I couldn't agree with you more."

Their gazes were fixed on the deep blue canvas as white puffs of cotton floated across the view. The trees shook softly to the rhythm of the wind and left a harmonious atmosphere upon them both. The life seemed to be so thriving and wonderful. A few moments later, a bird chirped in one of the trees leaving Naruto to sigh in disappointment.

"I think we should head back to Kakashi-Sensei. He might get concerned about us," Naruto said reluctantly. He slowly started pulling himself up, when a hand grabbed his sleeve and tugged it.

"Wait, Naruto-kun. Why don't we just lay here a little bit longer," Konan asked a little desperately.

Naruto looked back at her and saw her face before looking back to a general direction and scratching his face, "I really don't think we should keep Kakashi-sensei waiting."

He tried to get up again before Konan gripped him tighter, this time on the wrist, "But, Naruto-kun, I-"

She apparently pulled too tight and it made Naruto stumble before regaining his balance by placing both of his palms on the ground. After getting his bearing back, he realized one thing, "Konan-chan."

"N-Naruto-kun?..." He was on top of Konan in a very delicate situation. The woman looked at him with a redness to her face and a silent tongue. Naruto looked down upon her with a certain tint to his own cheeks, 'W-Wait a minute, why am I blushing? Think Naruto, You can't like her. What happened last time was an accident. AN ACCIDENT! But I'm frozen... Why can't I get off?"

That was when he looked at her face. With it being so red, it made her look so cute. She couldn't look any better. She had a natural pale complexion because of her years of staying in Amegakure, but now her skin had darkened up a bit leaving a warmer natural glow and sheen. Maybe that sheen came from being in the heat today? His eyes lowered to her lips. He tried to look away, but they were just so enticing. They were a light shade of pink that slightly sparkled in the sun. They looked so soft and inviting that looking at them only drew him closer to her face. He hasn't kissed a girl before and the only one he did kiss was the woman that was lying below him. It felt so good, so why shouldn't he do it again? It's not like she wasn't enjoying it the last time, 'But it's not right... I shouldn't do this. I-I can't control myself though. But... It's not like she's resisting. M-Maybe just a slight brush against the lips would be okay?'

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