Chapter 10

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A/N Sorry for the delay. Life has been catching up with me, and I have been busy. Hopefully, what happens in this chapter helps ease the tension you all have with me right now. Heh. ^^;

Now on to the story...

Thoughts: 'Thoughts'

Speaking: "Speaking"

Chapter 10: Guard and Déjà vu Part. 2

"I should have known that would turn into an interrogation," Konan thought as she walked through the dusty dirt path, "But they received what they were after, I hope."

Konan was in search of Naruto but didn't know where to look. She already searched the village and asked other ninja of his whereabouts, but none of them knew. One person said he saw him a couple of hours earlier, but that didn't matter because Konan was with him during that time. People really knew how to be clueless at times.

"I will probably never find him now. He could be anywhere," Her thoughts began to worm their way onto what happened just a couple of hours earlier. 'He looks so much like him. And just when I thought it was just a fluke that we were brought together.' She combed her hair with her slender fingers as she thought about it all. The similarities were astounding. It was as if the boy was unknowingly turning into someone to prove a point to Konan. She didn't really need any more proof after what happened the night before. When she poured her heart all over the blonde, now orange haired, boy's shirt, she then realized that maybe he could truly change everything without a doubt in her mind. If he could give at least that much comfort for the woman who would never let anyone do something as have someone lend a shoulder to cry on, then maybe she could trust him. But after seeing a recognizable hair color that she knew all too well, it set her thoughts in stone about who he truly was. "'The chosen one"'

That was when a bright shade of pink caught her eye. The pinkette was roaming up the pathway with a concerned look over something and Konan was curious. She had read up on this girl while she was still in Akatsuki and also realized that she was a friend of Naruto's, 'That girl...'

"Excuse me, Sakura-san is it?"

The one in question looked up from her daze and saw the Jounin in front of her with a semi-concerned stare, which was peculiar. Sakura didn't really like Konan for the simple fact of being an Akatsuki, but with her Leaf Jounin status and Naruto's approval of who she was as a human being, then she learned to deal with that little nagging voice, "Yes, My name is Sakura. You're Konan, right?"

"Yes," The Jounin responded with finality, "You're Naruto-san's friend, am I correct?"

Sakura stared at her impassively, but only briefly as she wondered what the woman wanted, "Yeah, why do you ask?"

Konan breathed a sigh of relief, "I was looking for Naruto-san. He left Kakashi-san's tent to look for the Godaime while I was under an interrogation, and after all of this happened, I haven't been able to find him. Do you know where he is?"

Sakura grit her teeth only slightly as she heard whom the woman was asking for, "Why are you looking for him?"

"I just have something that I need to discuss with him. It involves his Kekkei Genkai."

The pink haired girl lowered her eyes, but only for a moment. It was as if she was contemplating something. She then lifted her head; "He's talking to a couple of Kumo Ninja, just down this path."

Konan brightened up slightly after hearing his location. She had been searching for him for the last half hour and finally found out where he had been the entire time. "Thank you, Sakura-san," She replied while bowing, "You have saved me a lot of trouble."

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