Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Old Ghosts

Chapter 18: Old Ghosts



'My parents... My parents.... I miss them. I miss what it was like to have a family. I miss the cold winter rainy days where mother and I would sit by the fire while she told me stories. I miss how my father used to hold me when I got scared at night. I miss how my mother would cook delicious meals even if we didn't have much. I miss how father used to bring animals home to cook. I miss how mother used to sew 0the rain together. I miss having a normal life. Where did it all go wrong?'

It was a reality where it just wasn't meant to be, "Naruto-kun," Soon after they finished the signing, they were reversed summoned back into their home in silence. The woman looked up at the boy in their home once again. It wasn't a surprise to her when she saw the look of confusion laced in his features. To say that he was surprised was an understatement. He was hit by a bombshell far more powerful than anything he has ever heard before.

"Konan... Senju?" He replied as he sat down, "But... But that means you're related to Granny."

"Yes, it's true," Konan answered solemnly, "I can't deny it now. My last name is Senju. One of the only ones that I know are left."

The boy let that information sink in. Was she really who she says she is? There isn't a possible way is there? Why did this information come to the surface now? Too many questions roaming the boy's head caused him to rub his temple, "Konan-chan, Why didn't you say anything about it until now? I'm pretty sure it was bad, but you could have used your name to your advantage tagging along with Konoha."

"What?" The woman gasped, "T-That wasn't possible! I would have been killed!" She sat down next to the orange haired boy with her head in her hands, "You don't know how dangerous my name actually was to Amegakure. Just as quickly as the Uzumaki were slaughtered against their will, my clan was also a high value target. They gave no remorse to anyone that bore those names. It would have been the end of me had my secret gone out. I only survived by my parents secrecy. They didn't allow anyone knowing of their last names. They chose a fake name and I didn't know anything about it until I heard my mother and father fighting one night. I was lucky that my mother wasn't a Senju. I don't have the famous ability that other Senju have."

"Hey," Naruto replied while laying a hand on her shoulder. He pursed his lips in concentration, "Tell me everything."

Konan looked at him momentarily in surprise before lowering her eyes, "If you say so..."

"I mean it. Tell me everything about you. I want to know what really happened to you when you were younger," he said in conviction, "Tell me about Konan Senju."

Konan sighed in thought as she tried to put the memories together in her head. Truthfully, she never thought that she would ever have to retell her past until now. Most memories she could recall really left her feeling empty within herself. She didn't like thinking about her past at all and digging them up now started to take a toll on her, "Okay, but promise me that what is said here stays between us. You have to promise me that much," Her sight lowered as she bit her lip, "If the time comes and I want anyone else knowing, I will let them know myself."

The Genin nodded his head softly with a tug at his lips, "Okay, Konan-chan. I promise. You have my word as a ninja."

She smiled softly while gazing at him in a peculiar way, "Okay Naruto, it star-"

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Huh?" Both replied in unison.

"I'll get the door," Naruto said while heaving forward, pushing his weight up, 'I wonder who it is?'

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