Chapter 29

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Chapter 29: Aftermath

Author's Notes: Here we are. The final part before the Epilogue. I've been so excited to finally release this part because it's been driving me nuts. I'm so proud of myself. I'm updating frequently. I wish I was doing this years ago, but too late to cry over spilt milk now.

Chapter 29: Aftermath

(Hospital in Konohagakure)

Konan opened her tired eyes to the ceilings of what looked to be a hospital. She could feel the sterile air hitting her nostrils and remembered that she's been here before. Back in the beginning when Naruto saved her from her impending fate and brought her back to Konoha to be treated. She was surprised herself that she was saved, but it did happen.

She could feel her body hurting from soreness that seemed to permeate throughout. The war really felt like it beat the shit out of her. She also remembered how she had that ability that was given to her and the last stand that she helped make for Naruto to secure his victory. She moved her leg a little to try and get more comfortable, but this caused her to stifle a grunt of pain as she tried to adjust herself to the bed that she was laying on. Once she moved, she noticed there was a weight on her legs that didn't seem to want to go away. Looking down, she noticed Naruto laying and somewhat drooling on the covers that she had draped across her body.

Looking at the boy laying on her waist and drooling peacefully, she could only assume that the war had finally ended and that they were back in Konoha. It seems her final push to help defeat Madara was a success. She smiled as she took in this new calm atmosphere.

"It's finally over," She whispered as she looked over to the boy that was sleeping quietly on her. She brought her hand over to his hair and rubbed his scalp in a soothing manner. The feeling in her chest was exponentially warmer than ever before. There was a certain satisfaction in knowing that the war that had plagued them and the man that had orchestrated this entire charade were finally finished.

Looking down to the boy that lay on her, she smiled with lowered eyelids as she took in his features. His hair that seemed to change color over the past few months was finally back to his bright blonde color. She didn't know why, but to be honest, she would rather have his original hair color anyway.

There were so many things that needed to be said and so many questions. It was difficult to put everything in order in her head, but she needed to finally reveal what has been on her mind.


She rocked his shoulder gently as to not excite him or anything. He began to stir as he cracked his eyes open to see who woke him up. After rubbing his eyes to try and get the sleep out, he looked up and saw Konan staring back at him warmly with a full mouth smile.

"Hello... Naruto-kun."

"Konan-chan..." Naruto couldn't believe it, as everything finally registered in his head. He went from shock to happy as tears began to form in his eyes, "You're awake. You're finally awake!" He got up and went to her side and gave her a hug. Konan laughed as she hugged him back, but hissed slightly at the pain that emanated from her body.

"Oh! S-Sorry!" Naruto said as he moved backward, but Konan stopped him and kept him in the embrace. She only smiled as she kept rubbing his back.

"Don't worry, Naruto-kun. I want your hug. I don't care if it hurts a little."

Naruto smiled more as he continued to hug her. He couldn't believe it. She was finally awake after all of this time. He didn't know what to think. After another few moments they broke away.

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